Chapter 4

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After Minato said those words, Naruto said "I would advise you watch your tongue, Namikaze. Or else you will fall further than this village". After Naruto said that the ANBU hidden in the room appeared and placed themselves in front of their Hokage. Naruto then raised his Magical Energy causing the ANBU to fall unconscious. Minato was shocked that Naruto was able to create that much power, and then looked at Mito and Natsuki

"Naruto," he said as he struggled to breath "stop it, you're suffocating Mito and Natsuki". Naruto turned around to find the twins trying to breathe and let up on his power.

"I have a challenge," Naruto said causing Minato and his family to look at him questionably "I want to fight your toughest ninja in a full-on fight. If you win, I stay and if I win, well I'll think about it. You have three days to prepare, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off" and Naruto walked to the door

"You can't be serious, can you?" said Minato as he watched his son

"Yes, I serious. But I want to fight only the strongest of ninja you have to offer" Naruto said turning his head and pointing at him "that includes you. Now I have to go and get me a room to rent. See you in three days" and walked out the door. Once he left the room Minato looked at his wife and daughters

"What do we do Tou-chan?" asked Mito

"I have no choice but to accept his challenge," he said to his daughter rubbing his temples "I have no choice but to call the clan heads and have to find Sensei, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. Sensei is probably off viewing his 'research'-"

"That's another thing Minato," Kushina interrupted, "I think your 'sensei' got to our little Naruto first" and grabbed a magazine that Naruto had in his bag. She set down the magazine on his desk "I found this in Naruto's bag. I think he knew were Naruto was this whole time and didn't tell us"

"How do you know this is Naruto's?" he asked and Naruto walked back into the office and snatched the magazine from Minato's hands and left

"Now do you believe me?" she said

"Yes. Now girls, can you go get Jiraiya and Tsunade for me while I call all the clan heads?"

"Yes, Tou-san/Tou-Chan," they said as they disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"This is going to be a pain," said Minato as he was getting a headache. His son was back, but the only way he would stay would be if he won the fight.

Three Days Later:

Naruto was sitting in the middle of the arena reading an Icha-Icha book while the people in the stands along with this year genin and respected teachers and Kushina and her daughters in the Kage booth. He giggled and looked up from his book and saw the clan heads, two of the three legendary sannin, and the Hokage himself. "So you decided to accept my challenge, good I was getting bored here in this hellhole you call a village," he said as he was getting up "but first two things must be done, 1)" he then walked over to Jiraiya with his book collection "Can you sign my books?" and everyone glared at the Toad Sage as he was signing the books, Naruto then walked back to the other side of the arena and said "and two, show me your power. Release your chakra and show me how strong you are". After he said that, everyone released their chakra. He got a good reading on the clan heads and decided that the Sannin and the Hokage were the strongest "I see, now it is my turn. Now feel what power is". Naruto then crossed his arms and stood there. Everyone was curious about what he was doing when they saw rocks floating around Naruto and the ground was shaking causing the everyone to have trouble standing. Then white energy came rolling of his body going sky high and intensified the shaking of the ground. A giant shadow of Naruto appeared with blood red eyes looking at them. Hiashi, thinking that he would easily beat him, dashed forward with a Juken strike ready. But when he was about to hit him, Naruto looked at him in the eyes and Hiashi just stopped and bowed saying "I surrender" causing many to gasp. Naruto then let up on his power and the Hyuga Clan Head ran away to the stands

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