Chaper 2

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If ya want, you can check me out on Deviantart. This picture is from me: firemoonxd4 from Deviantart

Now let's continue:

Your POV

You went with Toffee to the kitchen to make him some food. He challenged you by asking if you can cook everything and you tooked the challenged on! So you both are in the kitchen now, standing in the doorframe. Toffee had allready told you what you should cook for him. Luckily you know how to make that kind of food, but it's difficult. Anyway you matched more difficult meals, so you get ready and than jump up( you can jump realy hight) and land on the kitchen corner. For you the kitchen is just a trainingground where you can practice your skills. "Get prepated Toffee!" you say imploringly "You're going to get busted...." Toffee looks at you "busted...?" he replies with his voice  raced. "That doesn't even make sence." You just look at him anoyed. "who cares!? It just sounded cool!" Then you jumped up and start collegt all the ingredients for the meal. (Imagen that you cook that, while making realy cool move like making a somerault to get to the other end of the kitchen or making kicks to fling the ingredients to the posison you want them to be. Like your fighting in the kitchen and your moves are really good) While you're making Toffees food he watches you closely, but you don't notice that he's watching you, 'cuz you're to busy cooking.

After 20 min. you're done cooking and place the finished food on a table in front of Toffee. The meal that you've cooked called 'roasted mudworm' it's a delicacy in the monsterworld. While the food looks really god, you don't. You have all kind of ingrediatns you used on you and your hair's all messed up. But suprisingly the kitchen is as clean as ever. You smile at Toffee with a glimmer in your eyes. "TADAaA! Here you have your 'roasted mudworm'! The best in the world!!" While saying this you bounce up and down. Toffee glances at you and ask "What about you? Do you want to eat with me. you look pretty hungry." he bents over you, really near to your face. "I would" you start "but I can't. Ya know...I'm" you're not trying to look into Toffees eyes, looking at the ground mumbeling "My mother is human my father is monster, so I'm halfe. My stomache can't endure monster food, regrettably..." You dare not want to look into his eyes. But than you look at him with all the determination you have and say "But that doesn't make me worse than you guys are. I just as equal as you. So don't come to the idea to think that you guys are on a higher level than me" the last word you literally spit at him, smileing mischievously. Than you walk out of the kitchen smiling again like nothing ever happend. Toffee looks after you, chuckeling quiertly with his deep voice "How full of emotion." Then he starts to eat your food.

*Time change*

You're in your room (in ludos castle) and listent to musik, after you cooked food for the rest of the group. You lie on the bed, cuddle the pillow while purrning. Like I said your kind of a cat. You were thinking about muffins when you hear a knock on the door. "Come in" you purr sleepily and raise your body up from the bed. When the door's opens you didn't aspect to see Toffee. "Hello Dan." He greets me in his deep and sexy voice.

"Hi Toff." You respod and stare at him for a while "so what do you want?" You ask him. "Well," he walks through the room, standing in front of the window now. "I thought about something." he starts while looking out of the window "What does Ludo thiks about your ability?" He gaze at you looking deep in your eyes. You cross your arms and answerd edgy. "Pha! Ludo! You have to know, Ludo even knows what I'm capable of, but still thinking that  a 'girl' like me would only ruin his plans...." you're snaping your cattale  against the bed.

Then Toffee ask you again "And what are you capable of?" tuning aroud and looking with his yellow eyes instinctively into yours. You put your head to the side trying to act silly, knowing that he's up to something "Heeeee...what do you mean by that?? I only have my combattraining you saw in the kitchen. meow.." Now you're acting like a cat to confuse him, but sadly it don't work. "We both know that's a lie. Ludo already told me you have an ability that no other monster has." He still looks into your eyes, not thinking about letting you go without answering his question first. "If Ludo already told you what I can, why do you even ask me?!" you stare at him sulky. He rolls with his eyes "Stop  behav like a child, I know you're smarter than that. And Lodu didn't told me your ability. He only metioned it but didn't said what you can, 'cause he forgott..."

