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" = Talking out loud.

' = Inside voice.

School. Always school. Long, boring days. Friends. Friends are the best, but only went there true friends. Not like the ones I have. Not like the ones on the internet. Real friends. The ones you can count on. The ones that stick with you forever. Not the ones that run away, that are too scared. Not the ones that laugh and disrespect you. Not the ones that I have. I can manege school. I can manage my parents. But being 18 and have no one to count on, it can be hard. Especially when you're me. A high school girl that has no one to count on, no one to love. But today, today was different. The sun was shining. There were no clouds in sight. Something inside me told me everything's gonna change. My gut. It saved me from most things back in the day when my 'friends' wanted to do something. Let's just hope the school doesn't burn down. Actually, that would be great. Not amazing, but good enough. Enough for me to have some time off. The flowers. The flowers in front of the school were bright and beautiful. The entrance was full of them. Ranging from bright blue to deep purple. It was close to November. It's not that cold here in California. Well, that's what I say. My 'friends' always think I'm crazy and inhuman when I mention the weather. They also say that I'm heartless and bitchy, so I've learned to ignore their opinions. Family. Family was never anything big for me. I have a healthy mother and father. Both love each other. Both work long hours. Both don't give a shit about me. It's not like they insult me or abuse me. It's more like I've spent part of my life trying to impress them. That never worked. I stopped caring about them when I was 10. Spent the last 5 years talking to strangers on the internet about my problems. Not my best move. Half of them were searching for a girlfriend and the other half had worst problems than me. But I have one that stuck with me in my hard times and I've stuck around for him too. Classes. Classes were OK. I'm a straight B student. I have math this morning. Period ends in 20 minutes. My teacher is trying to explain something. I don't get it, but I know how to do it. I'll probably get a B- in a test that involves this subject. My 'friend' Maddeson is sitting in the front. Listening to the teacher or trying to look like she is. I'm in the back of the class. Next to me is Micheal. The greatest basketball player at this school. On my right, there's Terressa. The ultimate math geek. She's actually nice, but not friendly enough for me. I don't know, my gut tells me there's something wrong with her. Micheal's OK I guess.

'Don't let your guard down. He might be dangerous'

Oh. Yeah. I have a voice inside my head. She's probably the only thing I truly have. She also worries about everything. You're probably thinking about those TV shows where they showcase insane people. The ones that kill others because they wanted to. The ones that have voices inside their heads. I'm not like that. The voice acts more like a guardian. She's like a second gut, kinda, if that makes any sense. I named her Guardian, because why not. I wasn't a very creative person.

"Amelia, what's the answer to question 3?"

'It's three'

"Uhh... three?"

"Yes. Good job Amelia" said my teacher.

'Thanks voice. I don't know how I would survive without you.'

'No problem, but next time, stay alert'

The one thing I don't like about her is her tone... and the fact that she finds nothing funny. She's like a brick wall when it comes to socializing. But, there are some perks to having a voice inside your head, like having another set of senses. Another perk is that I can "feel" others emotions. It's kinda weird, but I can also see the future. OK, I can't "see" the future, it's more like I can tell if something huge is gonna happen or if tomorrow is gonna be a normal day, that kinda stuff. I know things too. Like your very confused about that last sentence. You can call this skill "mind reading" or "I can make predictions on what your thinking by what you are feeling right now". I'm smart.

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