Chapter 30

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"It's so beautiful" said Lily as she stared at the multitude of trees.

'Damn right it is' I thought.

"It's also very dangerous" said Jax.

"No it's not" I said and looked at him for a sec. "In a place like this, there shouldn't be anything dangerous roaming around in the woods"

"Yes it is. The outside world is very dangerous and that forest isn't an exemption" he said.

I was about to argue with him but Guardian said:

'Don't try. Their all brain washed to think that the cave is the safest place for them even if it means they have to become slaves'

'I still don't understand how tho' I said.

'The leader is a manipulator. He uses their emotions to for their way of thinking so it fits with what he wants them to think' she said.

'This is so fucked up'


"Whatever" I said.

"It's alright. It won't be dangerous when you free it from the evil that controls it" said Lily.

"What?" I asked her, very confused on what she expected of me.

"You are the liberator! You will get rid of the evil on this planet and help us live outside the cave!" she said.

It's almost the same thing Agus said, but why do they think I'm the liberator?

"How am I supposed to do that? Why me of all people?" I asked.

"You have the power of the gods!" Lily explained. "You are the only one that has them, so you are the only one that can save us"

"Wait, is that why you brought me here?" I questioned Jax.

"Yes. It was my mission to bring you back to the New World so that you can help us" he said.

'Guardian, are you a god by any chance? Because that would explain a lot of things' I asked the other being living inside my head.

She didn't answer of course. Little bitch.

"Ok, ok. I understand a bit more now, but you said something about the power of the gods. What do you mean by that?" I asked the other two since Guardian was giving me the silent treatment.

"You don't know about your powers?" asked Lily.

"Oh, my powers. Yes of course I know, but I don't think they come from a god" I said.

"You have no idea about the god living inside you?"

'Oh, so you are a god'

"Well I knew there was something living in me, but I didn't know she was a god" I said.

"It's a she?" asked Jax.

"Yes, she's called... well I call her Guardian. She never truly told me her real name. I don't even know if she has one" I explained.

"Yes, she does. Anera is her name. Supposedly, she took care of the humans during the beginning of their creation. Not much is known about her, but we know she came back to save the human race from itself and that's why you are here. To create a new world for us" explained Jax.

'Anera. That's a nice name' I thought.

"I doubt I'll be able to create a new world" I said.

"Not an actual new world, silly. Just a place for all of us to live in peace" said Lily.

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