Another Meeting

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It was not long after the incident that Odin returned.

It was impossible to return to the way things had been the past couple of months but Odin was rather insistent on furthering his plan, even if this meant adjusting their approach.

Thor's head ached.

Heimdall remained silent.

All were dismissed, Loki was summoned.

It could've been hours, it could've been days. Loki wasn't certain. There was no light, half the time he couldn't tell whether his eyes were opened or closed. There was no sound either. There was nothing, no way to know how much time had passed. The only reason he could deduce not much time had gone by was because he could still taste blood and his whole body still ached.

Then a flash of light filled his eyes with a different kind of blindness. He could hear keys jingling, metal scraping, but everything was distorted and sideways. He was pretty sure his ears were ringing.

Cold metal was clasped around his wrists and he was dragged up out of the dark once more. Slowly but surely colors filled the space where once there had been nothing but light. He saw the faint outline of Thor but couldn't make out any of the details. Everything was smudgy.

Thor locked eyes with Loki as he passed... or at least he thought he did. The young man didn't quite look all there. In fact, there was blood dripping from his nose and a few cuts on his face. He was leaving a trail. He felt instantly guilty. He couldn't yet forgive Loki for what he'd done but this kind of treatment was unfair and it was he who'd said "do what you will."

At the time he'd meant it but now all he felt was regret. He watched as Loki was taken into the next room. He didn't know what his father had planned but he was sure it was nothing good.

Familiar colors filled Loki's sight. He knew where he was and he knew who to expect. Sure enough, it was Odin's voice that boomed through the room. He couldn't understand him over the ringing in his ears.

"I see you've decided to be difficult" said Odin.

Loki understood him this time but he would not dignify the king's words with a response. He wasn't sure if he could even string all the right words together to form a proper response anyway.

"You wont speak, that's fine. I've not brought you here to chat anyway." Odin boomed. "I have no doubt you understood from the start how little say you have with regards to your future. We will start your training again tomorrow." He stated. He then waved his hand dismissively. "Put him back where he belongs"

Loki was dragged back into the darkness.

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