Chapter 8

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'It feels like every time I try to save someone, I end up blacking out'

I was back in the blue place in my brain.

'It's because you need practice'

'HM, sure whatever. Can I wake up now?'

The blue faded away just as Jäger was about to enter the apartment.

"You can put me down now" I said right before he stepped inside.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were awake"

He put me on my feet, and we both walked to the living room. Bandit was sleeping on the edge while IQ and Blitz watched TV.

"Hey" said Jäger.

"Oh you're back" said IQ.

She turned her attention to us. For a second, she didn't react, but when she saw that we were both bloodied she practically jumped of the sofas.

"What happened!?" she yelled, waking up Bandit and startling Blitz.

"Well, I went to go get him because none of you were willing to move and..." I could barely finish before Bandit marched towards me.

"What were you thinking!? Why didn't you tell us you were leaving!? What happened!?" he said.

"Calm down Dom. We're both fine. I just encountered a little problem" said Jäger while pushing Bandit away a bit.

"What kind of problem?" asked Blitz as he and Monika walked towards us.

I looked at Jäger then Blitz and then at Bandits.

"Um" I started looking at the ground and placing a hand at the back of my neck. "I kinda went after him and ended up killing 5 guys"

I took a second to asses the situation. Bandit was angry, Blitz was confused, IQ was... sad? Why would she be sad?

"Why did you leave?" asked Bandit again.

I lifted my head up and locked at him directly in the eyes with as much confidence as I could muster. "You didn't want to go look for him"

"You could have at least told us you were leaving" he said.

I don't know how our when he moved, but he was now very close to me. The moment I realized this, I stepped away just to bump into a wall.

'Well shit' I thought.

The others didn't put any effort in helping me get away from the angry German in front of me.

"And... and let you stop me? What kind of idiot do you think I am?" I snapped.

Saying that did help me whatsoever. It just pissed him off even more.

"We would risk our lives over and over again just to save you so we don't need you running around creating trouble and risking your life" he said then pointed towards Jäger. "He knew the risk and went anyways. It's not your job to rescue him"

I stilled. Guardian told me he was going to die and I knew that she could protect both of us, heck, she could probably go against an army and still win.

'Remember, they don't trust me'

'I could...' I said. 'I don't know what I could tell them'

'It wouldn't change a thing and you wouldn't have time anyways'

'I'm not even going to ask'

Staring back at Bandit, I could see sadness and anger clashing together.

"He was going to die if I didn't show up" I said.

"How were you sure he was going to die?" he defied me.

"Guardian tolled me"

"You're going to trust that little voice of yours over common sense?"

"She saved my ass multiple times! Nothing you say could change that!" I yelled.

"That's the problem! You trust her too much!" he yelled back.

Out of all the things that my life thru at me, this might be the only one where I felt like crying.

'Turn that sadness into anger' said Guardian in a soft tone.

Fresh anger swept thru me.

'This asshole has the audacity to tell me that I trust you so much? The fuck does he know about anything?!'

"Who the fuck do you think you are" I said.

He stepped back a little as if he was shocked. I noticed the others were talking to Jäger in the living room.

"I'm here to save you because that's my job and you're making it harder for me" he said.

"Stop whining! If you really cared, you wouldn't be yelling at me for saving your friend! And it's not my fault you took this job!" I yelled in his face.

After that, he sighted and left me there, but I heard him say "you have no idea what you've done" in a hushed tone. I just stood there, still a bit angry.

"You called the Brits yet?" Bandit asked Blitz.

'Brits? British? Why is he saying that?'

'You're going to meet the next team' replied Guardian.

'Oh great'

Blitz shook his head. I was getting annoyed of standing there, so I left the hallway and entered my room. I was looking over what happened in the alleyway.

'I'm sure I heard one of them saying something along the lines of "we need to capture her" or something, right?' I asked Guardian.

'Yes, something like that'

'So I bet they were working for someone that wants to capture me. I guess it's the same thing with the group that attack me when I was with the Russians'

My stomach grumbled.

'Shit! I forgot! I'm hungry as shit!'

The door to the bedroom opened behind me. When I turned around, I saw Bandit holding a piece of bread.

"Look, I wasn't trying to be an asshole, but you scared me. I'm told I'm a bit overprotective, so when I saw you all bloodied I couldn't help but feel angry at however did that to you. It was wrong to be angry at you and I wish you wouldn't hold it against me. Bread?" he said.

I took the piece of bread he was holding out.

'Stupid German! Now I want to hug him!'

"Thanks Dominic. I appreciate the fact that you came back to excuse yourself. Can I hug you?"

He smiled and opened his arms to me. It was a nice little hug, but it made me feel better.

"So, who are these Brits?"

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