Chapter 4

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Your POV

After you went through the portal you stood in a big living room. It was your lovely, good, old home. "Dad! I'm back!" You shouted out happily. The living room you were standing in was quite big and kind of messy whit all the fur and stuffed animals, witch were put on the wall. I was like a hunters little living room only bigger. "Oh, hi bunny. You're back already." A wolf-cat like monster came out of the kitchen smiling at you. "Hi dad." You waved at him and made yourself comfy on the couch. "So," you dad started and sat down next to you. (Imagen he's as big as Rastecore and has a little bit higher voice than him) "how was your day, tiger." He lent back into the couch grinning at you. "Well," you started. "What can I say, being a cook of a dumb monster... there's not much to say." You smirked back at your father. "But there is on thin that might be news for you." Your father looked at you in surprise and asked you eagerly. "And that would be...?" He moved closer to you like a dog who wants to get pet. "We have a new guy working with us and he's quite an interesting monster, too. He's way more intelligent than the other monsters in the castle." You hopped up and down on the couch like a little bunny. You father looked at you in surprise and thought a bit for long time. "What's his name?" He asked you mysteriously. "uhhh...I don't know...I think it was something with F, but I didn't actually cared." You said that like it was nothing of a big deal.

Your father wanted to ask you more about this new monster when your mom came in with a plate full of spring rolls (Asian snack). She had black hair and gray eyes. She looked like an Asian and she actually was. (Her father was American and her mother Asian) "Oh hi sweetie. Didn't knew you were already home" your mother said to you while putting the spring rolls on a small table. Than she looked up to your father looking at him in enjoyment. "Lade (your fathers name) , how many times do I have to tell you to give Y/N a little space when she comes home from work? Let her some time to calm down and let her chill." Your mother poked Lade on his snout, grinning at him. "Oh~ Carly (mothers name. Actually Carlet), you know that I have to ask her about it. I'm her father and she's my cute little devil. I have to know everything she does. And what if this new guy tries to steals her away from me?!" He smiled at Carlet and pulled her into a gentle hug, rubbing his head against her cheek. "Little??" You asked him looking 'shocked' "I'm 17 Dad! And I'm not that little anymore!" You playfully snapped your tale on his shoulder. "Yeah yeah, I know" he rolls his eyes but then whispers to Carlet "she's still my little girl." "Dad!" You looked at your dad in amusement. Then your mother looked at you and said "By the way, Y/N could you please bring these spring rolls to Mr and Mrs Diaz? Yesterday they've made us some delicious Doritos, so it would be nice if we would make them something, too."

