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Coruscant - Many years ago...

An X-wing flies in from the depths of space. It races down, towards Coruscant's surface. It flies along the planet's surface, over towering mega-skyscrapers. Its aim for for a specific large building, with a large landing platform on the side. It pulls up and descends to the platform, its landing gear letting out a hydraulic hiss.

A door on the side of the building pulls open and Leia Organa Solo walks out. An astonished expression is on her face. The door remains open to allow Han Solo to walk out a moment later. They both stand and watch as the ship's cockpit opens. Out climbs Luke Skywalker. He looks ragged and tired, from his bruised face, singed clothing and the slight limp he walks with. Han and Leia run over and embrace him. He grips them tightly as if not wanting to let go. Han shooks a confused look at Leia but she only shrugs. Eventually, they pull apart.

"You alright kid?" Han asks.

Luke's face is full of sorrow and regret.

"What happened?" Leia asks.

"It's Ben. Something happened at the temple..."

Luke tells them something, and Leia begins to sob. Han Solo holds her, looking at Luke with sorrow.


Inside the building Han and Leia sit on a couch, opposite of Luke. R2-D2 is on the floor next to him.

"'re leaving?" Leia says.

"Yes." Luke says, nodding


"I have to find a way to save Ben." Luke explains. "After what happened...there's nothing I can do with the way I am now. Maybe the old Jedi temples will have information that can help..."

"But we need you here. Especially now." Leia insists.

"Leia..." Han says, putting his hand on hers. "He has to."

Luke gives Han a thankful look.

"I've got a pretty good idea of where I'm going. I'll leave R2 here."

R2-D2 beeps in confirmation.

"He's got half the map, I've left the other half with a man named Tekka. Its just a precaution. But, hopefully you won't need it. I should be back before too long."


Outside, Luke is about about to get back in his X-wing. He turns back to look at Han and Leia.

"I guess this is goodbye. For now." Luke says.

"Come back soon. And please find a way to save my son." Leia says.

"I'll...try." He says.

"I thought you always say there is no try?"

They both smile weakly, and hug. Luke turns to Han.

"Take care of yourself, kid." Han says, smirking.

Luke smirks. "I'm practically an old man now. How long you gonna keep calling me kid?"

"You'll always be a kid to me, Luke."

The two hug. Then, Luke climbs into his X-wing, and starts to take off. He gives them one last wave before shooting off into space.

Geldor - Years Later

A series of star destroyers drop of hyperspace, a star backlighting them. A marbled planet hangs below. The destroyer at the head is the Finalizer. On the bridge we see First Order General Armitage Hux. He scans the the area outside the view port, finding nothing beside the planet. His brow twitches with annoyance.

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