Ch. 02: First Day

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The twins were playing basketball once we got home, and I was paranoid that the ball would hit my windshield, and then I’d have to kill the one that was responsible for it. 

In case you’re wondering, yes, Tyler and Richard are 16 year old twins. They’d be juniors when school starts again, and were only Chase’s half brothers. Chase’s mom and Randon divorced shortly after his birth, and then she moved to the mainland. He never talked about her before, so I assume they don’t keep in touch. As for Tyler and Richard’s birth so close to Chase’s, Randon knocked up their mom before Chase was born, and that’s why him and the mom divorced. Tyler and Richard’s mom passed away a few months after they were born, from a drunk driver that ran a red light and straight into her. Even though Randon and Tyler and Richard’s mom weren’t married, Chase thinks, or at least thought in middle school, that he’d never love another woman again. Well, here goes my mom about to marry this dude, hopefully he’s not just in for it to make some more babies and then divorce her so the whole process can repeat itself. 

After Chase and I finished eating, I started walking towards the stairs, and then I realized I didn’t exactly have a room yet. Four years ago, all the boys had their own room and there was a guest bedroom, and Randon’s room was downstairs. Now four girls were moving in, where we were all supposed to go?

“You and me are sharing a room,” Chase said before walking past me and then running up the stairs. 

“What!?” I practically screamed and chased after him, grabbing his shirt before he could slam a door in my face. 

“Just kidding,” he said and smirked down at me. “We’re sharing the bathroom, try not to mess it up,” he continued and walked into his room, slamming his door in my face. Asshole. I walked to the door that had my ‘C’ sign hanging on it. Boy was I glad all my shit was shipped here early, or I’d have nothing. My bed was up against the wall in between my night stands, my desk was by the window, my closet was full of all my clothes already, and I even had my TV set up on top of my dresser on the opposite end of my room. How nice. I’m definitely gonna have to thank the boys later. 

When I opened the door next to my bed, I remembered how the door right across was the other bedroom, which was Chase’s. So now he could basically just barge in here whenever he wanted to. How fucking wonderful. I don’t know how I’m going to survive with him just steps away from my private sanctuary. And when he’s bringing bitches in to bang every night? Um, how about no. 

Realizing it was getting late, I found things I’d need to shower and change into afterwards, and walked back into the bathroom, just as Chase did. 

“What are you doing?” I snapped at him. 

“What am I doing, what are you doing? This was my bathroom first, I was gonna take a shower,” he said and pointed back towards my room, as if I was a puppy and would automatically know to go back to where I came from. 

“Well I was here first, I’m gonna take a shower, so could you like leave?” I asked and took a step closer to the shower. 

“Well I lived here first, I’m gonna take a shower, so could you like leave?” he mocked and took a step closer to the shower as well. Staring him down for more than a minute already, I made a run for the shower just as he did. I was just about to grab on to the sliding bar to get in but Chase grabbed me by my waist and flung me behind him and was about to get in before I grabbed onto his ankle, pulling him down with all the strength I had. 

“What the hell!” he shouted and tried to kick me off of him. Dodging the kick that probably could’ve broken my entire face, I grabbed his wrist and pulled myself up. 

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