Ch. 08: The Bro Code

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This chapter is dedicated to JohnMurrayMcKay, for being my 4th fan! I absolutely love my fans, and even all the readers that haven't fanned me, you all give me that little push to continue writing this story, and to not give up like how I have in the past, one too many times! Round of applause for this wonderful fan of mine!


The cheerleaders were following me as I led us to the center of the field, where Chase was standing with his mic. Welcome Back was finally here, and I couldn’t wait to get this dumb thing over with. 

“Alright everyone, let’s make some noise for our Varsity girls!” Chase shouted enthusiastically into the microphone. “Before I start, I’d like to make a veryspecial announcement about my step sister,” he said after the noise died down, and turned to me, motioning for me to join him. 

“What are you doing?!” I hissed quietly. 

“You all remember me dear beautiful sister, right?” he said and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

“Chase!” I snapped, pushing him away from me and dusting the left side of my uniform. There was laughter coming from the audience, and I was about to murder Chase right here, right now. 

Well, if any of you guys, and I know there’s a lot of you, try to get with her, I will personally chop all your guys’ balls off and feed it to the homeless, alright? I got three girls to watch out for now, so don’t think me or my brothers aren’t afraid to kill some of you,” he said. I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes as the crowd ‘aw’-ed at his fake gesture of sincerity. 

“Give me that,” I said and cringed when I heard my last word in the sound system. I sounded so disgusting. “None of you hookers better try to get with him either, I don’t need to worry about accidentally catching one of his STDs from sharing a bathroom with him,” I said and glared at the senior section, since most of the whores Chase got with were graduating with us. 

“That’s enough you two, thank you,” our vice principal said in the other microphone that was also connected to the sound system. The students boo-ed, obviously entertained by us fighting in front of the entire school. 

“Okay guys, but for real though, here’s the Varsity girls, let’s give them a welcoming hand,” Chase said and walked off to the side of the field, while the girls and I settled into our positions. 

“Alright ladies, let’s do work!” I said with confidence, getting in my position, front and center like old times. Jessica was supposed to be in this spot for all the routines, but this was my beautifully beautiful routine, so I’d make the calls on who goes where. 

After our routine was done, I was panting slightly and I felt a weight being lifted off my chest. I was so glad I’d never have to teach these girls a new routine in only two days ever again. The cheers and hollers were still going on as Chase came back to the center of the field to introduce the next performance. 

“Remember guys, if I’m not gonna have her, neither are any of you,” he said before motioning for us to get off the field. 

“Chase Keegan Romanz, that is enough!” the VP said angrily into the other microphone. Keegan? Since when was Chase’s middle name Keegan? And since when did the VP know his middle name and not me?! Oh I am soo using this to my advantage later when I beat his ass for the little pre-show he put on before the routine. 

Who does he think he is, telling every guy in the school they can’t have me. Well. It’s not like I want them to begin with, but still. I’m 16, not 13. I think I can handle myself, thank you! 

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