Remnants of Friendship

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        Despite being chained, Loki slept remarkably well. The softness of the bed cradled him as if he slept on a cloud, the delicate sheets like silk on his skin as they were, in fact, made of silk. In the morning he was roused at an early hour, his tired body being pulled to a small room where he was stripped of his clothing. There he was bathed, a thick layer of dirt gliding off his body. Delicate hands brushed through his raven locks with tenderness he'd never felt before. During this time he was free of his chains, guards standing outside to ensure he didn't try to escape. He could've easily taken one of the women who bathed him into his grasp, threatened her life, used her to catch the men outside off guard but... these women were merely servants, innocent and kind despite the endless toil of their work. He knew what it was like to be them and he would not cause them any trouble.

The women, with their work done, left Loki alone in the bathroom. He followed them out, only a towel wrapped around his waist. He made to go get dressed but he was grabbed by the waist and pulled backwards by one of the guards. His hands were rough and eager as they held the struggling Jotun in their grasp. "Let go of me." demanded Loki firmly but it was to no avail. The other guard turned in such a way that Loki was now sandwiched between the two of them. He felt a second pair of hands secure him, pushing him into the guard behind him, as his hands slipped down his body, lower and lower until those hasty hands were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and slamming shut. Loki was released immediately.

"You forget the watcher of the nine realms is my friend" boomed a vaguely familiar voice. "Get out. I'll take over from here." the voice said.

The guards scuttled off.

Loki let loose a soft sigh before walking over to the dresser, his eyes falling on the strong figure of Thor. His skin crawled, the touch of the guards remaining on his skin as if each caress had stained him. Thor had been his savior. "I thought you hated frost giants" he spoke. He turned his back to the Asgardian, pulling on his old Jotun attire.

"What they were doing was wrong regardless of whether or not I like frost giants" Thor responded. It was not a straight answer but it was all he'd give Loki. His eyes briefly scanned the Jotun, checking for any sign of injury. He noted the scars on his back which he'd seen when they'd first found him on Jotunheim. He supposed there were some things even magic couldn't hide. He raised a brow as Loki pulled on his old clothes. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Loki felt the Asgardian's eyes on him, scanning him. His face scrunched in a confused manner at his words and he turned back to look at the Asgardian. "Getting dressed" he said, wasn't it obvious?

"No" said Thor with a huff. He stepped beside Loki, placing a hand on his arm as he gently lead him towards the closet. He opened the closet door to reveal an assortment of Asgardian robes. Thor scanned the selection before pulling out a green tunic and some black pants, a matching overcoat hanging alongside them. He handed all three items to Loki. "Wear these" he said.

Loki looked over the clothes with a soft sigh. "You Asgardians wear so much clothing" he murmured, sliding off what he was wearing and beginning to dress himself in the new robes he'd been given. Once he was done he looked at himself in the mirror, unfamiliar green eyes meeting his gaze. Expert hands curled his dark hair into a braid which would keep it at bay for the day. Dressed and ready as he could be he approached thor, holding out his red and bruised wrists, eyes like daggers staring into Thor's blue orbs.

Thor looked over those delicate but ragged wrists. That must hurt. He thought. With a sigh he clasped the chains back around his wrists, he could not disobey his father's orders, not for a Jotun. "I'll speak to my father about the chains" he said apologetically. "Perhaps he'll reconsider" he offered. Some part of him still clung to the remnants of their childhood friendship and it was for that reason that he wanted to help. Loki, however, was less receptive of his offer than he might've liked.

        Removing these chains won't grant me freedom. Thought Loki. He huffed. Besides, Thor had been the one to imprison him, why would he care whether or not the chains hurt him? He didn't understand him and, to some degree, this lack of understanding made him furious.

        Thor loosed a sigh. Loki didn't say a single word in response and his silence said enough. He's upset with me. He thought. He told himself he didn't care, that Loki was just another Jotun and that he shouldn't care about what he thought but, admittedly, the thought of his former friend being mad at him stung. Thor took the man by the arm and lead him out into the hall in silence. What could he say? He had nothing to apologize for and, really, nothing to say to the young Jotun.

Loki was taken down a series of halls. He would not speak a word to Thor who lead him by the arm. Part of him wanted to thank him for what he'd done earlier but what little was left of his pride would not allow it. One did not thank his jailor. Finally he was lead into a room with large windows, golden curtains hanging on either side of each. Food was laid out on a large table which sat in the middle of the room, intricate designs carved into each leg. Thor lead him to a chair and motioned for him to sit. He raised a brow at the prince but the Asgardian simply motioned for him to sit again. With a huff he sat, slouching in a defiant manner.

Thor rolled his eyes at the Jotun but said nothing. He sat beside him, within reach of him in case he tried anything tricky. To his surprise Loki had actually been relatively compliant since arriving on Asgard. Even now as they sat at the table, the Jotun not chained down, he was still. He wondered what was going on in that sharp mind of his. What plan was he formulating? What tricks were being planned? Or... was he really just going to bide his time on Asgard and go along with his fathers plan? In the midst of his thoughts he found himself, once again, staring at Loki, his eyes taking in the features of his face.

"You're staring" sighed Loki, breaking the silence for the first time since they'd left his room. His eyes stared off to the wall farthest from the Asgardian. His body straightened in his chair and he swore, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Thor smile.

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