Chapter 5

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Here is a pic of you, how I would imagen it. But you can look like you want.


Today school was going to start again since week end was over now. As you walked down the street you thought about your plan with the box of truth and punishment. This box really is as hardest to manipulate, as shit, it just wasn't hard, it was impossible! As hard as you tried, you just couldn't figure out how that stupid blue thingy worked. But what bothered you most was the talk with Toffee the day before. Hell ya, you just couldn't really like him. He was creepy and....weird. You didn't really thought about it at first as you met him, but when you think about it now....oh shit...he's fucking scary. Well, but so are you...well....not really. You can dream, girl....dream. So you went up to your school and as you arrived there you could see Star and Marco talking with each other. You decided to walk over to them so you could join them in their conversation, well, and finding a bit of information. That was your job after all. "Hi Marco. Hi Star. What's up?" you waved at them as you came closer. Both of them turned around and as Star saw you her eyes widened like the eyes of a young puppy. "(Y/N)!!!! Nice to meet you again!" Star happily jumped up and down and her long blond messy hair flying through the air. She truly is a funny thing, always smiling and being happy....just like you, Smiling all day long and being happy, but a little bit different...your smile is a bit more devilish and more mischievous than hers. "so, what are two little birds like you talking about?" You asked them as you now stood in front of the blond haired starlight princess with her ninja boy. They were a great duo; that you had to admit. It was a funny combination: someone as chaotic as Star and a boy so organized as Marco, it made you hard to believe that they would come along! Aren't they cute? Soooo sad that there will be someone standing between the two of them, right~? "Oh, heheh, you really wanna know?!" Stars eyes grew bigger as you asked this question and she started to jump up and down again, with her messy blond hair flying through the air. The Mexican boy looked bored and relaxed by Stars impression and turned his head to you "Don't mind her (Y/N). She's always like that." He pointed with one finger to Star, who now kinda danced around you and yelled out in happiness "We are friends now!!!". Yup, she really was a Starlight, wasn't she....but a bad princess by that what you had heard. If this little naive girl really should become the queen of Mewnie once...oh, she would die immanently. You heard a loot of stories of from your father about the unjustified enrichment, about them living in prosperity, with so much corn they can eat...and the other mewman, still not living as good as the 'royal family' but still having more than monsters ever could have. It just wasn't fair! The monster kingdom was isolated by these mewmans and looked out from the others. They only feared their power, their antiquity power of being immortal. Sadly, not every monster posed that ability, only a view of the most strongest monster of the monster-army were born or gifted with such strength: Like you father. He was once a part of the powerful monster-army until he had to flee from...queen Moon, who stroke down the last generals of the monsters. It was a sad story, but that's how things are now and you actually didn't really cared that much anyway. All you cared about was getting school over with to do you're dream job. "So, what were the two of you talking about? Or is it a secret?" You bend down to Marco lowering your voice to let it more mysterious. "nah, just the typical monster fighting." Marco lend against a locker while watching Star bouncing up and down. "Monsters?" You asked them in a questionable tone. Of course you knew what they meant with that, but they shouldn't know that you knew, duh! "Well, we basically fight monster from my dimension who are trying to steal my wand blablabla and we smash them!!!" The young princess jumped up in the air and showed you her magical wand, which she literally pushed into your face. Her huge eyes and grin on her face showed how proud she was on having it. And you have to say, that this little wand of hers was soooooo corny; all pink and that shit! Arg, that was too ugly for you since you're more the type of person who preferred simple and dark stuff, which is common for monsters. But well, you played along with their little adventures live of rainbows. "Whoa, nice wand you got there sweetie. I wish I could have something like this!" Sure, you were really board on acting like her friend, but you're fake smile didn't showed it of course and the little girls smile grew wider as you acted all interested in her little weapon. The rest of your free time in your school journey you tried to get closer to this ignorant princess and listened to allllll her 'interesting' live as the princess of mewni. Please! This girl was so NOT fitting for the throne! Well, but that didn't really matter. All that mattered was to get her believe you were her friend. When school was done you walked with the two of them and some friends home only to eat with your parents. After you did so you went to Ludos castle again since you had your typical job to do.