You look at Toffee slowly, thinking about telling him. Nothing can go wrong you thought so why not telling him. "Fine. Look, my father can turn into everything he wants, objekts, people...everything. so..." "you have this ability too?" Toffee interrupts you expectantly. You rob you arm nervously. "Well,...kind of.... I  only can turn into female monsters or human.... and I can't really control it... that's why Ludo thinks I only would ruin his plans..." You painfully smile at Toffee and you look dam scary. "Even if it's not complete, it's still handy. So don't push yourselfe down. Even tho, I can see how that could help me." He puts his hand on my shoulder and wispers to my ear "I could help you beeing acepted by Ludo, so you can go to misions, too. I could train you so you can control your powers and for that you'll be my spy on the earth dimention to get that princesses wand. Ok?" You could feel that he smirks while saying these words to you. But to be honest a big smile has formed on your face, too when you heard what Toffee offerd you. "So, do we have a deal?" He asks and holds out a hand for you to shake in. You took his hand and replyed with determination "Deal! Oh and by the way, about spying on Star....I go to the same school as her and am her neighbor. Well, neighbor of Marco.." He looks at you satisfied when he resposes "Gess I've found the pefect 'servant' for this job.". Cuckeling you get up from the bed and snap Toffee on his snout again with your tale. "C'mon Toff, let's go to the others" You walk out of the room followed by Toffee.

Toffees POV

That was easy I think when I follow Dan out of her room to the others. When we arrive at the breaking room, Dan grabs herselve a snack from the candyautomat while she talks to some of the mosters, who were watching two of them having a dance battle. Then Ludo comes to me greeting me, this stupid peace of trash. "Hello Ludo" I geet him back. "ok Toffee so I'm going to show you what we are working with here." He points at the crowd of monsters. On of the dancer gets a peace of paper on his back stiks witch sais: Kick me. And the first one who kicks him was none other than Dan, cying out "In your back. B!tch!". Me and Ludo stare at them when Ludo sais "I gess I doomed her. be honest I can't handle it" then a portal opens and that monster called 'Buff-frog' comes through it reporting "Ludo master" he sais with his hand races on his forehad "the girl thinks the messanges in her cookies are fortunes. She does what ever they say".  "Interrupting" Ludo yells at him, then turning back around to me "Well Toffee, give it to me straight. Are my monsters the worst or what?!" I thought for ab bit looking at the monster, seeing Dan lending against the candyautomat, enyoing the chaos she has done. "Uhhh..." I turn aroud to Buff-frog "maybe we can do something with those fortune cookies." Then Buff-frog walks away. "So," I look down at Ludo cold and calm always "I want to talk with you about Dan." Ludo stares at me but than starst to laught "That cat woman? What's with her?" "Well I've been thinking about her and came to the conclusion, that she actually might be handy for our plans." I turned to Ludo and look at him not believing how stupid monsters could be. "What?! Her! You're joking right? She isn't even a real monster. How could she help us?" He races an eyebrow staring at me confused. I just can't believe how stupid he is! "Well as you may know, she can turn into other people. And wouldn't that be an advantage for us having a second spy who could gain the trust of Star Butterfly as a 'friend'?" I race my eyebrows, waiting for him to understand what I ment. Then his eyes widens and he nodds. "Yeah, you're right!! That could actually work! I knew I could count on you. So do whatever you want with her! She's yours." He giggls and walks away, back to his office. Slowly I shake my head, still not believing how dumb he his. Then I turn around to see Dan standing next to me purring. She seems to heard the last part of our conversation, 'cause she lookes at me flirty and says "Everything you want with me, hu~? I'm yours~." She walks aroud me with her tale rubing around my body.  I sign "Don't come to the wrong idea, kitty." I glance at her not believing how childish she is. "KITTY?!  She shouts out "How dare you calling me a kitty, sweety" she similes at me mischievously. I role my eyes and respond uninterested, when I walk out of the area "Do what ever you want." But as aspected she crys back wih her flirty tone "What ever I want~?"

Toffee x Reader:  Red RoseWhere stories live. Discover now