Chapter 22

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For the past three hours, Capitao, IQ, Bandit and I have been working on my gadget idea. In that time period, we ended up making four grenades. The grenade itself should have a 15 dm (about 5 ft) radius, but since we haven't tested it out yet, we have no clue how effective it is.

"I suggest we go test these out. What do you think?" asked IQ.

She picked up one of the grenades of the table in front of her.

"Sounds like a good idea" said Capitao.

He picked up a grenade as well and started walking towards the exit.

"Actually, me and Amelia have something to do" said Bandit.

Capitao stop and turned around. IQ looked surprised for a couple of seconds before her expression turned curious.

"What are you two going to do?" she asked.

"Well, I wanted to visit the gym today and I don't know where it is, so Bandit's going to show me" I said.

"There's a testing area right next to the gym. We could go there" said Capitao.

"Alright" said Bandit.

"Ok let's go" said IQ. "Grab a grenade"

I picked up one of the two remaining grenades that were on the table. Capitao was already at the door when I looked back up. Bandit picked up the last grenade and made his way towards the Brazilian. The two headed out the room while me and IQ followed behind them. Our small group then headed towards the gym area.

"So, how did you come up with this idea?" IQ asked me as she held up the grenade.

"To be honest, it was Guardian who came up with the idea" I said. "I'm not a very creative person"

IQ chuckled next to me.

"Are you going to name them at some point?" she asked.

"Yeah... I think" I said. "Actually I'm going to leave it to Guardian to decided"

"Speaking of Guardian, when did you figure out... when did you meet her?"

"You could say she's been with me since my birth, but I don't really know when I truly met her. She's just always been there and I thought it was normal to have a voice inside your head. I was 5 when I first realized it's not normal. It was because of a news report if I remember correctly" I explained.

"What was the report about?" the German asked.

"It was about this mentally insane person that had robbed a bank. The news kept repeating that he heard voices inside his head and that's why he robbed the bank. That day I asked my parents if they had voices inside their heads and they both said no. That's when I realized that I'm special and that I should keep it to myself"

"But you told us"

"That's because I trust you" I said.

"Did you ever say anything to your parents?" she asked.



"Because... because they don't care about me. They only care about work. I bet they don't even miss me" I said as the feeling of sadness started creeping over me.

It was true. My parents never really cared for me. No-one ever did. Not until now anyways.

"I'm sorry to hear that" IQ said.

"It's fine, now I'm here with you guys" I said.

"What about your friends? Don't you think they miss you?"

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