Training begins

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The two princes sat alone at the table for what felt like a very long time until, at last, Odin and Frigga came in and sat across from them.

Loki did not know why he'd been taken here of all places. Surely a prisoner did not belong at the breakfast table with the royal family and yet there he was.

Seeing Loki's confusion, Thor spoke up. "This is part of your training" he said. "Table manners is ... sort of a big deal." He added. "What better time to practice than at a real meal?" He laughed, the hearty sound booming through the otherwise quiet room. He truly thought his words to be, in some manner, genius.

Loki huffed. His eyes trailed the servants as they placed food in front of each of them, serving Odin then Frigga and Thor before, eventually, they came to him. They set down a whole plate of food which glistened almost as gloriously as the golden castle they were in. The scent of it filled his senses pleasantly in a manner more or less unfamiliar to him. This was real food, something prepared with care and not whipped together to be just nutritious enough to keep someone alive. It was meant to taste good. He stared at it in awe but soon his eyes trailed to the many different utensils which sat on either side of his plate. He didn't know how to use any of them, at least, not in a polite manner.

He looked to Thor who expertly gripped a knife in his dominant hand, his fork delicately balanced in the other. He mimicked this, struggling a bit, unfamiliar motions causing his hands to tremble slightly. He hunched over his food and began to tear into it rather viciously, the clanking of the metal of his shackles accompanying his rough movements. Thor put a hand on his arm and he stopped. He watched Thor who silently motioned for him to sit up straight and slow down. He rolled his eyes but did as instructed.

After suffering through breakfast which consisted of constant nitpicking and corrections he was taken to yet another room. He was, again, accompanied by Thor. It seemed he'd fully taken up the responsibility of escorting him after what those guards had tried to do. He didn't feel much safer, not that he expected him to try the same thing; he just didn't trust him. It was something about the way he looked at him, those eyes holding no hatred just confusion and misplaced longing. Perhaps he'd felt no sympathy for him on Jotunheim but now, as they were on Asgard, the place they'd first met... something had changed.

        Conflicted feelings of his own had started to creep in but he resisted them with all his might. He would not let this Asgardian, his warden, into his mind or heart. Deep in thought, he was interrupted by Thor who nudged him. "What?" He snapped.

Thor raised both hands in front of him, showing he meant no harm by the gesture. "How are you holding up?" He asked, the words genuine.

Loki scrunched his nose, eyebrows furrowing. He looked to Thor in a most confused manner. "Why should you care?" He retorted coldly.

"I just... I know my father is asking much of you" he said, knowing the burden of a crown could be heavier than stone. Perhaps he didn't know exactly what Loki was going through but he had some idea, after all, someday he would be king of Asgard.

"He's not asking" Loki reminded Thor. He was being forced to do this, being held prisoner, being kept alive solely so he could act as king while Odin, no doubt, pulled the strings. All of this was a set up, an act to make him think he would be granted his freedom once he was trained, make him believe he was the one in control. Loki saw through it all. He was nothing more than a pawn in the old god's game.

        "Well... yes" began Thor but he didn't know what to say. Loki was right. He fell silent.

Loki, who would've been more than happy to let the silence hang had he not thought of something, spoke up. "What are we doing in here?" He asked, looking over the relatively empty room they stood in. They were alone. "Are we... waiting for someone?" He questioned.

"a good ruler is one who knows all there is to know about the other realms" Interrupted a voice before Thor was able to speak. Out of the doorway stepped a man in golden armor, a large sword secured to his back as if he might need it at any moment.

"And who better to teach us than the watcher of the nine realms!" Spoke Thor. "Heimdall!" Boomed the Asgardian by way of greeting. He patted the golden eyed man on the back cheerily.

"Watcher of the nine realms..." murmured Loki, recalling Thor mentioning him earlier that morning. So he's the one who informed Thor of... that... this morning. He thought, doing his best not to remember the guards and their eager hands. He watched as both Heimdall and Thor sat, remaining where he was. His eyes soon turned away from them, searching the room which held books and not much else.

"Laufeyson" called Heimdall. He waited for the young man's distracted eyes to meet his before saying "please, join us." He motioned towards the space next to Thor as he spoke.

Loki loosed a heavy sigh but he sat beside the large Asgardian obediently.

"Let us start you off with something easy" said Heimdall. "Lets talk about Jotunheim's political system. I assume you're quite familiar..." he spoke.

Loki nodded though the mention of home was a cruel reminder of his present situation.

"Thor, you've been struggling with this so I'd advise you to pay attention" warned Heimdall. The God of Thunder had his wise moments but he certainly wasn't the brightest student. He then gestured to Loki, signifying that it was his turn to speak.

Loki, with chained wrists that moved in unison, metallic clasps preventing his full range of movement, he pushed a tuft of black hair behind his ear. He didn't know much about ruling but he knew enough about the system surrounding it to satisfy Heimdall and even teach Thor a few things he hadn't known. Once he was finished, Heimdall went on to speak of the things he'd missed and taught the two young men some things about Jotunheim that neither of them knew.

After about two hours their lesson on Jotunheim came to an end and all parties concerned were more than happy to let the subject rest for the remainder of the day.

"Tomorrow we shall discuss Asgard." Heimdall said before leaving the room, the clank of his armor echoing through the air long after he was gone.

        Thor and Loki were, again, alone together.
By now it was early in the afternoon but Loki was already exhausted. He'd endured many physical challenges, most of which caused him pain, but this was somehow more tiring and it showed.

"Its about time for lunch" Thor offered, hoping maybe food would be something to look forward to but from the way Loki slouched and groaned he knew the young man wasn't particularly excited. "Maybe we'll skip the formalities this time... you and I can grab something from the kitchen." He said hoping he'd gain a different reaction from Loki.

Although he said nothing Loki's head turned towards Thor in a more interested manner. Admittedly he was hungry but he couldn't bare to suffer through another meal filled with far too many different utensils and constant corrections to his behavior. However, Thor's new offer seemed to promise a much more relaxed lunch free from much instruction. Still, he said nothing, just staring in Thor's direction with hungry green eyes.

Thor saw Loki's demeanor change as the dread of a more formal meal was stripped away. Despite gaining no verbal response, the young man's reaction said enough and he took him by the arm with a soft "come on."

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