All Grown Up

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Many years after the failed attempt at peace the two realms grew tired of fighting. Both sides knew neither of them would end the war with an agreement so there was only one way to put an end to it. One side had to utterly crush the other.

The Asgardians pushed their way closer and closer to the throne of the great giant Laufey. They were small in comparison to the Jotuns but with their prince fighting at their side they were unstoppable for The God of Thunder was particularly fierce amongst the fighters. For someone who once called a Jotun friend he seemed to harbor no care for them. They had killed far too many Asgardians, far too many of his friends, to find any sympathy for them.

Meanwhile the Jotuns scrambled to fight back the Asgardian forces. Giving up was not something they'd consider for they had Laufey to guide them. However, the soldiers of Asgard were not the only ones troubling the cold king's mind.

Raising a son was hard enough when you were proud of him. His son Loki was a disappointment from birth. He was no prince in his eyes and deserved to die but, with forces ever depleting and servants being sent to the army, he kept the boy. He waited until the child was old enough to comprehend and complete orders and set him to work. Turns out the small Jotun was more trouble than he was worth. For a good part of his life Laufey had been able to control his worthless son with fear but as he grew up it seemed he was less and less afraid of him. Eventually not even torture could dissuade the boy from disobedience. Whenever Laufey threatened to kill him that damned boy always came up with some reason why he shouldn't as he had grown to be quick witted and wise. He harbored no love for the child but he valued intelligence and despite his sarcastic mannerisms he could be quite helpful when it really counted. That said, there were still days when he wished a swift death for the boy if only to be rid of him all the sooner.

With the Asgardians drawing ever nearer Laufey had no time to waste on Loki's trickery so he locked him in the dark room where the boy usually slept, intending to keep him there until the war was won. If he was lucky he'd forget about him and he'd rot away before he remembered. This was a grave mistake.

Three months passed and in that time the Asgardians made their way to the palace steps. They had Thor on the front lines and had made forward progress faster than they ever had before. The clank of armor bellowed through the halls as the soldiers approached Laufey's throne, fighting off Jotun guards as they got closer. Thor lead them to the throne room for what better way was there to end a war than by taking down the king of a realm? When they finally reached the throne, however, they did not find what they had been expecting. The line of guards that might've stopped them were already dead and, just before the throne, stood a young Jotun man, small for a giant. Thor's eyebrows raised in slight surprise. "Loki?" He gasped.

        Loki did not reply. He was occupied, yelling at the giant who laid on the floor. He stood atop his back and pulled on the chains that wrapped around the great king's neck. Three months alone in a box with no light had driven him to kill but there was one thing he needed to hear before he let his father die. "Who am I?" He hissed. He heard the giant beneath him grumble.

        "Loki, a worthless servant boy" gasped the king.

        Loki pulled harder. "Who am I ?!" He insisted cruelly. He heard one of the Asgardians move to stop him but he sent a knife flying in the air, sheathing itself in his neck. "You're interrupting!" He snarled before turning back to the giant beneath him. "For the last time who am I?" His words cut deep as the chains threatened to break Laufey's skin.

        The giant squirmed and sighed out "Loki Laufeyson, prince of Jotunheim. My son."

        Thor who watched in shock gasped at this. "Laufeyson" he murmured. Loki... was a prince?

           Loki chuckled, a grotesque sound that rattled his bones. "Thats right" he said, a sickly smile spreading across his lips. "and I shall be the one to drive the knife through your back!" He hollered, stabbing the great king once with as much force as he could muster then again and again and again. He made to continue long after his father was dead but he felt someone pull him by his hair and slam him against the nearest wall. The Asgardians had snuck closer while he was occupied and had succeeded in catching him off guard.

        Thor watched as his fellow soldiers pinned his childhood friend to the wall, the small giant's body fighting against the many grips that held him. It was no use. Had they tried to take him down by brute force while his attention was on them the young Jotun might've stood a chance but now too many hands held him still, leaving no opportunity for escape.

        "Shall we kill him?" One of the Asgardians snickered.

        "No" said Thor before any of the soldiers could speak their minds. "He may be useful to us" he said without compassion. "If he proves to be more trouble than he's worth we'll kill him" he added. "For now, however, we shall take him prisoner." He concluded. Behind the soldiers he could see Loki's body writhing in protest. His back was free of clothing as Jotun attire was quite revealing and he could see the details of his blue skin, smoothness interrupted by both markings and a series of scars which looked to be the cause of vicious lashings. Yet beneath it all were muscles, strong and powerful, his shoulder blades accentuated elegantly by his struggle.

        Loki caught a glimpse of the prince he once knew and scoffed. He felt his eyes on him, taking in the details of his wretched body. "Like what you see?" He mocked but his smug attitude was promptly extinguished by his face once again being thrown into the wall. He growled, baring his teeth like an animal as he felt chains clasp around his wrists. It was a feeling not particularly foreign to him but he hated it nonetheless.

        The Asgardian prince called upon Heimdall to bring them back to Asgard and, in a flash of delicate light, they were delivered safely, the young Jotun man secure in the grasp of the many soldiers and pinned beneath Thor's watchful gaze.

Jotun PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now