The War

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        The war between Asgard and Jotunheim raged on with no clear sign of stopping. The Asgardians seemed to have the upper hand but the Jotuns were fierce not to mention huge. They could take out a wave of asgardian soldiers with one slash of their arm if the situation was right. The bodies piled up on both sides but the soldiers fought on.

        In the midst of all the bloodshed however, two princes were born, one of Asgard and one of Jotunheim. One would be paraded about proudly and the other would be treated more like a slave than a prince.

        Eight years after the birth of both princes the kings of the two realms decided it was time to at least try for peace. To discuss the possible terms of peace the two kings, Odin and Laufey, met on Asgard. During this meeting, which was long as each side tried to argue their terms, the kings were served food and drinks by servants who came and went as they were needed. One of these servants was a young Jotun boy who was far too small to be considered average. As a matter of fact he was closer in size to the young Asgardian prince. This was, no doubt, why he was a servant and not being trained for battle, the Jotuns did start young after all.

        The wise Allfather watched the boy curiously the first time he saw him. He noted the markings on his blue skin which matched Laufey's far too closely to be a coincidence. Could that small thing really be the product of the powerful king of Jotunheim and his Frost Giant queen? His curiosity faded as time went on as he had more pressing matters to think of.

        Odin, however, was not the only one who was curious about the small Jotun boy. It seemed the young Asgardian prince was interested in him as well. He had, at first, spotted him when he, like the other servants, entered carrying drinks and other things that were to be served to the kings. The prince had been watching from afar, overall curious about the whole affair. As he was quite young he lost interest in the politics pretty quickly but, after spotting the other boy, he made it his goal to speak with him. He waited hours until finally it seemed the kings would be in no need of service for a while and the servants were dismissed from the room. The young prince was quick to approach the Jotun boy.

        "Hello!" The blonde boy said excitedly.

        The Jotun servant looked surprised but, as he recognized the Asgardian's position by his attire, he knelt down. "Your highness" he said softly.

        The blonde raised a brow but laughed. "You don't have to kneel, get up." He said. "Besides, how'd you know?" He asked.

         "Your clothes" the Jotun said, rising. "Did you need something?" He asked politely as he could. He didn't much enjoy being a servant though he supposed no one did.

        "I wanted to talk" the prince answered. "You're small for a Jotun" he stated though it wasn't intended to be rude.

        The servant boy took no offense, he knew he was a strange sight to see. He pushed a tuft of black hair behind his ear. "You're not so large yourself." He said, a smile cracking at the corners of his lips.

         The Asgardian laughed, glad to see the other boy break away from the stiff formalities he never cared for. "Whats your name?" He asked, a toothy grin spreading itself on his face. 

       The black haired boy paused as if uncertain of whether or not he should answer. "Loki" he said at last.

         "Loki" the blonde repeated. "I'm Thor" he said. "Lets be friends" he offered, holding out his hand.

         Loki raised a brow. Did this 'Thor' not know how cold the touch of a Frost Giant was? He sighed, putting a hand on his hip before extending his hand as well, using magic to ensure the other did not get frostbite as they shook hands. "You're very strange, Thor" he said but the words rang kindly in the air.

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