You jumpped up, toked the plate with the spring rolls. "I'm on my way, sir" you held your hand up to your head like a solider and walked out of the door. Since the Diaz were your neighbours you hadn't to walk that long. When you were at the main door Star and Marco showed up and noticed you. "Oh, hey Y/N" Marco smiled at you and walked to you "what are you doing here?". "My mom wanted that I bring you guys those spring rolls as a little thank you for the delicious Doritos you've made for us" you kindly smiled back at him bit then you had noticed Star standing next to him. "You must be Star, right? The new exchange student." You looked at her in amusement and thought to yourself 'so this is the princess of Mewni, hu? More like a natural mess'. "Yes! That's me! Star Butterfly! Nice to meet" "Y/N. Y/N L/N" you said and shooked her hand "nice to meet you, too". "Oh Marco!!!!! How about we play a game to get to know each other!!!" Star said and hugged me. "Pleaseeeeee!!" She made the puppy eyes. "Yeah, but only if Y/N is fine with that." Marco took Star and freed me from her embarrassing hug. "Sure, why not. You know Marco, you always can make friends no matter with witch coast." I grinned at Maco and winked. "yeah, you're right!!! That's what I always say!" Star cried out happily and jumpped up and down. "We are going to be best friend for evaaaaaar! Hehehe." Star took my arm and dragged me into their house. "You're going to die Y/N" Marco laughed and followed you two into the house. "As if!" You laughed back at him and put your chin on Stars head. "I think it looks like me and Star are soulmates!" As you said that Star nodded and asked "so what are going to play? How about truth or punishment?" Star looked at Marco whit a huge smile on it. "Uh..I don't really think that this a good idea. You remember what happened the last time?" Marco stared at Star in warning. "Yeah yeah, I know, but it wasn't that bad. But we could play the earth version of that. Truth or dum...dar..dem..?" Star looked at the ceiling, trying to remember how the game's called. "Do you mean 'truth or dare' ?" I helped her. "Ah! Yes truth or dare!" She jumped on the couch and laid with her head down to the floor on it. "Let's go to my room! And play it there!!!" She twinkled at Marco with her big blue eyes. "Uh, Star I don't know if this is...." he rubbed his head when Star interrupted him. "C'mon Marcooo! Nothing bad can happen! We are going to have a loooot of fuuuaaan!" She ran to Marco and poke him on his shoulder. "Well, I wouldn't be so sure~. With me this game actually could get 'bad'~. You grinned at Star and Marco and they laughed. "Hehehe, gooood one Y/N." Star chuckled and tooked your and Marcos arm so that she could take you up to her room. After you were in Stars room she closed the door and turned right back to us. "Now... LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!!" Star screamed in enjoyment. She started to run around in her room and placed pillows with her magic on the floor. "Make yourself comfy!" Star dropped herself on one of those pink pillows which were lying on the ground. You sat down and grinned at Star. 'What a cute little butterfly. Soon she'll be trapped in my web of sugar candy.' You thought and laid back on the floor. "So, who starts?" I asked cool. "Wait a sec.!!!! We can't start jet!!! We first have to make little notes with questions on it!!" Star jumped up and rushed pit of the room. "Typical Star..." Marco looked and you witch a smile on his face. For a moment both of you said nothing, but then you asked him "so...what happened the last time when you played this other version of truth or dare?" You moved closer to him. "Ehhh...well." he rubbed the back of his head. "The last time we played it with this weird box-thing. It was called the box of punishment...and it could see if you were lying or not. And, well. Thinks kinda got out of hands." He stared into the distance and blushed a little. "Lemme guess, Jacky was there?" I evilly grinned at Marco and he glanced at me. "Pha! Jacky...hehe noooo. you....yes. She was there..." he turned his head to the side and looked at the ground in embarrassment. "Hahahaha, oh man, Marco! There is no need to feel embarrassed! We know each other since you were a baby! And I was your babysitter for 6 years. We're like soulmates." You laughed and put your hand on Marcos shoulder. Marco is like a little dude for you. The little karate-boy from the neighbourhood. "Thanks, Y/N." He giggled and turned his head back to you. Than Star finally came back with a box of questions and 'dares' card. "Nowwww. Who wants to start?" She cried out and sat down. "Lady first and with that I mean me." You grinned at Star and and Marco "And I choose...truth." after you said that Star took out one note out of the box with the word 'truth' on it. Marco and Star read it it and then Star turned to you and told you the question.
"Have you ever killed a bunny?" Star looked at you and than at the paper. "Hmmm....I don't know why I've written that question?" Then she turned back to you with an eyebrow reached "You've never killed.a bunny before, have you??" Star asked like it was obvious that you haven't...but..well you did. "No, I never killed a bunny before and I also couldn't! They are so adorable and cute creatures." You lied easily and laughed. "Great!! But I think the answer was easy! So Marco you go next..."

