Chapter 7 ~ let's bowl

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Chapter 7~ let's bowl!

You: (*you wake up an notice that your out side on your balcony, it's morning and the sun is shining in you face*) what the heck (*your still holding your plate but next to you, you see a note you pick it up and read it*) I see you still think about me ! Star! (*you cover your eyes from the sun and get up and walk in*) kahla?

(*kahla is laying on your bed eating watching tv*)

You: why didn't you wake me up!

Kahla: oh sorry you looked peaceful I didn't want to wake you! Besides why you sleep out side!

You: (*sits plate on dresser*) I fell asleep out there! (*you take the fruit tray that kahla is eating and way and eats a grapes*)

Kahla: (*looks at you*) well what ever u lucky you didn't over sleep we still have to go to The mall! (*flips channel*)

You: Ummm :/

Kahla: dang! Someone cranky!

You: yea if you slept out side in an lay out chair all night! (*stuffs fruit in mouth*) you would be to

Kahla: awww pour baby! You will survive (*gets up and digs wedgie out an walks to The bath room*)

You: uhhhh what time is it (*puts pillow over face*)

Kahla: it's 9 am

You: (*turns to the side*) i wanna sleep more (*closes eyes*)

Kahla: (*runs back in the room grabs your leg and pulls you out of bed*) oh no you don't we gotta get to the mall we meeting Demetri at the bowling ally later!

You: noo go with out me

Kahla: (*hands on hips*) as tempting as that sounds :) nooo come on (*slaps you a lil*) wake up *slap* wake up *slap*

You: (*kahla is about To slap you again*) if you slap me again 0.0

Kahla: sorry get up I'm about to get in the shower when I get out you better be ready to go in! (*peeks head around the corner*) the mall 

Opens at 10 I wanna be the first one in there!

You: ummmm (*puts pillow over head*) (*5 mins later you get up and put the little note in your drawer with the others*) kahla hurry uppp!!

Kahla: (*from the bathroom*) give me a sec!

(*soon kahla comes out and you go in*)

Kahla: well I'll jus save someone's number! (*she gets to texting*)


Kahla: hey Demetri this is kahla this is my number! Can't wait for tonight :)

Demetri: ok cool ;)

Kahla: hey diggy this is my number hit me up sometimes when you not busy! :)

Diggy: alright saved :)


Kahla:well that should do

Tv: new jaden magazine out in stores now

Kahla: omg aaaaa!! EeeeppP must get today 0.0 :0

You: (*you walk out the bathroom*) what's all the excitement all about?

Kahla: (*runs to you and squeezes your face*) the new jaden magazine is out today and I will hunt it down 0.0

You: (€.¥) can you let my face go please!

Kahla: oh sorry!! Hurry up and get dress we got a few mins left! (*runs down the stairs*)

You: alright what to wear? (*you grab an outfit out your closest and head down the stairs*)

You Remain A Myserty: Love Letters Book 2 (Mindless Behavior and Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now