Chapter 33

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"Lead the way, Spitfire" said Thermite.

I nodded and headed out of the room with the six of them tailing behind me. Now, how am I going to get them to the tunnel without being spotted? That's going to be hard to do. Wait, I could have them wear the same uniform as the guards. But the uniforms were damaged with blood, so that was not an option. Oh well, we're just gonna have to deal with it and hopefully no one starts firing.

"There's a tunnel that leads to an abandoned warehouse. It was meant as an escape route for the leader of this place, so not a lot of people know it" I inform them.

"How did you find it then?" asked Twitch.

Should I tell them I befriended the dude that kidnapped me? That would make it seem like I'm mentally unstable, right? What's that thing called when you befriend your capture?

"Um, I made a friend here that knows about it" I say instead, talking about Lily and not Jax.

I can sense that their skeptical of that answer, but lucky for me no one says anything about it. We make our way up the stairs and I'm the first one to notice that Jax is making his way towards us.

'Shit' is the first word that comes to mind. 'Is he going to rat us out?'

I can tell the exact moment when he comes to the conclusion of what's going on because his eyes widen.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

He takes a couple steps towards me. The operators behind me raise their guns and so does Jax.

'Well, this is a shitty situation'

"Stop right there!" yells Thermite.

"Don't tell me what to do outsider!" Jax yells back.

'There's only one way to diffuse this situation'

I move between the two opposing forces and put my hands up in the universal sign to stop.

"Lower your weapons!" I yell.

"Get out of the way, Spitfire!" yells Thermite.

"Don't tell her what to do!" Jax yells.

"Both of you shut up and listen to me!" I say.

"He's the one that took you away! How could you take his side?!" yells Mute.

'Because I might have Stockholm syndrome' is what I want to say but instead I say "Because he's my friend" as I turn my head to look at Mute.

All the operators seem to be taken aback. They lower their weapons and Jax does too. I lower my hands and look at Jax.

"They don't below here and so do I. We are leaving this place whether you like it or not. You have been brainwashed by your so called leader. The outside world is not what you think it is. You can come with us if you want and I could show you what the outside world truly is like" I tell him.

He seems to think about it for a bit.

"What about Lily?" he finally says.

'I can tell Six to conduct a raid to free these people and Lily'

"We can come and get her some other day" I tell him.

"No. I'm not leaving without her" he says.

"Fine, you go get her. I'm going to lead them to the tunnel" I say as I motion to the operators.

'You better not double-cross us dipshit'

He nods and walks away. I lead the operators to the tunnel, and we don't get spotted on the way, which, in itself, is a miracle.

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