*Time skipping*
You were back at your home again and you laid on the bed. After you played that childish game with Star and Marco you decided to go buy one of the boxes of truth and punishment. So you lay on the bed with that box and tried to make some few changes on it so you can choose the questions that this think should ask the people, but it was hard to manipulate it. "Fuck this shit..." you cursed and put the box away. Then your phone mirror ringed. "Uhh...what now?!" You went of your bed and tuned it on, only to see a grumpy Toffee poured over whit toffee cream. "Phahahaha!" You laughed out in amusement 'cuz he really looked funny and like an idiot. "You...hahaha....look...phahahaha... sweet. Whar happened to you...hahahaha!" You just couldn't help it. He just looked so hilarious and your stomach started to hurt 'cuz of you laughing too much. "Oh, I don't know, tell you me." Toffee didn't looked happy, that's for sure, bit he also didn't looked mad or angry. No, he looked rather amazed. "Well, let me guess..." you grinned at him mischievously "a bucket of toffee cream landed on you". "Yes, that's exactly what happened. And I'll be thankfully to hear how you did that?"
He looked whit his deep yellow eyes into your grey one. "Well...I had put a bucked on the ceiling that should fall down when you stood right under it...that it?" You raced an eyebrow and grinned at Toffee i amusement. "Uh, no, I didn't meant that I was talking about-"
"Yes Toff! I know what ya meant! I'm only messing whit you! You should know that, dummy." You jumped up and down in amusement and clapped whit your hands. "It was a bit hard to do this little surprise for see you standing in toffee cream right in front of me....that was worth it..phahaha!" you just couldn't hold it back any more. He just looked hilarious! "Dan, please. Focus." Toffee didn't looked amused at all. He was annoyed by your childish behavior and had his eyes focused on you. "Wow, it's fine. Don't be such grouch!" You raced your hands in defense and walked a step back. You have to be honest, Toffee actually looks dangerous if he gets serious and he's that all the time. "So like I said, it actually wasn't that hard. You only had to calculate all the possible ways your target could dodge and fill them up whit traps so you couldn't go there and always let one way were he's save for two seconds. So I actually only let you go one possible way and at the end the timing would decide if you would get the toffee cream on your head or not. So it actually was random at the end. The bucked could fall on you or not and luckily it did!" You grinned at him through the mirror and let yourself fallen on your bed, which was right behind you. "I have to say, I'm impressed. You've put that up in such short of time and all the weapons you've used." You could feel how his cold yellow eyes were fixed on you and a shiver ran over your back. You have to admit, he is scary. But whit a light smile on your face you turned back to him and said "Pha! As if I would use real weapons! Ludo would kill me if I use them and on the other side it would have been so difficult to do that parcour whit real weapons!" You laughted and sat on your bed now. Silence. Toffe stared at you, but you couldn't figure out what he was feeling. But only the fact that he stared ar you....well...that doesn't matter. And after a while he started "So does....that mean..." "Yup!" You responded easily. "Those weapons, they're fake! I've made them by myself. It actually was made for a Role Play I once had whit some friends...nothing too special." But then you brust out into laughter knowing what this ment "Phahahaha!! really though they were real?! Hahahahaha...just...haha..amazing!" You could see how anoyed Toffee was and it was really funny for you, since you're a little devil. "Are you finish?" He asked you with a bored expression on his face. "Yes...I think so...oh wait! There's more!!" And you started to laugh again, but this time only to annoy him more "Ok, I'm done." You said after 5 min. of laughter. "So, since this is settled then I would like to hear if you've made any progress on spying on our little princess." As he said so, you had noticed that his expression changed into a dark one as he said out  'princess'. And you did not like this dark expression. It had something really bad about it. Really bad. "W-well..." you started looking at him in curiosity "I did talked whit her and I've get to know her a bit, but I'm not that far jet, of course." You reported, but then looked up to the box of truth and punishment "Butt, (Joke!) I've found out something very interesting and I'm already working on it! Oh it is going to be brillant!" As you said so your cat tale flaped on the bed all the time and your ears moved in amusement. Grinning you looked at Toffee. "My, my. Looks like I've choosen the right persone, or, well monster for this job." He had a light smile on his face as he said so. Then your mother called you for dinner and bothe, you and Toffee looked to the door. "Well, I must leave now, off I go Toffee cream~" you smired at him and he just rolled his eyes and nodded short, then the mirow went off. You jumped off fom your bed out of the room to get dinner.

I need u help!

If someone has an idea for this book, then writhe it down in the comments, plz!!!!! I would be really glad.....muffin.....


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