Chapter 7

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Without even a realization, midnight came, and Prod and I rushed downstairs into our hotel room. Attempting to tip-toe quietly inside, we noticed that the lights were all off. Feeling relieved, I opened the door wider.

"Aha!" shrieked Ray, having one of his index fingers pointed directly at us. The lights all suddenly turned on, revealing a worried Roc and a moody Princeton.

I jumped back a bit, frightened. "God damnit, Ray!" Prod yelled, placing his palm against his chest. "You scared the living shit outta me!"

I saw Ray frown. "Whatever, Prod." He put his hands in together in frustration. "And to think I was really worried about you! Then you give me that attitude? Whatever, bro."

While stripping off from a semi-winter coat, Prod took off his all-black combat boots. He stopped untying to give Ray a tricked expression. "Are you serious, Ray?"

"Nah," Ray smirked. "I was actually worried about Nicole."

I heard all the other guys, including Princeton, burst into loud, uncontrollable laughs. I didn't blame them, though. I, myself, was turning red.

"Nah, but seriously bro," Roc interrupted, deeming down the laughs. "You're just so lucky we saved your ass from Keisha and Walter.. especially Keisha!"

Prod replied with a slight smile. Honestly, I didn't know if he cared they helped him out or not. What were they really gonna do? Take him out of tour? Psh.

As much as I wanted Ray to actually mean what he said, I knew it wasn't true. Yeah, we might've been friends, but the guys didn't care for me as much as they did for Prod. I mean, without Prod, MB would have no lead singer. With all the idiotic drama, I was just a burden. Call me selfish, but I didn't care. I was a screw up to begin with.

Without getting noticed, I attempted to slip myself out of the living room. Picking up my pace faster to my bedroom, I heard Roc call my name.

"We missed you too, you know? Don't ever make us worried like that!" His voice echoed against the walls. "We care about you -- so, so much.."

Princeton's POV

"We missed you too, you know? Don't ever make us worried like that! We care about you -- so, so much.." Yelled Roc practically half way through the room. I looked up to Nicole, only to see that she had no reaction.

She stayed as still as the leaves in the summer. It was actually pretty creepy. It was as if those three  ignorant sentences caused all the blood in her vines to stop running. But, then again, her back was turned to us. All we -- well, I -- could see was her tense back, arms, and legs.

Immediately, I saw Prod rush over and escort her to their bedroom. When I saw that, my eyebrows dropped down in complete anger. The red liquid in my veins immediately started to boil, as my powerful grip caused the couch's arm-rest to tear.

Prod actually thought he had the guts to comfort Nicole as if nothing happened? Especially when he practically left her depressed in her bedroom for the rest of the day? I mean, for your own boyfriend to run away and hold his girl in his arms, as if what he did was fine? That was some major tripping.

"I'm gonna go to sleep," Ray said cutting my thoughts, avoiding the obvious awkward air. He stuck two fingers up to form a peace sign. "Deuces."

Both Roc and I nodded, and Ray grabbed about a cushion or two and left the room. Now, it was just me and Roc. With Roc's slow back and forth pacing, I could tell there was some thick bulk between us. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have a problem with Roc. I could tell he had feelings for Nicole (he just practically said "we" cared about her) just like how I did. I didn't blame him for falling for someone special as her.

But Prod? He was something different. There was something about Nicole and Prod's "relationship" that stuck on me. Yes, I knew I liked her, and it wasn't that. There was something juicy both of them are trying to hide, and I guess it's up to me to find out for sure.

Prodigy's POV

Once we got into our bedroom, I set Nicole down as nicely as I could onto the mattress. Her eyes, which were trickling a bit of tears, were wide open. She looked, as if, posessed.

I sighed. I didn't think simple words that said they "missed" and "cared about her" would actually penetrate her heart. Coming from the girl who's been called a "bitch", "slut", and "whore" everyday just for hanging out with MB, you would never think that.

Nicole slowly laid her right cheek against a pillow, inhaling reality deeply. I couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked. And frankly, it was odd for me to say that, since she was in some old sweats.

Her hairbun was loose, having some crimped brunette hair fall down her back. The way her hair flowed and complimented her glowing skin, eyes, face, and body was pure perfection. Everything about her was just absolutely stunning. Although I noticed that beforehand, I didn't think I'd still feel this type of emotion wit her.

"Why are you staring at me?"

My eyes shook, and my vision got back to the right time. She stared at me with wide eyes, as if I were some ghost. I felt my hands begin to shake.

"Um, nothing."

She looked at me weirdly, standing up to most likely get in the shower before I do. As she went over to one of the drawers to grab her things, I couldn't help but think. Never have I felt for a girl like this -- especially for this long.

As much deep feelings I have had for her, I needed to see if I really did. Maybe it was just a crush. However, none of my crushes were long and meaningful with an girl.

I swallowed a huge air lump in my throat. "Hey, Nicole?"

She turned back around, her messy hair flying everywhere. "What?"

That's when I felt myself shaking, a beat of sweat traveling down my forehead. Never in my life have I been scared to talk to a girl. Matter fact, I was labeled "Mr. Confidence" back in freshman year. I was nervous for a girl that I knew since -- well, practically diapers.

The only time I ever felt nervous was during my first concert with the guys. But obviously, that eventually faded. I bit my bottom lip, hoping my breakdown would somehow vanish.

"Would you -- uhm, like to.." I heard myself stuttering.

Her brows raised, having her confused expression in full effect. "to..?"

"Uhm.. go out.. on a date.. with me..?" My head immediately shot down. For once, I was afraid of being rejected.

Bringing my eyes back up, I saw her think for a while. I didn't know if she was just playing, or if she really was considering going on a date with me. That made me even more nervous.

She glared, as if questioning me. "Will there be food?"

I let out a laugh. It was typical Nicole; the same girl I spent my childhood memories with. "Yes, Nicole." I said with a smile. "There will be food."

She replied with a smile, bringing her left leg up as if in moderation. "Guess we have a date." She stated before heading for the shower.

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