In the plane

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"Hey Angela, how are you? Drake asks. "I'm good thanks, uhmm this is my sister Sálana and you have met my mom so there is no point." I say smiling. "Hi Sálana nice meeting you. So Angela the label wants to have a meeting with you and discuss your manager and so on and I heard its your birthday tomorrow, what you tryna do after the meeting?" "Okay thanks for letting me know and yes it is but tbh I do not wanna do anything." I say as I shrug. "You sure, I mean we can even celebrate that you have been signed in the label. Come on, you have too!" I sigh and look down at my hands feeling a little uneasy as to where this conversation was going to end. "Angela, Drake does have a point. I mean your fuckin' 18 amd you tripping about your past, Angela I know your in pain about the whole cheating situation, there is more out there. Enjoy yourself, have fun and find peace in your heart. Maybe God is giving you another chance to finding the one, everything happens for a reason. I mean look at it like this, if u had the twins and u were married to that son of a bitch nun' of this would be happening. Please be happy and live your life." Tears fall down my face knowing that I've been put through so much and I'm allowing it to eat me up. I mean I'm young I should be enjoying my life, but no I want to rush my growth and be a mother at such a young age. My mom interrupts my thought and asks if I'm okay or is the topic too sensitive since she sees the tears down my face. I assure her that I'm okay I just need a little rest. I stand up and go to one of the "rooms" in the private plane and rest.

Hello guys hope your well. I will be posting 4 chapters. Please vote, comment and share!

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