Five - The Cave

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The Supremacy

Kylo Ren walks tentatively into Supreme Leader Snoke's throne room. Snoke gazes down at him. Kylo does not meet his eyes.

"Master I-"

Snoke holds up a hand, silencing Kylo. There is silence for several long moments.

"...when I found you, I saw raw, untapped power. And beyond that...something truly special. The Skywalker blood. An heir to Darth Vader! But this is how you disappoint me!?" Snoke demands.

"I couldn't-"

"You can murder your father but not your mother, is that it!?" Snoke hisses, sitting forward to stare Kylo in the eye.

Kylo still does not meet his gaze.

Ador Ren takes a step forward, putting a hand on his staff.

"Don't." Snoke orders. "I will handle this...personally."

Snoke gets up from the throne. He brings himself up to his full height of ten feet.

"Attack me." Snoke says.

"What?" Kylo Ren exclaims.

"Do it! Strike me down. If you can."

Kylo meets his gaze for the first time, eyes searching for deception. Then his on his feet, lightsaber igniting as he lunges at Snoke. Kylo swings  for Snoke's Midsection but inches from striking home, his blade slams against an invisible force. Kylo Ren struggles, but his arm goes no further.

"Is that all?" Snoke scoffs.

He flicks his hand and Kylo goes sailing across the room. He smashes into the opposite wall and slides down to the floor. He jumps back up and makes another charge at Snoke. As Kylo swings his lightsaber again, Snoke waves his hand and the lightsaber diverts to the side. Kylo continues his attack, each time his blade bouncing back before hitting Snoke. With every strike he gets angrier and swings even harder. Kylo throws all his might into his next swing. Once more, Kylo's arm becomes grappled by the force. He groans as he forces his arm forward, with sheer willpower. The blade inches closer to Snoke.

"That more like it..." Snoke says, smiling. "Use that anger, that hate!"

Kylo lets out an animal cry as he savagely swings. Snoke holds up a hand stopping the blade a breath from his skin. Kylo Ren struggles, but again can't push his lightsaber any further. Snoke pushes his hand forward, sending Kylo flying back again. This time Kylo flips through the air, and lands back on his feet.

"An improvement to be sure..." Snoke says, narrowing his eyes.

Force lightning leaps from Snoke's fingers. Kylo moves to block with his lightsaber. The lightning strikes the blade, but travels down the hilt into Kylo's hands. Kylo drops his lightsaber and the lightning engulfs Kylo, unrestrained. He dropped to the floor, screaming, as the torment continues. Finally Snoke releases the lightning. Kylo slumps down, groaning in pain. Snoke sits back down on his throne, satisfied.

"...but you still have much to learn, my apprentice."



Rey lays down inside the Millenium Falcon, eyes closed.

Kylo Ren is being treated by a droid in an infirmary. He winces slightly in pain as the droid performs various injections. Kylo tilts his head, as if listening. He sits up suddenly, and pushes the droid away

The noises of the droid can be heard on the Millennium Falcon. Rey's eyes open. She turns towards where Kylo would be.

"Not this again." She groans.

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