i miss you
i know we still talk
but i want you to hold me.
i keep getting flashbacks
to halloween night.
i "dressed up" as you.
because i was too self concious to wear my actual halloween costume.
i was too scared that you wouldnt like me anymore
if i had decided that i wanted to be a cartoon character.i was already worried that your friends wouldnt like me.
not only that, but that Liz wouldnt like me.
hell, i was worried that even you would change your mind about me.
but for some reason
you didnt?it really wasnt meg i was worried about not liking me
she's sweet.
im glad you two have each other.you're alike.
welcome to my brain
Poetrythis is just a journal for me to say shit to people i cant talk to. haha. IF YOU ARE ZANDER GO EAT A BEE