Chapter 3 ~ movie night

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Chapter 2 ~ movie night

Kahla: wake up wake up wake up!!!! (*shes jumping on you*)

You: hummm

Kahla: eww girl u gotta fix that slob and that hair child *african voice* lol

You: girl what are you doin get off of me!

Kahla: well what I have been doin is waiting all day for u to get up! And did some one knock you out in your sleep because u (*points to you*) slept all day!!

You: (*sheld eyes from the sun*) what time is it?

Kahla: five

You: in the morning

Kahla: naw girl if it was in the am I wouldn't be jumping on you right now

You: (*you sit up an knock Kahla on the floor*)

Kahla: aaaaaa (*boom!! She gets up*) rise (*open curtain*) and shine (*open curtain 2*) (*she runs into the bath room and runs the shower!!

You: (*get up and pick clothes out*)

Kahla: (*walks up hands on hips*) umm what are you doin?!

You: umm picking out clothes

Kahla: humm (*starts picking up clothes*) i love you cuz n all but you gotta stop (*stuffs clothes in drawer*) dressing like a grandpa this is the new century we 90's kids we don't dress like we jus came from a 20's play! (*slams drawer with her feet*) dang girl (*folds arms an shake head*) them latimore boys must have got your head twisted! (*walks to the bathroom*)

You: there mindles behavior and Jacob latimore more not the latimore boys!

Kahla: (*peeks head from bathroom*) what ever! (*carries clothes from the bath room*) girl I don't care if there names were snooki, dooki! And cookie!! (*throws clothes on bed*) they got your head twisted !! (*claps hands*) now chop chop!! We gotta a movie to see later!

You: so what am I gonna wear?!

Kahla: don't worrie about that! (*pushes you to the bathroom*) you just take yo funkie behind in that bathroom and freshen up chick!

You: 0.0 alright

Kahla: don't take to long!!! (*lools around room*) humm

You: (*in the shower*) {PROV~ man where could that letter come from! And why would it be sent to my room! To words HEY I? Maybe it's scrambled! Hiey ? No yeih? Yeah?! I don't know I give maybe - (*gets cut off*)

Kahla: and wash ya nasty hair!!! (*smacks gum*)

You: {PROV con ~maybe Kahla is right! Maybe it's nothin and I need I forget about the whole thing and be my self again! I anit getting any younger! PROV end} 

(*you turn the shower off grab a towel and walk into the room*)

You: alright what am I gonna where fashion police!!

Kahla: umm (*puts magzine down*) you lucky you my cuz an I love you! Or I would be taking you to jail (*walks an gets clothes off the dresser*)

You: (*you grab the clothes and start changing*)

Kahla: (*flips magazine again*) if we was in a predicament I would sell you out!

You: (*you freeze putting your pants on and look at her*)

Kahla: (*looks up*) whatt!! I'm to pretty to rot in a jail cell :) (*goes back to magazine (*a few mins later*) there now you look like somebody! Come let me fix your hair!

You Remain A Myserty: Love Letters Book 2 (Mindless Behavior and Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now