Chapter 3

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Quik anouncment:

I've changed the time in this chapter. So usually I would write this one in the present, but that doesn't sound right to me, so I'll change the rest of the storry into the past.

Sorry about that! Stupid author-chan ^-^

Your POV

After you had your little smalltalk with Toffee, you had decided to to talk with the other Monster. You knew them all very well so you didn't worried about getting hated by them, I mean they all like you, kind of...except for Buff-Frog. He hated you, because you're the prankster in this castle and also know as the evil maniac. I haven't mention it yet, but you're a badass....surprise! He once  catch you when you tried to drown a cute little bunny just for fun. But please, you're a cat. That's nature. So as you went to the other monsters you saw Buff-Frog in the corner of the room watching you. You smiled and walked to him 'cuz he seemed pretty lonely

"Hey there Yvgeny Bulgolyubov." you smiled at him and waved with your hand. He may hate you, but you don't actually care. you like him he's nice, but sometimes also...annoying, just like you! 
"Do not talk with me, strange cat girl" he grumbled while crossing his arms. "Oh come on Buff-Frog. Are you still angry at me 'cuz I tried to kill that bunny? I'm a cat. That's normal." You lifted your hands up, acting all innocent. "You broke leg of cute bunny and held it into water while laughing..." he responded grimly. "Uhhh....good point, but that doesn't mean that I'm a bad monster? I would never harm one of you guys! Right?"
You playfully looked at him, trying to look like a little child, that didn't knew what was right or wrong, to get his compassion. "You play nasty tricks with us, you call 'pranks' " he replied quick-witted. "But in the end you guys always laughed at them and have fun" you giggled. Then looked at him kind. "You're right. Sorry for being so nasty to you...I mean you monster after all, like us." Buff-Frog rubs his head and apologized. Then he walked to the other monsters. "That was easy" you whisper to yourself, with an evil smile on your face. Then you walked out of the area talking to yourself "time to kill more bunnies." (Imagine you're saying that really evil). But what you didn't knew was that Toffee stood near to your position and heard your conversation with Buff-Frog.

Time skipping

"You may wonder why I gathered you around?" Toffee spoke in his deep voice to the monsters. "Noooo! We don't...well I don't" you yelled at Toffee with a big smirk on your face, while you lay on a bar under the ceiling with your ears up and your tale waved back an forth. But Toffee just ignored you, focusing at the monsters again. He explained them how they're going to trick Star with those fortune cookies. You've already asked Toffee if you could go with him, but he shocked his head explaining why you couldn't come  with  them "I still need you as my spy. If Star recognizes you she know that you're a spy in the first place."
So you were laying on the bar watching them going trough the portal. Now it was quite in the castle. If they would come back you'd already be gone 'cuz you have to return home since school starts tomorrow.  But before that you will have a little bit fun. Giggling you jumped down of the bar, preparing all kind of pranks for the monsters when they come home to cheer them up. After you setted up 25 prankster-traps you waled up to Toffees room. You asked yourself what kind of prank you would play him. Then, as fast as a lightning strikes, you had an evil idea. You know that Toffee was different from the other monsters, so you had to do something more than just a prank. After 45 min. Of hard work was done you grinned at that masterpiece you've made. By entering the room nothing will happen at first but then a bunch of weapons will fall down at Toffee and then a parkour will start where he has to dodge the weapons that will aim for him. And if he'll survive all of that, a little price will wait for him. You took out your dimentinoal scissors and cut a portal into the air, to go home to the earth-dimension.

Toffees POV

After we went back from our missions, tried to steal Stars wand, but failed, all of the monsters were upset or sad. And Lodu, well... actually looked really happy. Even tho we've lost. "Oh Toffee! That was brilliant. We have to celebrate this special day with some swamp-water!"
Ludo looked up to me in adornment.  "Come with me in my office. We have things to discuss." Then he turned back to his monster "well....exceptionally you can go to the kitchen and eat some pudding, but only one cup!" His monsters smiled happily and walked to the kitchen. "Now then, let's go Toffee." He went ahead to his office with me following him. When we reached the door he stopped. "Whats wrong?" I asked him waiting for him to open the door. "Well.." he started looking up to me. "I'm not sure if I should enter....I mean Dan...sometimes...uh.." he shook his head and then took all his srtength to open the door. But when he opened it a hairy puppet fall down right in front of us and sound effects started to play with a voice saying "I'm gONinG To tiCkle yOu tO deATh!" I just looked at it in boredom while Ludo actually seemed to be pretty afraid of it. "Uhaa!" He jumped back and hid behind me. "Please...." I whispered to myself, removing the puppet into a garbage can. "I assume that this was made by Dan?" I asked Ludo with looking down at him. "Well, of course! That little demon does that every time, when we get back! It's just..I don't know. But anyway.." he walked to his desk, where a bottle of swamp-water has already been put there and hands me a glass of it to drink. I took it and cling glasses my glass with Ludos while listening to what he said. "That was the closest we've ever come! But that girl always gets the best of me" when he said that, I walked to the window looking at the Mewni castle, responding "yes well, you're not the first monster to fall victim to their magic." "Thinks will get different when I get the wand!" Ludo laughed and acted like he would have the wand and shoot laser beams. Then I looked back outside of the window.
"Well, I guess I get going to my room." I suggested and put down the glass on his table. "Oh, yeah yeah do that." He waved with his hands. But when I walked out he quickly reminded me "And watch out when you go into your room! Dan might have set a trap." I nodded and went out of his office. I walked down the hall and went to my room. When I stand right in front of it I paused. 'A trap, hu' I thought while looking at the door. Then I opened it, expecting that something would happen. Nothing happened at first, but then I heard some cracking and looked up to my left. A big ax swung down at me. I quickly moved to avoid it and as soon as I did other weapons fell down at me. It was a parkour of dodging weapons and arrows shooting out of nowhere. I easily dodged them all and noticed that there was always one opening where you would be safe from weapons for 2 seconds. At first it was easy for me to dodged the swords, arrows and other weapons which were aiming for me. To be honest, I was quite keen about Dan. 'Cause she set this all up by herself and as farest I came, as difficult it got. Then even I had to watch out, trying not to get hit by any weapons. I almost got hit  by an arrow witch was flying past my face. After I finished the parkour, with all the weapons that aimed for me lying on the ground behind me, a bucket filled with toffee cream fell down at me. The toffee cream was poured all over me and when I looked up I've noticed a piece of paper had bee sicked on the wall. 'Now you're just as sweet at as your name's says. -Dan" For a second I perplexed starred at it. Not because I was poured in toffee cream, no. It was because I was amazed of what Dan has done. She planed this parkour so exactly, that at the end I stand right here...  no matter witch way I would have chose to dodge the weapons, in the end I would have always ended up standing here. But to be honest....I also were kind of grumpy with the fact, that I was poured in toffee cream. I walked to the phone-mirror on the other wall to call Dan.

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