Chapter 17

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Naruto was in Minato's office while Orochimaru was being checked out. Naruto was sitting on the couch with Wendy on his knee while Gajeel and Natsu fought 'Natsu and Gajeel have gotten stronger since I left, that much I can admit. But fighting constantly is taking it too far,' he thought "NATSU, GAJEEL, STOP FIGHTING THIS INSTANT!" he shouted

"Yes, tou-chan!" both boys chimed

"Good, now be quiet while I talk to the Hokage about a few things, and have you seen your great-grandfather?" he said as he asked where Danzo was

"Sorry, tou-chan, haven't seen him since the attack," said Gajeel as Natsu gave the same answer

"I see, Mira, Yushi," he said as Mira and Yushi walked next to him

"Yes, sir?" they asked

"Can you take Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy out while I talk to the Hokage," he said as the two girls nodded

"Of course, Naruto-san," said Yushi as she took Natsu and Gajeel. Mira was hesitant about taking Wendy, "You don't need to be scared, Mira-chan, Wendy won't bite," he joked at Mira looked at her arm that went back to being a demon arm "I promise I'll teach you how to control your power, but first you must learn to conquer your fear," he said as he handed her Wendy. Then both exited the office as Naruto turned to Minato "I want to talk to you about my living quarters," he said

"Are you moving in with us?" asked Kushina hopefully

"Are you going to give me my arm back?" he asked as he removed his fake arm, waved the fake arm in front of her face, and put it back on. Kushina then began to cry and sobbed in a corner "I take it as a no then,"

"Naruto, that was uncalled for!" shouted Minato as Naruto gave him a death glare

"I do whatever I want, now about where I'm living," said Naruto as Minato shrunk back into his chair

"What's wrong?" asked Minato

"It's too small, I need something bigger," said Naruto

"How much bigger?"

"How about estate size," he asked

"Alright, I'll see about it-"

"You'll do something about it now! In time I will find more magic users and bring them here, and I don't think my little apartment will be big enough to house all of them," said Naruto

"Ok, ok, I'll take care of it now. There's an empty Clan Estate near the Hyuga compound that was from an old clan that died out years ago. It's still in pristine condition, here are the papers" said Minato as he handed Naruto the papers to the Estates

"Good, also where is Mito and Natsuki?" he asked as Minato's eyes widened

"I-I don't know," was all he managed to say before Naruto left the building.

With Naruto:

Naruto was running through the village searching for Mito and Natsuki. He hated them, but he wasn't going to let them die due to Minato's neglect for their safety. He soon found them laying on the ground unconscious... and bleeding "Damn you, damn you Hokage! You claim that family should come first, but you oppose the same things you preach about in your speeches, ROOT!" he said as 5 ROOT agents appeared

"You called, Naruto-sama?" said the captain

"Take them to the hospital and guard them, I'm going to have a talk with the Hokage," he said as he walked back to the Hokage Mansion.

With Minato:

Minato was in a meeting when the whole building started to shake

"H-Hokage-sama, are we u-under attack again?" asked one Mebuki Haruno as the door was shattered into pieces. There stood Naruto... and he was pissed

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