Chapter 9 ~ you wanna fight! Let's dance!

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Chaptet 9 ~ you wanna fight! Let dance!

Kahla: (*gets up and swing and hit Tish in the face they begin fighting*)

You: (*yelling at kenna*) why you puting me am her In it!!! (*kenna swings on you but miss you punch her dead in the face and you two begin fighting*)

Kel: (*pulls you off kenna*) (yn) stop!! (*sees Kenna noise is bleeding and he helps her up on the other hand kahla an Tish are still going at it*)

Demetri: aye aye!!!

Kahla: (*hits Tish in the mouth Tish hit Kahla on the shoulder soon kahla grabs Tish braids and swing her into a trash can! Before she could run to her, Demerti grabbed her*)

Demetri: stop kahla cool it!

(*inside kel helps Kenna with her bloody nose kahla comes In and grabs you*)

Kahla: >:( let's go (yn) (*demetri grabbed her*)

Demetri: wait don't go! I'm sorry!

Kahla: (*pulls always and the two of you walk home*)

(*at home you help kahla with her bruised lip*)

Kahla: I can't believe that happen! Them girls was doin to much for nothin! Jus coming up in there like they own the place!

You: yea c I told you we shouldn't have went!

Kahla: yea I know (*lays on bed*) stupid me!

You: it's ok (*you notice something on your floor*) a note again

Kahla: what does it say?

You: (*read it*) Beating up girls now that anit right but then again they wasn't nice!

Kahla: lol wow!

You: (*you sit it to the side*) I'm beat for the night!

(*you close your eyes and fall alseep*)

You Remain A Myserty: Love Letters Book 2 (Mindless Behavior and Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now