Chapter 6

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There you are, standing right in front of the castle. You managed to get past some of the guard at the entrance and sneak into a rose garden close to a big purple tower. The garden you were in looked rather old, like it hadn't been used for ages. You know that there was a door that lead to the inner part of the castle, thanks to the map Toffee gave you. So you started looking around that place in search for it. You were really excited since you knew how dangerous all of that would be if the mewmans would find you. But luckily you were a changeling...sooooo you could handle it! Since the 'toffee like lizard' gave you a picture of a normal house maiden, you could just turn into one of them and get close to that silly Queen. It was as easy as that! You just had to change into the maiden on the picture, but the one problem you had was that you needed their uniforms. Yes, you could turn into other female your age, but you could not change your clothes with it...sadly. Sooo you had to somehow get one of these maiden clothes and that wasn't so easy. Finally after a decade you found the secret door that lead into one of the big castle halls. You looked around the big white hall and thought you had to puke! I mean look at that! It's all so clean an...uh...serious. Just one look into the rooms and you sure wanted to go back! But now it was not the time to think about all the disgusting things they had in here, after all, you had a mission! You needed to find out where to get these uniforms and then your real job could start! For safety reasons you turned into your human form, which is actually just you, but with no lynx ears,tales and all of that. Buuut, since you had normal stuff on you might want to be a bit more sneakier. No one was allowed to see you, so you hushed through the halls and passed some guards that were supposed to guard the castle halls, but were playing cards instead. Such idiots..... it was sooo easy...a little bit too easy for your taste. You might get an unease feeling because of how easy it was to walk around this castle without getting noticed! You literally could just stroll in the halls and be as noisy as you want; no one will come and check on you! Still, you tried to stay serious and hidden until you reached your destination. There was a small laundry room in the 5th floor, where there might be maiden dresses. Again, thanks to the map you had it was easy to orientate on where you were and so you searched for the stairs that lead from the 4th floor to the 5th. In a rush of excitement you quickly ran up and made your first you ran down the hall to finally got to that laundry room you suddenly bummed into someone. A woman. You were shocked, because you had a really bad feeling about who it could be... You tried not to panic, because rigth now you needed to stay focused. You had to stay calm to quickly strike if necessary and make up a lie why you were in the castle. Now you slowly took a step back and looked at the woman you bummed into, wishing it was not the one you thought it would be. But as you did so you were immediately pinned against a wall with someone grabbing your neck. You didn't know what just had happened and tried to get free, defend yourself. As for now you didn't showed much attention to your enemy, but as your attempt to get free failed you finally took a look at the threat. A beautiful woman with blond long hear bound into a bun stared at you with a mighty glare. Her left eye was covered from her hair so that only her blue right eye was fixed on you. Her look was cold and cruel like you were only a nasty little fly that annoyed her. Her grip on your neck was harsh and strong, unlikely for a maiden. You sure knew that she was one, since she wore a black servant dress...but not the one normal maiden would wear. From the look of her uniform she looked more important that the others, it seems. But one thing that triggered you most was her look...well rather her eye that was fully fixed on you. It was so...cold, cruel and somehow it felt like she was able to see the light panic hidden in your eyes, which you were trying to hide so badly. She was enjoying it. You sure noticed how her hard and serious expression faded lightly and instead a light evil smile crawled up her lips. The blond woman bend forward and whispered dangerously in your ear. "My, my. What do we have here~. A cute little monster spy..." Though you tried to say calm you sure shock up as you heard what she said. You shivered slightly by the sudden soft touch of the maiden. Where in the hell did she knew that you were a monster! You weren't in your monster form and second of all; She knew you were a spy! Guess there are some smart Mewmans after all...still you shouldn't joke in such a sticky situation. You wanted to say something but were immediately cut of by the maid "Tell me...what am I to get, if I don't blow your cover~?" You still were so stunned by this situation, that you had no idea how to response to that question. "Uh..I..I...." You stumbled, not knowing what to actually say. Your eyes were way too much fixed on the maidens grin she wore on her face and about her one eye that looked to cold and dangerous... it was just like the cold yellow eyes of the Lizard that had send you to this place. You ended up saying nothing to the blond woman in front of you. No you just kept staring at her. Then the maiden let you go and put her hand on her hip, smiling. "Tze, never saw a beauty like me?