Hope maybe

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I knew I had to let her leave, I had to trust her to want to come back to me, I'm sure I saw it in her eyes, a look of want as she left, and this alone was enough to settle me and my wolf, I had just headed back in side when the door knocked, I opened it to find some guy standing there, I had a feeling this wasn't going to be good

" what do you want?" I asked

" well you could start by telling me where Jenny is" this guy said

I tried slamming the door but this guy was strong and ripped it of its hinges, all I could think about was Libby, how I had just found her and wasn't ready to lose her so soon, call me soft but I suppose that's what love does to you.

" don't fight me kid you'll lose" this guy said grabbing a hold of me

" I don't want to fight, I just want a way out of this mess" I said

I really did want out, but when I said about it to Wayne I knew he was never going to let me go, he had become so bitter over the years I had known him, I use to respect him for wanted to get a pack back that he should be alpha of, but now he had lost perspective and didn't care who got hurt, he was thoughtful and kind when he saved me as a baby, now he was no better than Frank or his dad!! maybe I could help him get back to his old self by helping this guys, maybe there could be a happy ever after, or at lest I could hope there could.

" you need to come with us and tell us what you know" he said

" how the fuck can I trust you? I don't even know you?"  scared I may have been walking into a trap

" I'm Paul Polly's brother is that enough to start with" he said

With that he lead me outside, we went to a hotel and Paul showed me into one of the rooms. I couldn't believe it when I saw Sam tied up he must of ratted on me, I knew he was a coward and would do anything to save his back.

" right who's talking first" Paul looked between me and Sam

Sam laughed " I'm not telling you nothing, I hope you're to late finding out and he kills them all, including that whore of a sister of yours.

Paul suddenly lost it and shifted jumping onto Sam and ripping this throat out I had never seen a wolf move so quick, in some way I admired him.

Next thing I knew he was heading towards me I definitely didn't want the same fate as Sam

" I'll tell you everything I know" I said

with that Paul shifted back into his human form and sat opposite me

I started at the beginning when Frank's father had killed my mother and father as he thought them to be a threat to his pack as they were a stronge alpha luna who lived in territory close to theirs.

I explained how wayne found me and took me in, he was a good guy just bitter, he had a father that wouldn't  speak to him because he had be a result of an affair. Wayne had been following his father for years and hated the way his father treated people, he was determined to get the pack and make amends for his fathers actions but as time has gone on he has also turned bitter.

After I had told them everything I knew, paul suggested I tried to arrange a meeting for him with Wayne.

So now here I am standing about to enter wayne's hide out, taking a deep breath I headed in

" Where the hell have you been boy I warned you, you don't get to choose when you come and go?" Wayne said grabbing me round the throat

I really thought he was going to kill me I was starting to struggle to breath

" Wayne wait someone is on to us, I couldn't risk them following me, they want to meet with you, they don't like Frank anymore than you do, they want to work with you to bring him down" I said really hoping he was still stable enough to listen

" who is this person?" Wayne said releasing his grip on me.

" his name is Paul, he is Frank's son's mate's brother." I said

Wayne was silent for awhile obviously thinking through his options

" ok I'll talk to him but if I don't like what he has to say I will kill him, bring him here alone, if anybody is with him everything is off." Wayne said

I left feeling positive maybe just maybe this Paul could bring the best back out of wayne, and I could then concentrate on Libby! my wolf purred in agreement. I headed back to the hotel to tell Paul.

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