Chapter 10 ~ we got it

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chapter 10~ we got it

(*the next morning you and kahla both awoke with texts*)


Kel: hey (yn) I'm sorry about what happen yesterday I hope that you can forget that happen

You: no, I can't an who was that girl any way

Kel: she was my ex I broke up with her a month ago because she wasn't treating me right.... You know like you do

You: we'll she didn't have to come in there an start stuff! Then why she say you cheating?

Kel: because she still feels we date and hates to see me happy with someone else

You: oh we'll

Key: you not mad at me are you?

You: I really don't know what to think at this point this isn't the first time some girl has tried to hurt me because of some guy I was with

Kel: I am so sorry! Really I was having fun with you until that time!

You: umm well me to! Well I gotta go bye

Kel: alright bye (yn) <3 ;)

(*you roll your eyes and place phone down*)

Demetri: hey! You ok!

Kahla: yea I'm fine! How's your front yard

Demetri: lol hurt but it will be ok!

Kahla: lol good that girl needed it!

Demetri: yea you gave it to her! We still cool! ;)

Kahla: yea ;) talk to u latter k?

Demetri: alright bye :)

Kahla: byee Demetriiii!!

Demetri: lol bye


You: Demetri texted you

Kahla: yea but lets go eat

You: k (*you two headed down stairs and when you come back to the room you saw something that was so un believable!*)

You: OMG my necklace!!! (*it was true the blue necklace that Jacob gave you was laying in your bed it was open and there was a note*)

The kept secrets that must be releasd there's no more thinking about bad memories

Its ok to start brand new a new face will surely awaken you

You: (*you pick up the neck lace and c that Jacobs face was no longer in it!*) but how!

Kahla: 0.0 didn't you say the necklace was lost in the sea when you an that girl was fighting?

You: yea but how (*you pull out all the letters you have recieved you and kahla spend the whole night trying to figure out what the message was!*)

Kahla: omg I got it look at this! (*she moves the little notes around and then it read*)


Hey (yn)

By this time you have figure out the puzzle all together! That star has always guided you to every answer! What we had will always remain even if you an I aren't the same! Were not very near but not far ethier! I hope i haven't freaked you out! Now You found out the secret but my identity must rename unspoken! I miss you


Kahla: omg that is sooooooo cute!!!!!

You: omg we figured it out!!

Kahla: yeaaa no more stalker

You: yea but who sent it (*you an kahla look at each other*)

Kahla: I dont know they said it must remain unspoken so let's leave it at that! (*she climbs into bed*)

You: (* you follow behind her but you hold the paper and the heart necklace like never before*)

You Remain A Myserty: Love Letters Book 2 (Mindless Behavior and Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now