~" The person in front of you chuckled and titled her head in a more bored way than actually planed. "Sarah, is everything fine with you? Are you talking with someone?" It was the voice of the most hated person of all monsters; Queen Moon herself. "Oh great..." The maiden mumbled and her face immediately turned into an annoyed one and disgusted. "There is nothing my Queen. I was just talking to myself." Even tho her look on her face was filled with hatred, her voice sounded as sweet as honey. So charming and nice... And then as some footsteps came closer the blond woman pushed you into a side room in the hallway and closed the door. You fell to the floor and were still stunned by this woman's appearance. She was a..mewman...a mewman just helped you to not get find out by the Queen... It was all to absurd for you! Why would she help you!? And how did she knew you were a monster and why did it seems like she also hated Queen Moon and who is she and...?! You had so much question shooting up and your mind was filled with many of them! You stayed quiet tho, to eavesdrop on the conversation that was going on outside the hallway between that mewman maiden and the Queen. "Is everything at the best Sarah? You look so troubled. Did something happened?" the Queens voice was to hear from the other side of the door. "Do not worry about me. I was thinking out loud, since there's still much to be done. I'm quiet worried about Star, now that she's on earth..." her voice was just as soft as before, as she talked to Moon and you bet she also wore a fake smile on her face. Probably she now looked like a sweet soft kitten and not like a cold devil that had just threatened you. You held your right ear close the door so you would be able to hear everything better and maybe there were some information that you could get for Toffee. "I know how you feel...I feel the same way's just that she doesn't act like a proper makes me worry..." Moons voice sounded in thoughts and in worry as she told the maiden, which name used to be Sarah, but you had a feeling that that wasn't true... "Yes my Queen. I will stay in contact with her to see if there are any trouble and as your personal adviser I will do everything to help her grow up to a proper Queen when something happens to you." It was unbelievably! That maiden that has just caught you was the Queens personal adviser?!?!?! Oh boy, and the things she just said were so overkill! If you wouldn't know it better, you would also have fallen for the sweets soft words of hers. You kept listening on their conversation, but didn't found anything interesting that would help you and after some minutes the Queen left the hallway, but the maiden stayed where she was. After she made sure that the Queen was gone she opened the door to the little side room you were in. You took a step back and kept your eyes on the maiden, which one eye was, again, fixed on you. There was an awkward silence between the two of you. While you thought about many possible ways to escape and studied that person in front of you closer, she seemed really relaxed and in thoughts. You waited for her to say something, but then you took a look at your surrounding and the room you had been pushed in. Only now you noticed that this was the maidens laundry room, in which you wanted to go to get these maiden uniform. "Here." the maidens cold voice cut you off, because you'd been looking around and totally forgot that she was in here with you, too. Something flew into your face and you jumped up a bit, because you weren't prepared for something like this to happen. Something...soft landed on your head and as you removed it to see what it was. It was...a black dress? You blinked a little and then looked up to the blond maiden. She just smiled...mysterious and gazed at you with a cold and distant look when she said "You must be working for a really mad monster if you were ordered to sneak into this castle..." and then she just left you in the room with saying nothing more. She just let you in this room. You were really confused about her behavior? Why...would she do that? She was a mewman! Mewmans don't help monster....right? You looked down at the dress she'd thrown at you and you noticed that it was the maiden uniforms you wanted to get anyway. Even tho you still didn't knew what had just happened you quickly put on that dress so you could continue your actual job. Even tho that blond woman was still on your mind you tired as hard as you could to focus on your mission...but you just couldn't because there was one thing about that woman that you just couldn't ignore! You had to be honest...that maiden... she looked goddamn hot! I mean her body and her skin! That gaze and oh...those... achem... I think you know what I mean. The entire time this thought was in your mind as she was in front of you. The first time you saw her you were absolute sure that she could have been out of a porno movie. You actually didn't really had listened to all the things she said to you, because you were way too much focused on the thought how someone like her could looked so sexy!! You shook your head and tried to focus again. GODDAMN (Y/N)!! You had a mission to fulfill! You weren't here to check out hot maidens! You had to get some handy information and then get out of here! Finally, after some minutes you found yourself again and headed out of the room to finally do your job. Now it was way more easier to walk around the castle and on top of that you could finally change your appearance. You now looked exactly like the maiden on the picture Toffee gave you. So...lets get some information shall we...?

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