chapter 11

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"FANG PASSING FANG!" Shouted Kiba as he and Akamaru sped at Konohamaru using his families technique. Konohamaru jumped out of the way, he had to think of a way to beat Kiba and not in a Taijutsu match. He then shouted "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!" and created 2 clones that appeared on his left and right. They then spun in a small circular and scattered across the arena

"HOLD STILL!" shouted Kiba

"WHY SHOULD WE?" asked a Konohamaru clone



"WELL IT IS TO ME, FANG PASSING FANG!", shouted Kiba again as he hit a Konohamaru. He thought that he had won and smirked, but failed to notice that the real Konohamaru and a clone were behind him and they started waving through hand signs. Once they were done, they shouted


"WIND STYLE: GREAT BREAKTHROUGH!", this caused the jutsu to combine making a giant fire dragon bullet. The bullet roared through the arena and all Kiba could do was watch as the fire came at him. The people in the stadium just watched as it approached Kiba with a mighty roar. When the flame bullet reached Kiba, all he could do was scream in agony as he's flesh was roasted and his hair was singed. Akamaru was lucky enough to move to the edge of the fire, but his rear legs and tail where burned. When it was over and the screaming stopped, there was Kiba and his roasted glory, on the floor, charred, and out hot (get it, because he's not out cold). The medic-nin's where able to get to him soon enough and was rushed to the hospital.

In The Stands:

Kurenai was shocked at what she had seen. Kiba was easily beaten in no time at all

"Now I'll be on my way... and Kurenai," said Naruto as he was about to leave "we're ninja, always expect the unexpected." and left. Naruto appeared at ANBU HQ with Yushi at his side

"Why are we here?" She asked

"Remember when I talked to you about joining our village when you came along with my team?"



Yushi was sitting next to Naruto as he was waiting in a waiting room

"So, why did you surrender?" asked Naruto as he looked at her in the eyes


"Why did you surrender?" he repeated as he raised an eyebrow

"I-It was my only chance of survival?" she responded

"I don't believe you" he said as he leaned back

"Why did you spare me?"

"Hun?" huffed out Naruto

"Why did you spare me that day?" she said again, taking this into consideration. He thought back to that day and he looked into her eyes and said

"Because I saw your innocence," he said surprising her


"I saw your should more specifically, I saw everything and all I can say is that you didn't kill anyone"

"H-how did you know?"

"You just confirmed it for me"he said as he leaned back into the chair he was using. She just looked at him and then back down. Naruto then heard sniffing and saw that she was crying

"I-I-I didn't w-want t-to h-hurt a-ny one" and she cried in front of him, he then got out of his chair, walked over to her... and hugged her

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