Chapter 18

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Colby's POV

Nicole and I's jaw had dropped when Prodigy's words processed through our minds; but in comparison with Nicole, I believe that I was the most appauled to hear it. All six of us (including Prodigy and Keisha, who eased their cries) remained silent for quite some time, and I figured it was because of how shocking the reality of it was. Because of the awkward situation Prodigy put himself and Nicole in, I knew both of them remained quiet out of humiliation. With the blank facial expression Walter and Keisha had, I knew they were scrutinizing the conflict within their heads. I wasn't so sure about Prince's mystified expression, and that just made me ponder about the situation even further. I spent what seemed like an entire two minutes of silence contemplating... about everything.

What was Princeton doing here in the first place, ratting out other people's business? He had no reason to ever interfere with either Prodigy or Nicole, so his motive to being upset about the "fake relationship" was invalid.

But then again, that led me to my next question -- why would Prodigy even dare say Walter had ordered them to be in a fake relationship? He already had the fame, look, talent, and fortune, so there was no need for an off-the-side stunt. What confused me even more was that none of us knew about it -- except for Nicole and Prodigy -- which meant both of them faked the "i love you"s and intimate PDA actions right in front of us. Their own family.

Reflecting about that brought me to my next subject: Nicole.

Why would she lie to all of us, including me? Especially after the close, personal conversations we had? If her and Prodigy really wanted to commit a crime of a counterfeit relationship to the public, they should have advised us about it. Knowing Mindless Behavior and their managers are here not only to entertain, but to get noticed, every one would have agreed to it. Having to realize that made both my heart and mind do tumbles, as the thought of our perhaps "fake friendship" dominated my mind.

But why would she even want to be involved in something like this? Nicole's an intelligent woman; she knew the consequences of lying and I was certainly positive she knew that the plan would never succeed. With that in mind, I started considering possible explanations to why she might've agreed to ever being in a "relationship" with Mindless Behavior's Prodigy, and I unfortunately came up with many alternatives: popularity, a reputation, and, oh! An army of furious fans.

I squinted my eyes back into reality and caught a good glimpse of Keisha and Prodigy weeping once again, Nicole's scarlet-colored self on the verge of tears, an infuriated Walter, and a mad Princeton, with his arched eyebrows tensed to form a straight, diagonal, black, hairy line. It was quite uncanny how every one's mood had inclined within two silent minutes, but if I were involed in a situation like this, I wasn't so sure how I'd react.

Although I was the youngest out of the crew, I was quick-witted in many subjects, including the topic of the multiple feigned faces of society. By Princeton's jittery body language, I was positive that behind the frown, he was as happy as a four-year-old toddler going to the ice cream store.

That set me off. It was as if that he was joyous he accomplished getting what he wanted (which was most likely to break them apart), and found a bigger piece of the puzzle in the process. Prince had hit the jackpot without even planning to do so; he just intended to get the median amount of money. In spite of the fact that what Nicole and Prodigy committed was wrong, Princeton actually planning to emotionally hurt both of them was immorally amiss as well.

The one thing I knew from my Filipino and African heritage was to never let anyone fuck with your family, and if they did, never let them come off easy.

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