Chapter 10

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Peter's mind drifted in and out of sleep. He knew he should get up; the lost boys would never let him live it down if he slept in. But he was so comfortable! He was about to allow himself to fall back into the pure blissfulness of sleep when he became aware of something soft and warm snuggled up against him. Peter was instantly awake and on alert. He looked down; his hands were wrapped around something tiny, blue and brown. He watched the gentle rise and fall of breathing. It took him a moment to figure out that it was a person, and that the person was Wendy. Upon seeing her he relaxed, gently rubbing her back with his thumb, grateful that she seemed to have slept through the whole night. She looked so adorable that Peter softly chuckled before he felt movement under his hand, "Ah…it seems my little one is waking up at last." Wendy yawned as she took in her surroundings…she didn't remember her bed being so soft…or so warm. Leaning her head back she could see the reason why and all the events from the last few days came flooding back to her with a awful vengeance; it took all her efforts not to cry as she held Peter's finger tightly. "You okay Wendy?" Peter asked as he felt her death grip on his finger. "Yes…yes…I'm okay. Just…yesterday came rushing back." Wendy explained, her grip letting up slightly. Peter sat up and eased her up to his face, "Come on, let's get some food." Suddenly everything around Wendy moved in a blur. She then felt something pulling on her. Her eyes flew open only to witness a sight that pulled her straight back into the frightening reality for someone her size. Her lower half was caught in Peter's gullet, and it didn't seem to be making any attempts to remove itself. Wendy couldn't even react. Things were just getting worse and worse...It all happened so fast. One second, everything was perfectly normal, when, all of a sudden, Peter's foot flew out from under him, and he plopped onto the floor. Once his head hit the ground, even with the softness of the bear skin rug protecting his skull, he could feel a strange lump choking him, as though something fell into the back if his mouth on the way down. It was lodged in pretty well, and it seemed like he would simply have to swallow it in order to clear his throat. To his surprise, after a couple of strong gulps, the muscles in his throat reactivated, and the process of peristalsis allowed the object to slowly pass down his gullet and straight into the pit of his groaning stomach. Peter took a deep breath. Nearly choking to death certainly wasn't fun, but he sure felt better now. Steadily picked himself off the ground and brushed himself off a little. "Ow, man, it's a good thing I have a hard skull, huh Wendy?" Peter suddenly realized Wendy was no longer safely in his hand. Where was Wendy?! He suddenly felt his throat beginning to get hot as he realized where Wendy was. The last time he felt her inside his hand, he was falling onto the floor. There was something lodged in his throat when he hit the ground, and that could only mean one thing... Wendy had been the object lodged in his throat. He had swallowed Wendy. Wendy was in his stomach. "No! WENDY!!" Peter shouted, his face turning multiple shades of red. Peter put a hand to his stomach, knowing that Wendy was now in there. How could he do this? What was he going to do now?? He slumped down against the wall, feeling utterly defeated. This was terrible...Wendy was inside of him and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt as though he would cry as he thought about eventually digesting his Wendy-bird and not being able to save her. Peter was on the verge of fainting when he heard a small voice echoing from the confines of his insides. "Peter? Peter!?" He recognized her voice right away. "Wendy!!" Peter jumped at the sound of her voice. "Wendy! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean for this to happen! I slipped on something and it just... it just happened..." "Calm down, Peter. I'm alright, really. Well... to be honest, I'm better than alright. I'm actually doing quite well as a matter of fact!" Peter was flummoxed. She couldn't be serious. He had just swallowed her. She was in his stomach, an organ which could digest her at any moment. She was practically his food now, and yet she said she was "better than alright"? On the other hand, she did sound pretty calm. She didn't seem to sound distressed at all. Besides, it had to be quite warm in there. And warm in there it was. It took Wendy's eyes a moment to adjust, but when they did, the sight was otherworldly. All around her was a slimy world of cushiony, living flesh that never seemed to stop moving, making it somewhat difficult to stand. The sounds of Peter's heart could clearly be heard, as well as the groans and gurgles of his digestive system. It almost seemed to welcome Wendy in some strange way. The flesh beneath her was even softer than the tongue she had been unintentionally resting on moments before. It almost was enough to remind her of her soft, warm, luxurious bed back in her London home. It was rather nice to rest on. Not only that, but the natural humidity of Peter's stomach acted as a natural sauna that warmed Wendy like never before. She barely even felt cold anymore. When Peter spoke, his voice was ubiquitous to Wendy. This really wasn't bad at all. As a matter of fact, Wendy kind of liked