As you arrived there everything seemed to be normal and that's what it was. Just a normal day at work. A bit boring if you had to honest. But luckily you had Toffee to mess around with. He seemed to make some preparation on getting the wand for Lodu, but if you hadn't known him better you would say he made a plan for his own intention. So as he sat there in his new office you just walked in as it would be yours and sat down on the work desk of his. He didn't even looked up to you to greet you properly, the only thing e said was 'there you are'. He looked really busy and so he didn't took much note of you. It got boring so you started to push things a little bit up. "You still smell like Toffee cream." you mentioned while hiding your smile from him. That's when he singed and finally looked up to you responding. "I wonder why". He stood up to close the door I had left open as I entered and turned back to me having a mysterious look on his face. He checked every corner of the room like he was worried that someone could listened to your conversation. Then he started "I have a request for you." His look was deathly serious as he looked out o his office window to the Mewni castle like it could attack him any time. His sudden change in his voice caught your interest, so you got up from the desk to walk up to the lizard man asking. "And what would that request be?" Cheeky you glanced over to him, who still stared at the castle. "Consider this as your first mission." his deep voice filled the empty room as you eagerly listened what he had to say. You were just exited! Your fist mission!!! this could get interesting! What would it be? What would he want? Then after some time had passed he finally spoke out what he had been thinking about all the time. "I want you to sneak in into Mewni castle change into a servant and spy on the queen." his voice was calm and cold as he finally told you his intention. You were, well stunned. You knew that he wanted you to spy on people, but you wouldn't had expected that he wanted you to spy on the QUEEN of MEWNI! Not that you weren't exited, but every monster knew that messing with the queen as a monster was deathly! If something would went wrong and they would find out who you were..oh man you would be dead immediately! Your father always warned you on being near the mewni colony. He said that they wouldn't hesitate to kill you. But at this moment you didn't cared about the warning words of your father! You were just to amazed by this idea to spy on the dirt eating queen that your mide was filled with joy. "Wait, what?!" you stared at Toffee with your mouth open as he turned back on his desk, taking a seat. His expression was calm and keen, how it used to be. Not that it would be something you didn't want, no it was just dangerous that's all. Grinning you looked over to Toffee and happly you jumped around like a little kitten. "Great!! I can't wait!! Soooo...when should I start?" You considered the lizard as he sat there on his work desk again. "Now, would be a good time." He glanced over to your happy face and with nothing else to say. You were filled with pure happiness, I mean that's what you are made for! You're a spy, one of the best, you like to call yourself. You also thought about being a thief, but somehow you just preferred to be someone who holds all the information in your hand. It was amusing to be the one who can stab you in the back and betray someone. Just imagen to see their emotion on their faces, you also couldn't wait so see Stars emotion when she would find out that you were only spying on her! Oh it filed you with delight, because again, you loved to mess with others and create a chaos. "SOOOOOOO....what information should I actually find out for you?" You now went to the desk and bend down on it to annoy the lizard with your bad behavior a bit more. "Well,..." Toffee sighed as he noticed your gesture to get on his nerves with your smirk. "I was thinking about you trying to just somehow get near moon and listened to her conversation, for the start." He didn't even looked at you as he said so and was busy taking out a folder. He then handed that folder to you "this is a map of the castle and a picture of a typical maid in the castle, I aspect you to handle the rest on your own." He glanced at you with his cold yellow eyes, like you were a victim or something. I was clear to you that with this mission, he was only testing you. Wanting to see if you would get there out alive or not. You had to gulp a bit as you noticed his deadly eyes fixed at you and you fast tuned away. You would do this and would be glorious. This was the moment you waited for, now you could prove yourself what your capable of!

Toffee x Reader:  Red RoseWhere stories live. Discover now