Jisung (2/2)

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I came in jisung's room with his clothes that i already folded. He was sleeping and i put his clothes in his closet. I sit down on his bed and looked at him then i put an apology note because it is my fault for not telling him that i went out. When i wanted to stand up, jisung reached out for my hands and made me lay down besides him, him cuddling me is the best thing that happen to me.

"Yah jisung what are you doing ? i need to go down and prepared breakfast for us" i said and he groaned. "Y/n lets just stay like this for 5 minute. don't ruin the mood and i am your husband. I can do whatever i want with you, do
you know that ?" jisung said and his eyes are still closed. I actually think something and it made me blushed, i felt hot. "Why are your face red Y/n ?" he suddenly asked me and i just ran out from the room because i was embarassed. I try to take my breath and then i couldn't help it but to look at the baby's room.

There is 4 room upstairs which is mine, jisung's, the guest's and for our unborn baby. Our parents spend alot of their money for the interior design of that baby's room and it is beautiful, i really like it but well my marriage with jisung will end anyways so we decided to not have any child. I would always be jealous when i see my friends with their children and husband then they will take a family photo. The only photo that jisung and i captured is our wedding photo.

Jisung P.O.V

After i packed my stuff and put it in my carrier then i went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Y/n ? have you seen my car keys and phone" i asked her and sat down at the dining table. "No i haven't maybe it is in your room" she replied and serve me my breakfast then went upstairs.

After i had finished my breakfast, i walked upstairs to find my car keys and phone but then i saw the door to a room where our parents plan for the baby was opened. That is kind of weird because Y/n and i kept that room locked, don't tell me there is a ghost in this house cause i am not ready to deal with it. I walked towards to the room then i take a peek behind the door, Y/n was cleaning the room. She sat on the rocking chair while holding a doll, she look like a ghost and i am afraid that she is being possed.

I knocked on the door slowly and lean on the door frame (A/N : is it door frame ? well sorry if i got that wrong) "What are you doing ? you look like a ghost" i said to her and she just looked at the doll, it creeps me out looking her like that. "Jisung, don't you want to have a child" she asked me and finally looked at me. "Well of course but i am too young to have one. If we got a child that means no more travelling for me and no more going out for you" i said and she nodded. She stood up and wanted to exit the room but then i hold her arm.

"I don't know what your trying to do right now or what your even feeling but I am sorry that i can't give you a child but i can only give you money" i whisper to her and ruffled her hair. "Jisung i don't need money. I just feel envy with my friends who had child and a happy family. Let me ask you the real question, Do you or Do you not love me ?" she suddenly ask me that question and i don't know what to say, i was speechless. "It fine, i once again understand you. You don't because if you do, you won't hesitated" she said and patted my shoulders then went to her room.

I don't know what is my feelings towards her, i am confused and lost. I looked at the time and i was going to be late, my flight is leaving soon so i grabbed my car keys amd phone . "Y/N I WILL COME HOME SOON" i said while wearing my shoes and she didn't replied anything. I hope i can give her want she wanted but i don't want to have a child because i feel like having them will give her and i a burden and if anything happen between us,  we would have some difficulties to get a divorce because i don't want our child to get hurt by all of it. So better not have one right ?

After a few days, i came back from Osaka and went straight to home. When i arrived, i saw my parent's car and i already know why their here. I will get beaten up by my mother because i am not at home with Y/n so i need to prepared to faced my mother. I twisted the door knob and open slowly, i saw mg parents sitting at the couch while Y/n is serving them drinks. "Y/n don't you think it is time to have child ? at least one" my mom asked her and my dad coughed. "Umm Jisung and i are very busy and we aren't ready to have one yet. I am also trying to find a job right now" Y/n said and looked down.

"Mom, dad why are you guys here ? you two need to rest at home" i said and trying to persuade them to go home early because my mom will speak things that made me feel embarrased. My mom started to give me a lecturer about how to be a good husband and Y/n well she just stay at the kitchen doing stuff. "Mom.. i need to go upstairs and change okay ?" i said and she hummed then smacked my head. I run away as quick as possible because the next thing she will smack is my butt.

After a while, my parents decided to go home so i escorted them to their car. "Jisung remember what i told you okay ?" my mom said and i just nodded slowly. "Son, your the man so you need to show her that. You know when you two you know.. Show her your manliness or not she will go to someone else insted of you" my father said and look down, i also looked down to see what my father was looking at and i finally understand him. "Okay dad ok just get in the car" i said and this time my mom get out of the car. "Honey don't plan things or say you two aren't ready, do you think i was ready when i got you" my mom said and i cover my face. "Well i was ready" my father said while smirking. "Okay you two have a doctor appointments so better go" i replied and they finally went off.

Y/n and i were in a really awkward situation where we both don't know what should we say to each other. "Um jisung i would be in my room" Y/n said and i hold her hands then looked her in the eyes. "Y/N i-i don't know what my feeling right now and i just wanted you to know that your the only woman i will look at . You won't regret it ? if i hurt you or we both went separate ways ? Do you want to take the risk ?" i said and wanting for her answer. "Jisung i have always take risk. When i married to you, i already know what will happen. I always get hurt by you because you leave me alone to travel the world for teaching people to dance and stuff so you never did have any time for me" she said and i hugged her then kissed her forehead. This is the second time i kissed her because the first time is during our wedding and no more kissing since then.

And at that moment, i know what was my feelings toward her. I love her and i mistreated her because i always told myself that i don't love or even like her.

MinMin_2006   i hope you like this and sorry if this sucks. I am very sorry if there is any grammar mistake or error spelling.. Don't forget to vote and i hope everyone like it

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