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"Ughhh mom please can I go?!" "No Angela your only 18 do you want to get hurt?" "Mom I'm not, mom I'm 18 and I've been living like I'm 30, mom please understand ever since the miscarriage I have not been myself and me meeting Drake is a biggg deal, I'm going to be hella famous mom, Sálana tell mom its going to be good if I go, I mean you can come-, my sister cuts me off. "Uhmm I must go with you because? Like yeah its big and all, but I'm not ready to show the world my talent, how about you go with mom, she will guide you as she does actually stay in America?" "No mom-. Ohh my goshhh can a girl not finish her sentence before y'all speak, I think to myself. "That will a good idea, I mean I will know all your activities and what you up to, in fact Sálana your going to-, "But mom I-." "There are no buts, Angela I'm going to call Drake and inform him he must have space for two extras." "Great Sálana now I have to deal with mom's ass and your ass." I rolled my eyes. "Uhmm if you didn't know, I also don't want to go, but I'm going anyways and maybe I can get mom off of your tail actually I shouldn't help you, you blaming me as if I want her to come." She rolls her eyes at me. "KIDS PACK YOUR BAGS WE LEAVING IN 2 HOURS!" My mom shouts from downstairs.

Hey y'all its Angela here. This is my first book and I'm sorry if the first chapter is boring, I'm going to try harder or better. I hope y'all enjoyed though.
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Love u lots. Angie

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