Diplomatic Prisoner

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        Of course.

        Why would things change?

        Why did he think he could take control of his miserable life?

         Loki laid on the cold floor of his cell. He'd been tossed from one dark hell hole to another and was again in chains. In his life he'd had maybe two or three moments of true freedom and now he was right back where it seemed the universe believed he belonged. Essentially his cage on Asgard was the same as the one in Jotunheim. It was dark, the air damp with the scent of mildew and slowly decaying bodies. The food was no better or worse than anything he'd been served before. It was a tan, mushy, and overall unpleasant porridge who's smell stung the inside of an unaccustomed nose. In fact, the two prisons were so similar he often wondered if he'd been moved at all. He wondered if he'd simply lost his mind but the hours which spread into weeks, he decided, passed far too slowly for his sanity to have left him. It was a full month before he received any notable visitors and he felt every excruciating second of it.

        The light filtered in harshly as the door clicked open and Loki had to shield his eyes. Through squinted eyelids he saw the frail figure of the old one eyed god. "It seems the war has not been as kind to you as they say" said Loki, patient discontentment coating his words.

        Odin merely waved his hand at a guard who stood next to him, the man taking Loki in his grasp and pulling him up from the floor. They took him down a series of halls before they sat him down at a long table, attaching his chain to a metal loop which had been hastily installed in the floor. Across from him sat Odin, several guards standing between them on either side of the table.

        "It seems we have treated you less than fairly" Odin's voice boomed. "You were the one to kill Laufey were you not?" He asked.

         Loki raised a brow, his eyes flicking around the room before he nodded slowly.

        "Then, in effect, you are our ally" Odin spoke.

        Loki's face contorted in a confused manner. "Your ally?" He questioned, holding up his chained wrists.

         Odin sighed. "Yes, well... certain precautions must still be taken." he explained. "In any case I hope you will consider my offer"

        "What offer?" Loki responded.

        "You are the rightful heir to the Jotun throne" Odin said. "and, for us Asgardians, it would be easier going forward knowing we had an ally leading Jotunheim" he explained. "You would serve as a diplomatic partner of sorts" he added.

"I know nothing of being king" spoke Loki wisely. "Besides, I'd doubt if any of the Jotuns would follow my rule" he added.

"No?" questioned Odin. "You took out an entire line of Jotun guards on your own and took down your father. You are a force to be reckoned with, Loki. If you will it they will follow you." he reminded the young man. "We will train you on all the things you need to know about ruling and when you are ready we will return you to Jotunheim." He said firmly as though the young Jotun didn't have a choice, which, of course, was the case.

Loki sighed. "Wont your people be a little restless with a frost giant among them?" He asked in a vain attempt to change the old god's mind. Surely he could find someone else to rule.

Odin waved his hand at someone behind Loki. His wife, Frigga, who'd been silent and unseen by the Jotun, stepped forward. "About that..." Odin murmured. "They wont know" he said simply.

Loki might've questioned the king had it not been for the woman's hands which gripped him firmly. He felt a wave of powerful magic wash over him and he watched as his skin turned from blue to a fleshy pale. His markings disappeared and the chill of his skin faded. He looked to Odin, scornful understanding filling his gaze. He was to look like an Asgardian, talk like one, learn like one, act like one, and, eventually, rule like one.

"Take him to his new quarters" Odin ordered and Loki was once again whisked away by guards.

Loki was taken to a larger room, this time with furniture and lighting. There was even a window, something he'd never had before. He was put on a different chain, this one long enough so he could walk the entire room without much difficulty. He was then left on his own. Loki sat beside the window as it had been so long since he'd been able to see outside. The unfamiliar Asgardian landscape filled his vision, the golden glint of Odin's kingdom reflecting gloriously in the sunlight. He looked upon it with sullen awe and let out a deep sigh. He was no less a prisoner now than he had been when he'd laid in the darkness of his cramped cell.

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