The Bootcamp

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Audrey's POV

Day 1

It's Boot camp!!! I'm really excited. I'm not sure how it will be this year cause it always changed every season. I headed there early and sat in the seats. I plugged in my earphones and "gotta be you" by one direction came on. I wasn't a huge fan of them. I just liked their music. I closed my eyes and hummed along.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned around. There was Harry Styles smirking at me.

"Didn't know you were a fan of us." He said. I shrugged.

"I like your music. I can kind of connect. I'm just not a hyper girl who chases after guys in a mall, thinking that they're famous British pop stars."

"Girls do that?!?!" He asked bewildered. I laughed.

"Yes. I walked into the mall, and then heard shrieking, turned around and saw a mob of girls chasing after a guy just because he had curls."

"Wow. That's weird." I laughed again.

"Well I'll see you later. I gotta go meet with the boys. The other contestants should be coming soon."

"Kay, bye." I replied before stopping the song and just sitting there. The other contestants that made it through slowly started filing in. I walked onto the stage. Soon, the judges started walking in. Everybody just started cheering and applauding. I just smiled. I didn't get why everyone was applauding. All they did was walk in.

"Hello everybody. It's good to see you all energetic and ready to start. We decided that since all of us judges are from X factor 2010, we will repeat the procedure. Today, you will get into your groups and practice a song we chose for each. The song for the boys will be "love somebody" by Maroon 5. Girls will be singing "girl on fire" by Alicia Keys. Groups will be singing "we are young" by fun. Over 28s will be singing "haven't met you yet" by Michael Buble. Good luck everybody." Matt said to us.

I was really excited now. I loved that song. It was one of my favorite songs.

We separated into our groups. After a few hours of practicing, we were getting in front of the judges. We all lined up in a row and sang a little bit of the song. It was my turn. There were butterflies in my stomach.

Looks like a girl but she's a flame

So bright she can burn your eyes

Better look the other way

You can try but you'll never forget her name

She's on top if the world

Hotter than the hottest girl

Say, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

She's got both feet on the ground

And she's tearing it down


She's got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down

This girl is on fire

This girl is on fire

She's walking on fire

This girl is on fire

I loved singing on that stage. I was meant to be there.

When everyone was done singing their part, the girls and I walked off the stage. I hoped my performance was good enough because there were a lot of girls!


Judges decisions

"We've thought about this long and hard. It's was very difficult to make this decision. There are 20 girls staying for day 2." Matt said.

1. Terri Lark

2. Sandra Reed

3. Elodie Lawrence

4. Amelia Lockhart

... The list went on. I kept waiting for my name but it was never called. There was only one spot left. I was dying inside.

20. Audrey Grey

I walked off the stage sighing in relief. I was so scared that I would be sent home. I would never have been able to stand it. That would be too much for me to take.


Day 3

Today was the day that really counted in boot camp. It was the lasting memory basically. You could choose any song, and perform it in front of the judges. I chose "love the way you lie" by Rihanna and Eminem. I cut it short, and I would be doing some rap. This could work out well, or really bad. Truth be told, I don't look like a rapping kind of girl, but I can't let 7 years of break dancing go to waste can I?

Soon it was my turn to go on stage. I was both nervous and confident at the same time.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

That's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

That's alright because I love the way you lie

Love the way you lie...

I walked off the stage completely calm. I think I did pretty good but I'm not sure. That could have gone really bad. Either way, by the end of today, the girls will be cut by half.


Cher's POV

This was gonna be a really tough decision. There was so much talent shown on the stage. There was only one act that I was completely sure of, and that was Audrey. She was so much like me, it was scary. I can't wait for Cheryl to meet her. Cheryl will be my guest judge at judges house. I think we were all betting on Audrey. The only competition she had was probably the band; 2morrow. They were a promising boy band. They were no competition to one direction though.

The judges and I met at the table. We went through the pictures one by one. There were going to be so many broken hearts today. It was heartbreaking just for me to think about it. It was hard to cut people because I remember what it was like for me wondering what the judges would think of me. We called the contestants out.


1. Amelia Lockhart

2. Jocelyn Clark

3. Maya Henderson

4. Ashley Bret

5. Bethany Bird

6. Lauren Thompson

7. Elizabeth York

I looked at the remaining contestants. They all looked terrified. I looked at Audrey and I saw so much emotion in her eyes. Fear, excitement, hope, but most of all, ambition. She wanted it so bad.

8. Sandra Reed

9. Zoe Martin

The last spot we have for judges house is...

10. Audrey Grey

Tears started pouring out of the other contestant's eyes. They were all heartbroken. Audrey was in shock. I realized that we were being pretty cruel to Audrey. Last time, her name was said last as well.

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