Chapter 1

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At first I want to say, that this is my first Fanfic I've ever wrothe and my Enlish isn't the best, so I hope you'll understand. Have fun reading it!!!

you're a 17 year old girl with red hair and grey eyes. You live on earth and go to the same school as Star and Marco, but you're working for Ludo at the same time! Surprise!!! Your mom is an Human beeing unlike your dad. Your dad is actually a Monster from Mweni. He has a special abillity. He can change his form, that means that he can turn into everything he wants. EVERYTHING! So as his daughter you have these abillyti too, but you can't realy control them.

Y/N = your name

now let us start your adventure!

You're at Ludos castle, because he infited you over to have a verry important meeting with him. So while you're waiting for him you look out of a window, with a scenery outside that was more than just beautiful. While beeing under monsters you're walking around in your monsterform, of course.

Now you don't look like a human, no you actually look like a humanized cat, rather like a humanized lynx. You have two bautiful lynx ears, a fluffy cattaile, klaws, cateyes and  fangs. So you're like these fairy tale creatur in the Japanise animes. Dreamy you look out of the window, your mind fillted with stuff that bothers you.

Then a cold and calm voice tore you out of your dreamwold:                                                              

"Good evening. I asume that you are Dan? Lodu told me to bring you to his office." you imidiantly turn around and foud yourselfe looking at a tall lizard man. You've never ever seen him before, so you asume he must be a new guy. You looked at him skepticaly before you ask him: "And...who are you?". While looking into his yellow eyes you noticed something odd  about him, but you can't really explain it. Then after  a pause he respons to your question you asked him:                                                                                     

"You may call me, Toffee."."What a sweet name for a lizard man like you", you giggel cheeky. But he just ignores you and walks through the hallway to Ludos office and you follow him.

When the two of  arrived at Ludos office door, Toffee knocks at it and then opens it. "I brought her with me.", he imidiantly saiys when he enters the room. "Verry good.", Ludo responds from his trone of pillows. With your hands on the hips you also enter Ludos room, then  make  youselfe comfortable on the ground. In your monsterform you don't really like chairs, so you prefer the cold, but also comfortable ground. Ludo was alread used to it, but Toffee looks at you bewildereds. But he doesn't mentioned it and gess that you're fine with sitting on the ground. (the ground your only friend xD) "now, ", Ludo starts while looking at you. "You may ask yourselfe why I called you." "No, I actually don't", you commet and grinz at Ludo. Irritateds he looked at you, but then he  continues "so... as you can see we have a new employee,-" "Nope, I don't see anyone, just you.", you disrupt Ludo again and suppres a laugh. While Ludo is loosing his patience, Toffee is just looking at you with a look that says:

are you serious. "Just shut up and listend Dan!"(you have an fake name. You dont want the monsters to know his real name,'cuz your afraid that they could mention your real name by accident in front of Star.) , Ludo shouts at you. "yeah, yeah, I'm listening", you replied and race your hand in the air, acting all innocent. Ludo proceed angrily:                                                                                                                                                             

"So, since he's new, someone needs to assistance him. Then I thought that you would be the perfect one to help you. So from now on you'll be his servant, kind of a servant... more a helper....or.." annoyed you look at Ludo and interrupt him " Yea, yea got it sevant....again." you say a little more quietly, but then you get up and cheer "So let's go! We probably have a loooooot to do...I gess." You looked at Toffee suspiciously, 'cuz you don't really trusting him and than walk out of Ludos office. Toffee than follows right behind you.

When the door's shut you stare at Toffee and growl :" So, what are you planing" Toffee throws a side glance at you and replys "What do you mean?".He races an eyebrown. You grinz: "For me you look  like someone who has a plan. I mean no intelligent monster woul work for Ludo freely! Only the Monster who need a home, but you don't look like one" smiling at him you wiggle with your lynxears and waiting for his reaction. After a pause he smiles at you "I don't know what you mean." than he turns his back to you and asks you with his cool and kida sexy voice: "So would you pleas show me the casle, my 'sevant'". You smile at him and crossed your armes 'So he has humor'. You walks pass him and snap him with your cattale on his snout: "Follow me. Oh yeah, and you can call me Dan."

Toffees POV

After 'Dan' showed me the castle she brought me into my room. I have to admit, she's a smart girl.                                                                                                                                                                                          

1. She didn't told anyone her real name in this castle                                                                                      

2. she watches everyone in detail in the castle                                                                                             

and 3. this litlle brat coul ruin my plans.                                                                                                                    

She isn't like the other dump monster in this castle, she's on a way higher level than them. But if I can gain her trust she might be handy for me. I smile while I go into the bathroom to fresh myselfe when Dan rushes into my room and cryed out: "TOFFEE!" "What?" I calmly turned around and looked at her annoyed, 'cause she just walked into my room without even knocking. "So what do you want?" I ask her. But she just looked at me and then responds flirty: "Woa! Hot looking there Toff." I look at her kind of confused, but then I notice that I've tooked my jacked and my tie off so that I only had my shirt on with the first two buttons open. Dan giggles at me, but than comes over to me with her hand on her hips and askes me chilly: "So what do ya wanna eat?" "Eat?", I asked back. She nods "Yes, eat! That's my job! And that's actually all I do here. I'm only the cook. Nothing more.... ordered by....LUDO.", she hisses, while mumbeling to herselfe. She seems to be upset at the fackt, that her only job is beeing the cook. "So that bothers you?",I ask her calmly. "you have noooo idea...", she growls at the ground, while leaning at the wall with her arms cossed.

But then she switch back to happy and jumes over to me "Sooooo.... what do ya wanna eat!", she asks me again. "I can do absolute everything you want!! EVERYTHING!!!" she shines at me. I look down at her and and push her away from me with my tale, 'cause she was to close to my face now. After thinking a while I answers "Realy....everything?". I race an eyebrow and smile at her mischievously.

"Everything!", she repeats while looking at me seriously.

Toffee x Reader:  Red RoseWhere stories live. Discover now