Chapter 8

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After the third day away from Elizabeth I couldn't take it anymore so I went back. Jude wasn't with her. I was angry at that thought, Jude had left Elizabeth un-protected for so long.

I've lost her now. I saw Elizabeth walk into this concert building, but I didn't see where she went, I guess I should just wait in the crowd until the concert is over, it will be easier to find her then.

I watched the acts, some were really good, but some bands were rubbish. When they announced the next act, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Elizabeth? Singing? I didn't know Elizabeth could sing. This should be interesting to hear.

Elizabeth started to sing a song by paramore, it was beautiful. She sang each note with a strong, bold voice that left the crowd awestruck. The she sung another song, and I couldn't help but think it was about me. My eyes were fixed on her face the whole time, and I was glued to the spot I was standing. I could only look away when she had walked off the stage.

My legs started moving towards the backstage area, and before I knew it I was standing in front of Elizabeth's dressing room. I stopped then, deciding whether to go in or not. I was about to turn around and go when I heard Elizabeth call from inside the room "Come in Theo, the door's open." I froze. How did she know who I was?

I opened the door and cautiously walked in. She was sitting by her mirror, fixing her hair into two long plaits. "Hey, your back!" Elizabeth said. She got up and hugged me, this is so strange. How does she know who I am, or that I was gone? I couldn't get my mouth to move, but I defiantly hugged her back, that's the thing about being madly in love with someone - you do things without realizing.

When I finally remembered how to talk again, I spoke. "How do you know who I am?"

Elizabeth looked up at me with a knowing smile. I couldn't help but think of how beautiful she is when she smiles. "Why, I'm the girl who knows everything, isn't that why you're following me?"

I smiled at that. "Not really, I was just told you were special and that I had to make sure you were safe, and if I could, get you back to the den before the other supernatural get to you." Damn, why did I just blurt that out? She's not supposed to know! "How much do you know about us then?"

"I've learn as much about you as you have about me. Don't you think it's weird that we know each other so well, but we've never... talked?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but I never really thought you'd be in the same position as me." I explained.

Elizabeth laughed, and hugged me tighter. "I'm glad your back, Theo. I missed you." That brought a smile to my face. it seemed weird, hugging Elizabeth, her telling me she missed me. It seemed... almost unreal. But I'm okay with that, few things in my life are what humans would class 'Realistic'.

And then I kissed her, I don't know why, but I did. But she didn't pull away. And it was great.

I broke the kiss realizing I just ruined my only chance with Elizabeth, and she probably just kissed me back because she felt sorry for me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by Elizabeth's lips meeting my own again. I could tell she was smiling, as was I. her arms went around my neck and I rested mine on her waist, pulling her closer, if that was possible.

I only pulled away when I heared someone open the door. "Are you Jude?" Elizabeth asked I turned to see who it was at the door: yep, it was Jude.

"Yeah, I'm Jude, what's it to you?" He said, obviously not realizing who it was in my arms.

"Nothing much, just wanted to put a name to a face." Elizabeth answered.

"Well, if your another one of those 'friends' of Vera's that she recommended me to then, just so you know, IM NOT INTERESTED." Me and Elizabeth burst out laughing at that, so much so that we couldn't even stand up. "What?" said Jude.

"Dude? This isn't one of your little playboy bunnies, this is Elizabeth, you know, the one you were supposed to be looking after..." I explained, still on the floor laughing.

"Oh, shit. THAT'S Elizabeth? 'Cause I found someone that looked just like you in a bar in America, and we were drunk and stuff, soo... we kinda, did it, and the next morning I said 'good morning Elizabeth' and she said 'I'm not Elizabeth', slapped me, and stormed off." Jude starred at Elizabeth for a while, before speaking again. I was still roaring with laughter. "So what are you doing here?" Elizabeth blushed a bit at that.

"Long story." It wasn't really, but I didn't want to explain it to Jude, he'd probably make up some crap about me raping her and spread it around, that's just how Jude is.

The Twisted Tale Of Elizabeth GreyWhere stories live. Discover now