Chapter 1~ note?

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Chapter 1 : note? 

(*in your room standing on the balcony talking to The sky, it's been a year since the whole mb, Jacob situation! So long that it's almost a faint memory in your head*)

(yn) = your name :) be your self


You: (*wind blowing! Dark night sky's*) DOO BLAh DOO BLAH the night sky DOO BlAh (*moves hands Towards sky*)

Kahla: (*flips threw a magazine while laying at the end of the bed*) Girl are you talking to that dang star again! (*chews gum*)

You: (*peeks head into room*) nooooo (*you say sarcastically*)

Kahla: ummm what evea (*flips page*) an take that stupid wig off (*itches head*) you making my head itch! (*chews gum*)

You: *sigh* (*come in from off the balcony and sits in a near by chair you snatch the white wig off*) 


Kahla: girl what is wrong with you (*never looks up from her book*) you talking to stars, dressing like George washington! (*chews gum more*) you still thinking bout what happen with uuuu (*smack gum*) the latimore boys? (*flips page*)

You: no its--

Kahla: omg!!! (*squeezes magazine the points to it*) look eeee here it's jaden!! EeeeppP ! Wait Whaa it say that jada anit no great parent unmm humm they trippin!!

You: (*rolls eyes*) what ever

Kahla: aye,. Aye...(*looks at you an rolls her neck*) You anit the only that be liking them super stars! Ok (*looks back down at magazine*) shoot girl i be want n me some jae-n to! (*chews gum*)

You: (*walk around the bed*) no you don't need no one like that! All they do is sit There make you happy 1 day and (*jumps on kahla*) break your heart the next!

Kahla: aaaaa !!

You: (*get off her*)

Kahla: (*holds back*) or you mean break my back!!

You: lol, yea you don't need no one like that! (*you relax on the bed with your hands behind your head*)

(*in the balcony door flys a piece of paper*)

Kahla: (*get up and closes the door*) uhhh you really need to remember to close this thing! This is the city anything can come flying in!

You: (*notice the paper on the floor and get up to get it*) hey Whats this!

Kahla: (*walks back to the bed*) probably jus some trash (smacks gum*) I told you to keep da door close! (*lays back down and flips threw the magazine*)

You: (*pick it up*) no it has some thing on it and a heart sticker ?

Kahla: *sigh* what is it (yn) (*flips page*)

You: idk you read it (*hand the little paper to Kahla*)

Kahla: (*looks at it with a stank face*) umm humm I anit touch n that I don't know where dat been

You: (*puts hand on hip*) girl read it (*hands her the paper*)

Kahla: (*rolls eye*) uggh!! Fine! (*gets up and goes into the bathroom in your room*) alright let me see

You: (*you look at her crazy*) girl what's those for (*points to gloves*)

Kahla: what?!! I don't know where this paper been (*she takes the paper and begins to unfold it*) awww they even put a little heart on it! How cute! Ok unmm (*clears throat and begins to read*) HEY I (*stops*)

You: what! Keep reading

Kahla: (*takes gloves off puts them back in the bath room. Lays down on the bed and continue reading her magazine*)

You: (*you Keep staring at her*)

Kahla: (*looks at you*) what!

You: well... Why you stop!

Kahla: girl like I said it was nothin but trash! That's all it said!

You: what!!! Lemme c that

Kahla: (*hands you the paper*)

You: (*you read*) HEY I. No no there must be something else! Like a secret message!

Kahla: (*flips page*) yea well what ever makes you sleep at night!

You: (*you set up your table light and place the little note under*) what nothin!

Kahla: told you! Got my hands dirty for nothin (*yawns*)

You: (*give an evil eye the place every thing back and lay on the bed*) well what ever!

Kahla: girl stop stressing you need to go out and have so fun mingle a little you know! (*wipes your arm*) your collecting more dust then grandmas first couch!

You: (*turn to your side*) yea maybe your right!

Kahla: good (*goes and place the magazine on the stand and jumps in the bed*) cuz tomorrow where going to c that new scary movie :)

You: 0.0 you know I don't like no scary movies!

Kahla: I know I know but you know every ones gonna be there! Perfect time for you to get out and stop being weird (*gets up and walk to a lamp while digging a weggie out*) jus close your eyes and morning will be here soon! (*cuts light off and walks around to your side. Pats your head and climb in bed*) good night sleepy head! (*whispers*) and dark creeps 3 where coming for you :) (*closes eyes and everyone is sleep*)

You Remain A Myserty: Love Letters Book 2 (Mindless Behavior and Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now