Lucas (1/3)

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"This is like the 100th time the school call me because you messed something up. Why can't you be like other polite girls ? When i was your age, grandma would always smack me if i am impolite. How can you be the next heir of our fortune if you're acting like this huh ?" My mom scolded me in the car because i did something in school and it wasn't my first time. "First of all that boy was bothering me so i pulled his hair and it not my fault that he cry and scream like a baby" i said and groaned. "I'm going to sent you to grandma's house so you could learn how to control your anger and also learn some manner" My mom said and i rolled my eyes.

"I hate being there. There is no line, no mall so how can i survive there ? it is literally a farm mom. Besides you can't force me, i won't pack my stuff" i said and she sighed. "I know you won't so i did it for you. Your not coming home, i am driving straight to grandma's. Honey, do not insult your village and the village people are nice, try to make new friends" she said and i seriously want to get out of the car now. "No everyone there is old or married already , there might be no teen" i said and looked at the window.

-At the village-

I carried my suitcase and walked into my grandma's house. After my mom took off, I took out my phone and there is no line at all. "Y/n you can use my phone if you want to call someone" my grandma said and pointed at the house phone. "And you know where is your room right ? oh and sweetie, tonight the villagers are gathering at the village hall. They are throwing a BBQ party so you should follow me, i want to
introduce everyone to my beautiful grandchild" she said and i nodded.

I went upstairs while holding my suitcase and entered my room. "Out of all places, mom sent me here...Ugh" i said to myself and started to unpacking. I looked at the window and saw a puppy running around the house so i decided to go out to play with it. Once i'm outside, the puppy is no where to be found. Then i heard a bark coming from the tree, i walked to the tree and the puppy was behind it. "Your a cute puppy" i said and patted its head. Gosh it is so cute and fluffy, i feel like killing it (A/N : Just like jungwoo)

"Um can i have my puppy back ?" a male voice asked and i hummed . When i looked behind there was a tall man with a brown hair. "Who are you ? WHO THE HELL GIVE YOU THE PERMISSION TO BE ON THIS PROPERTY" i asked him and he widen his eyes. "Chill, i work for your grandma. I help her to take care of her animals and her plants. You should be thanking me not yelling at me" He said and took his puppy then walked away. "Wait what is his name ?" i said and he looked back.

"I am lucas" he said and i rolled my eyes. "Not you, the puppy" i said and he laughed awkwardly. "It is Junguwu" lucas said and continued walking while holding the puppy in his arm. "Whatta weird kid" i mumbled and entered the house.

When the sun had immersed, grandma and i walked to the village hall. There was alot of mosquitoes here and do not get me started with the smell. "Y/N, i will be staying there for along time so if you wanted to go home. Call lucas okay honey ? He'll help you and hey don't be so sad. Tomorrow we'll go shopping ?" my grandma said and smiled. "Heck no, i'll never get close with that boy, he is dirty. Shopping ? maybe there won't be clothes that i can wear in the city" i said and her smiled turn into a frown.

"Listen sweetie, i didn't ask you to be here. If you think your too good to be here then call your mom and pack you bags" she said and i felt guilty, well i should be. "Grandma i'm sorry. The words just accidently slipped out of my mouth, maybe it is because i am exhausted" i said and hugged her arms. "I know you are and you're still going home with lucas. He is really nice, he is like a grandson to me so treat him nicely" she said and i sighed then nodded.

Once we arrived, grandma introduce me to everyone as her beautiful grandchild. Well i am kind of pretty so i don't feel embarrased , instead i feel like Yeah that is me the pretty grandaughter. "Grandma" someone said and i looked behind to see that lucas boy. "Lucas have you met my grandchild ? her name is Y/N, she is the same aged as you" grandma said and i smiled awkwardly at him. "Yeah we met earlier today" he said and looked at me. "She is a true beauty, she could be the most beautiful girl in the village" lucas said and i blushed. "Well that is just because she is the only girl that is a teenager and single in the village so" he said again and i quickly turn my back. God why was i blushing ? Now i look like a fool.

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