it... Suddenly, the male voice began to echo around her again. "You.. you mean to tell me that you... aren't afraid of what happened to you?" Wendy seemed confused. Maybe it was because she wasn't in Peter's place at the moment, but she just couldn't seem to figure out what was so shocking about this. "No," she replied simply, "I'm not afraid at all. Why should I be? It's so warm and wonderful. Not to mention that you're practically everywhere!" Peter couldn't help but snicker a little bit. He hasn't really thought about it that way. Besides, maybe this truly wasn't that bad after all. His body heat would definitely be sufficient in warming her up, and she was in a place where she couldn't be hurt. Maybe this was actually a good thing... Maybe he was just overreacting..."Well, Wendy, I'm glad you like it in there, because you're staying in there for a little while. At least until I figure out a way to get you out. Feel free to uhh... make yourself comfortable?" Peter put a hand to his forehead. Boy, did that sure sound silly. Wendy didn't seem to mind at all. "That sure won't be hard at all!" With that, she curled up in a little ball and nestled herself inside one of the fleshy folds in the walls of Peter's warm stomach...Peter tried different methods of getting Wendy out of him, but so far nothing. After holding it in for quite some time, he let out a long, tired sigh as he lowered himself into his chair. He was all alone, but part of him knew that this was not true. He definitely was not truly alone at the moment. He put another hand to his stomach and looked down. "Well, it's just you and me now, Wendy." At the sound of Peter's voice, Wendy immediately perked up. "Yes, it's just the two of us now. It's going to be just the two if us for a little while before anything happens, huh?" "Yeah..." Peter sighed again. The day had barely started and already the odds were not in his or Wendy's favor today now, were they? At least the alone time would give them some time to talk. After all, Peter sure was curious to know just how Wendy felt about being his temporary little "snack". He certainly had a few questions to ask her. "So... what's it like?" he asked timidly. "Hmm?" Wendy replied, sitting up so she could focus a little more. "You know..." Peter continued. "Inside... Inside my stomach... What's it like inside my stomach?" "Well," Wendy began, "It certainly is comfortable."
"Really?" Peter asked, somewhat surprised to hear a digestive organ being described as comfortable.
"Of course!" Wendy replied. "It's so warm and cozy in here. I know it sounds weird, but I could definitely get used to this. And... this is going to sound ridiculous but, this is the closest I've ever been to your heart..."
Peter's eyes widened. He hadn't thought about any of this that way just yet. It was completely true. She was extremely close to his heart now. It was almost surreal how close she was. How... amazing. He had held her so close to his heart in the past, and now he was doing so physically! The very thought of it all made him feel rapturous, it sent a warm wave of pleasure down his spine. "You're right... You are very close to my heart. Just like you always have been." Now it was Wendy's turn to feel warm inside. She felt absolute bliss. "Oh, Peter," she said, her heart amorously beating. She was at a loss of words. His words had simply taken her breath away. "That... That is so sweet..." "Not as sweet as you, Wendy," Peter replied cooly. "By the way, did I mention how divine you tasted? I mean really, Wendy. If there was a food that tasted anything like you, I would eat it every day for the rest of my life." It was true, when she had been in his mouth, he tasted something that was almost like the chocolate sweets he had loved before ever meeting Tinkerbell. Wendy let out a joyous laugh. "Well I'm sure happy to hear that my flavors pleased you," she said jokingly, humorously rubbing at one of the walls. Suddenly, Peter became silent, as if someone had walked into the room. How awkward that would be! "Peter? Is everything all right out there?" "Wait, don't stop rubbing me. Do that again, Wendy," he replied quickly. It wasn't at all a response Wendy expected. She barely even noticed that she had rubbed him, but if he insisted. With bounteous curiosity, she allowed her palms to sink into the flesh that made up the walls of Peter's broad stomach. In consistent, adagio caresses, she allowed her hands to massage the slimy, yet soft flesh. Peter moaned in absolute pleasure. Never had he felt something so soothing in his entire life. This sensation... The sensation of not only having a living, breathing organism within the confines of his stomach, but one that was massaging him from the inside was to die for. He never wanted it to stop. Finally allowing himself to relax, Peter patted his stomach a couple of times and grinned as he heard the sounds of the churning organ within, knowing that the person he loved most was inside of it. This just couldn't get better. Time passed by as the two talked with each other, one always listening with intent to what the other had to say. Wendy's hands never ceased to caress the walls of Peter's stomach, so he would occasionally pause to let out a blissful moan or sigh. An amorous aura had clearly filled the entirety of the room when six figures entered it, their features covered in dirt. "Uh, Peter...Where's Wendy?"

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