Chap. 7: |What the fuck are we even doing?|

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-Alesana's POV-

I was playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in the lounge when the guys walked back onto the bus from their show. "Have a nice show?" I asked, not looking up from my DS. "Yeah, it was fun. We're all fucking hungry though." Queen answered. I played Epona's song on the ocarina and she came running up to me. "That's nice..." I muttered, riding from Hyrule castle to lake Hylia.

"Hey...Ala....we want food...let's go get food..." Oliver said. I was so into my game at the moment. "Alright. Have fun at your show." I said. "What? Alesana. We just got back from our show.." Fish said. I ignored them and continued to play Zelda. "ALA!" Oliver screamed in my ear. I jumped and accidentally hit him in the face with my DS. "HOLY SHIT OLIVER I'M SO SORRY!" I shouted, closing my DS and grabbing his face, kissing it all over.

After about five minutes of me saying sorry and kissing Oliver's face, he grabbed mine and kissed me. "Can we go get food now, love?" He asked once he pulled away. I blushed deeply and hid my face in his chest, nodding. The guys shouted in excitement and they all began piling off the bus. I giggled and got off of Oliver and he grabbed my hand, pulling me off of the bus also.

"Holy shit guys! Slow down!" I shouted at Oliver who was practically dragging me behind the 5. "WE WANT FOOD DAMMIT!" My brother yelled. "WELL I WANTED TO PLAY ZELDA BUT NO YOU GUYS RUINED THAT FOR ME!" I shouted. "YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING ZELDA SINCE YOU WOKE UP! WHICH WAS 8 HOURS AGO!!!!!" Queen shouted in return. We must look really stupid running down the street at 8:30 at night, but we are stupid so it works guys.

"OH GUYS! LET'S GO TO BJ'S!!!!" I shouted as we came across one. Everyone started laughing. "I KNOW IT'S A FUNNY NAME BUT SERIOUSLY! THIS PLACE HAS AMAZING SOUP AND AND ANDDDD THEY HAVE GREAT FOOD!!!!" I shouted. They stopped laughing and looked at me. "I want food..." Matt mumbled. I nodded my head. "Get your fat asses in there then!" I told them. They nodded furiously and they ran in, Oliver still dragging me behind.

~After food~

We were walking back to the bus, and I don't understand why we didn't just take it, but we were all really full and tired from running. We also don't know where the fuck we are because we have no clue where the hell we went.

"Guys, let's just stop at the next coming up street and call Josh..." I mumbled. "Ugh. Fine." Queen groaned. After a few more minutes, we finally found a street with a couple of benches also. So we could at least sit. I was going to sit down, but Oliver slid under me and pulled me on his lap. "Is my butt not allowed to be uncomfortable?" I asked him, stretching my neck to see his face that's illuminated by the moonlight.

"No. Your boney ass doesn't deserve to be uncomfortable." He laughed, kissing my nose. "You're a weird person." I told him, turning back around. "Josh will be here shortly." Fish said once he put his phone away. We all cheered and sat on the street bench waiting for Josh.

"OH MY GOD JOSH YOUR A LIFE SAVER! THESE IDIOTS DRAGGED ME OUT HERE IN THE DARKNESS WHERE I COULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND MURDERED!!!!!!" I shouted, hugging their tour manager when he walked out of the bus. "OH MY GOD ALESANA! THANK GOD YOUR OKAY! WHY WOULD THEY DO SUCH A TERRIBLE THING TO YOU?!?!?!?!" He shouted in response, hugging me tight. "They're meany faces..." I mumbled. Josh chuckled and let go of me. "Alright knob heads and Alesana, in the bus you go." I let go of Josh and walked onto the bus, grabbing my DS and immediately finishing where I left off on Zelda.

"ALESANA! NO MORE ZELDA FOR THE NIGHT!!" Fish shouted running over trying to take my DS. "Bitch back the fuck up." I growled. Fishy shrunk and ran back to the bunks. "Punk ass bitch..." I mumbled, playing Zelda again. Matt was on the phone with someone and then he handed it to me. I looked at him confused. "Just talk." He said..

"Hello?" I said. "Alesana Marie Nicholls, possibly Sykes one day, get off your Nintendo right now and socialize with your family and boyfriend." I heard my mother say. I looked at Matt and glared as him and the rest of the guys were snickering. "BUT MUMMM I'M TWENTY FIVEEEEE I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO SOCIALIZE!!!!" I told her. "Alesana." She said sternly. I groaned. "Fine..."

"I love you, have fun on tour!" She said in a cheery voice. "Yeah yeah..." I mumbled, hanging up. I sighed in defeat and saved my game, turning off my DS. "You know what...fuck you you fucking mother fucker knob heads...." I told them. "ALESANA!" Oliver yelled. "WHAT NOW?!" I asked, aggravated. "DID YOU JUST SAY THE F WORD?!" Oh good god. "Knob head?" I asked. "No he's talking about fuck. You can't say fuck cause you're a fucking lady dumbass." Queen said. "Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck." I said. I have no clue where we are going with this because in all honesty we so fucked up that part in South Park. "Yeah. This is over with." I laughed as they kept trying to think of what comes next.

"Tour life..." I mumbled when they all randomly fell on the floor. "You love it just as much as you love us!" Oliver said, dragging me on the ground with him. I landed om top of him and we just stared at each for a little bit. "Did you know that my mum called me Alesana Marie Nicholls and possibly Sykes?" I asked him. He smiled and shook his head. "No I did not." He looke into my eyes and boom. Time stops for the hundredth time since I've been with Oliver.

Oliver reached up and planted his soft lips on mine. And I immediately kissed back. We were kissing what felt like eternity when we finally realized that we were being attacked by pillows. "YOU GUYS ARE GROSSSS! GO SOMEWHERE ELSEEEEEE!!!!" Bee shouted. I blushed deeply and hid my face in Oliver's chest.

"Shuddup guys...." I mumbled. Oliver sat up then picked me up and we walked to his bunk. "Goodnight, Oliver." I mumbled, cuddling into his chest. "I love you, Ala."

"I love you too, Oliver."

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