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Dedicated to TaliaTheDemigodWolf for being amazing and commenting plus putting up with me long enough to have a conversation.

~(Y/N)'s pov~

As we walk into the pavilion the stolls ran up to our little trio looking like they had just seen the most amazing thing ever.
"Oh my gods I can't believe we won!" They screamed at the same exact time.

"Damn,you sound like banshees" I say while rubbing my ear that the just screamed into.

Travis ignores me and Connor smiles sheepishly,looking at the ground. We start walking to the table, they were all tired looking. Will told us goodbye and went to his table. When we got to our table, I saw my siblings sitting with the rest of the seven plus Reyna and Nico. I heard someone say something about a quest coming up. Looking towards the front of the pavilion I saw Chiron calling for silence.

"Okay, a quest is beginning that the following people will be apart of Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace,  (Y/N) please everyone I just called come to the big house after dinner" Chiron said before heading back to his table at the front.

I look at Luke before starting to eat. Tonight I decided to eat pizza. Lots of people stared at me because it's my first day and I'm already going on a quest. When I finished eating, I waited for Luke, Travis, and Connor to finish. I wonder what the quest is, maybe my dad lost his master bolt - again. 

 "Ready to go?" Luke asked coming up behind us.

 " Yeah" I say, getting up.

The big house was a couple minutes away from the pavilion. Neither of us said anything as we walked. Arriving at the big house I was so ready to get out of this awkward silence. 

Chiron cleared his throat and started to speak, " Your quest is to find Aphrodites special hair pick"

Silence surrounded us for about ten seconds.


I agree with Thalia it is kinda ridiculous.

He dismisses us shortly after. I could here everyone talking behind me but I just keep walking towards the lake. I reach the lake just to feel someone staring at me as to not alert them I know I act casual. Walking to the edge of the lake I see a certain demigod son of Poseidon.

"What are you doing Jackson?" I ask without turning around. 

He seemed pretty freaked out. I could tell because he jumped and went a little pale. 

"I wanted to see what you were doing newbie" he stated matter of factly.

I was getting angry at him underestimating me "Stop calling me that if I was such a newbie than you should have beat me earlier"

He looked at me clenching his jaw and hissing "I was going easy on you because your new, I was trying to be nice but I guess I shouldn't have since your just gonna be completely rude"

I breathe out through my nostrils, he acts like I started it when he's the one underestimating and judging  people. I didn't even look at him or respond I just sat next to the water and looked out over the lake. He huffed and muttered stupid new girl. Wow, he sounds like a parent and I'm older than him by three years since I'm older than Thalia by one.

"You know I'm older than you right?" I ask.

"No you aren't, I'm seventeen" he says.

"Yah well, I'm older than Thalia so I'm older than you" I say confidently.

"Thalia is nineteen, how old are you?" he asks while smirking

"I will be twenty in September, making me three years older than yourself" I state.

He looked shocked when he realized I was right. Percy plopped down besides me just staring at me I didn't think it was weird because I knew he was just in shock. Just as Percy got up, Luke came walking towards us. He nodded at Percy before sitting down next to me. We were all alone and it was unnerving. Luke started rambling about something boring that I really didn't care about but I didn't want to burst his bubble so I sat through it. After about three minutes I had had enough and came up with an idea to shut him up hoping it would work I turned my idea into action. Grabbing him by the collar I smashed my lips into his. Luke was shocked but quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed back. Pulling my self away I breathed in deeply glad my plan had worked.

~Luke's pov~

Did some girl I've only know for less than a day just kiss me and did I kiss back!?

My thoughts were interupted by (Y/N) saying "You talk too much"

Pulling away to look at her I ask her "How old are you?"

"Twenty in September, why?" Came my reply telling me she was only four years younger than me.

"I was just wondering since you could be fourteen for all I know, but turns out your only four years younger than myself, I'm twenty-four" I tell her.

She nods, boy has this been an eventful day. I can tell life around (Y/N) is going to be interesting. I can't wait.

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