The morning after

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I woke up with worst hang over ever, I couldn't remember what had happened last night, the last thing I remember is Alex going to the bathroom. I slowly opened my eyes, shit where was I? this wasn't my bedroom, what did I do last night? usually I make it home.

I tried to move when I realised I was chained up, I looked down to find I was only wearing a t-shirt and not mine. I looked round, I didn't recognise the room it was small with a window looking out to a carpark. I was just about to scream when I heard foot steps coming towards the door. It was like watching a horror movie the door slowly creaked open the first thing I noticed were black boots.

" I brought you some tea Libby, I'm so sorry I tied you up I couldn't think of any other way to stop you running from me" Alex said

" you! how could you Alex I trusted you, I liked you" I said sobbing

I couldn't believe he had done this to me. I let me guard down with him, I don't know why I trusted him.

" it's not what you think libby" he said

" oh no, so tell me Alex you didn't bring me back to your flat last night and take advantage of me, knowing I was totally drunk, and than tie me up so I couldn't leave this morning" I was angry now, he was acting like he hadn't done anything wrong, what world was he living in.

" Libby I couldn't of coped if you took of hating me this morning, what happened last night, I had no control over and I'm sorry about the way it happened, but not that it happened, Libby I need you to listen to me, I have to tell you something" he said

he actually looked a bit scared surely it should have been me who was scared.

" Alex I thought you liked me?, I don't get this, why do this to me if you like me, it isn't the way to win a girls heart, it will only break it." I said trying to pull myself together.

" please Libby hear me out before saying things like that, god this would be so much easier if you were the same as me." he said

I really hope he isn't on drugs he just isn't making any sense.

" Alex are you on something" I had to ask him I needed to know how much trouble I was in.

" no Libby, look what I'm going to tell you is totally off this planet and I'm sure you'll not going to believe me, but I need you to understand why I did what I did to you last night, I'm not a bad person Libby not now I have found you anyway, I want to change" he was talking rubbish

" you are not making any sense Alex just let me go" I said

" no not til you know, and have had time to process everything" he said, I was starting to worry

"Libby listen have you noticed anything different about me Stuart and Polly?" he asked, why was he bringing them into this

" no why what do you mean different?" I asked

" Libby I don't know how to say this, so seems your tied up I'm going to show you please try not to freak out" he said, now I was worried what the hell was he going to do to me.

Next thing I knew Alex was taking his clothes off, I closed my eyes preying he wasn't going to rape me, I was just about to scream when I heard a small howl, I slowly opened my eyes and in front of me stood a wolf, a live wolf, I didn't know what to do I crawled as far back I could trying to get away from it, but being chained up I couldn't go far. I looked at the creature it was about twice the size of a dog and was a grey colour, quite cute really, it slowly started walking towards me

" please don't eat me" was the only thing I could think of saying

The wolf looked liked it grinned at me how was that even possible? I must be going crazy, Alex must have put something in my drink I would wake up in a mintue.

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