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The next few days: Jimin

Things have been strange since Tigress came to the mansion. When I say odd I mean Jin, he's been acting weird. Like for instance, Jin cooks a lot of food when I mean a lot, I mean A LOT! But for some reason, he doesn't have enough for seconds, or he runs out of food. I'm planning on watching him since lunchtime. 

I tipped toed to the kitchen. I stood in the corner where I could see Jin putting Korean fried chicken and white rice on a clean plate. He poured some water in a water pitcher and then in a glass cup. He put the items on a golden tray with a little vase filled with roses. Who is this guy trying to impress or woo over? Damn, I hope it's not that thirsty bitch Riri!

I looked to see Jin smiling while he was walking out of the kitchen. I was about to follow him until I felt a hand on my shoulder scaring the shit out of me.

"Yo Jimin what are you doing?" RM asked me while he was munching on his fried chicken with white rice.

"I was watching Jin now be quiet and follow me!" I said as I followed Jin's previous direction.

RM shrugged his shoulders and walked behind me. We finally caught up with Jin as he went to the basement. I hope this boy is not feeding that traitor. I went to the window with RM pushing my head out of the window. I smacked my lips and pushed RM's head out of my way. But we came to an unspoken agreement to share the little window.

My dark brown eyes see Tigress sitting on the ground without her restraints holding her up to the ceiling. She was eating the food Jin gave her on the golden tray. So that's why we don't have enough seconds because this bitch was eating it all up. I see Tigress grin as she was holding in a laugh, mouth full of fried chicken and white rice.

"Jin is so lucky!" RM said, stuffing his mouth full of white rice.

"What do you mean? He is feeding the enemy, and he's not supposed to do that!" I exclaimed looking at RM like he is crazy which he is.

"What I'm saying is, Tigress is sexy ass hell especially being tied up like a punching bag with that "come fuck me daddy" outfit on! I wonder how you, Jungkook, and especially V can handle y'all sexual desires like that!"

"You know what don't you got to help Suga with weapons or something?"

"Me working with Suga? Doing that is like working with a tired old sloth!"

I glance back at the window and see Jin tying Tigress back up. He soon collects all the dishes indicating that he was leaving the basement. I and RM quickly dashed away from the window of the basement. RM and I were back near the stairs of the entrance of the Mansion.

"So Jim what are we gonna do to Jin? Are we gonna tell V or what?" RM asked, finishing his plate of food.

"We do nothing and talk to him when we are completely alone," I replied, combing my hands through my hair.


I put my plate in the sink, leaving the kitchen. I went up to the stairs to the weapon inventory room. I see weapons upon weapons stacked up on the tables. Suga, of course, is sleeping his ass off. Then I see something moving in the distance sneakily. I got my pistol out slowly, seeing a flash of honey blonde moving to the range.

Wondering who or what is moving in the weapon inventory room, I shoot the ceiling of the mansion scaring Suga out of his sleep while the unknown intruder was a girl. The girl was a friend of Tigress.

"Who in the hell let this bitchin!" Suga exclaimed cocking his gun off of safety.

"I don't know you tell me since you were asleep on the job!" I replied, trying to shoot the girl.

The girl was moving too fast, missing all of my bullets. Suga got up to run the sirens. Soon I ran out of shells, and I tried to reach for another gun. It was no use when the girl smacked my hand from getting another gun. The girl kicked me in my chest, knocking me down on my back.

I heard the sharpness if a knife being pulled out. Then I felt the cold blade of the knife on my neck with the weigh of the girl straddling the lower half of my body. I stared into the eyes of cold dark eyes as it held no emotion but anger, which quickly subsided and then back to its normal unemotional state.

"Where is Tigress before your blood will be all over this nice and clean floor!" The girl threatens, pressing the blade closer to my Adam's apple.

"I don't know where the girl is, but I do know that you are making my lower friend down there happy with what you are wearing and doing!" I flirted with a flirtatious grin.

The girl wore a black short sleeve crop top. She was wearing black shorts with a strap band around her upper thigh. Around her head was a camouflage bandana as her wild honey blonde and black hair was everywhere. Her toned stomach was heaving in and out heavily as beads of sweat was slowly appearing on her body. She looks sexy like this, the things I'll do to her if we weren't in this predicament.

The sirens rang through the mansion as I heard guns firing from downstairs. While I was trapped by this sexy girl that I refuse to let go.

"I'm saying this one more time, where is Tigress?" The sexy girl asked as she looked like a goddess.

"Let I said I don't know!" I replied, staring into the girl's dark brown eyes.

We stood there in silence as the chaos rang from down below. The red lights flashed in the weapon inventory room. The girl slowly pulled the knife away from my neck. She put her soft, delicate light skin hand on the side of my neck. The girl moved her lips closer to my lips. I groaned from the tease as I wanted my lips on hers.

Then the girl brushed her pump natural moist lips on mine. I had enough of the tease, so I gently put my lips against hers. Soon we were fighting for dominance as the kiss quickly got rougher. Of course, I won moving her hand from my neck as my hands went to her cheeks as my tongue danced against the girl's tongue. Light moans escaped her lips as she suddenly pulled away, I got a good glimpse of her now swollen lips.

Then I heard heavy boot footsteps coming towards the weapon room. The girl quickly got off me getting one of the guns from the table and pointing it at me. Then another girl came in looking just like the girl I kissed, and I assume that they are twins.

"Iva come on we got her, let's go!" Her twin said as she waved her over, she looked at me with disgusted. "Finish him off before you leave so V can clean up another deadly grunt!"

The other twin dashed off from the room down the stairs. The girl, I assume her name is Iva put the gun down as she winked at me jogging towards the door. She turned around with a sexy but cocky smile.

"It was nice kissing you; we should do it again sometimes and hey maybe even more than kissing if you get that bored with it!" Iva teased as she giggled.

Iva giggled abruptly stopped as another female scream perked our ears along with a male cry, it sounded like J-Hope screaming. Iva ran out of the room as I quickly got up from the ground to see what was going on downstairs. I see all of V's men were in the field dead, but I also saw Iva and her twin standing next to another girl who is on the ground holding her leg. Blood covered her hand, seeping through her fingertips. On the floor, the unconscious was Tigress, her wrists not her ankles were tied up with the rope. Tigress wasn't moving like she was dead, but I can see her body inhaling and exhaling air.

I turned my head to see J-Hope on the floor as his blood was making a pool. He was coughing up blood, and he had a bullet on his chest. Jin was holding his wound tightly, his tears mixing in with J-Hope's blood on the floor. Suga, Jungkook, Jimin, and V surrounded Jin and J-Hope. I saw a gun on the floor, planning to kill the girl I kissed and her twin sister and friend. But it was too late the girls already left the mansion leaving my boys and me with wounded J-Hope.

Edited: July 6, 2019

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