Catching up 3

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After our session of catching up, Teyana and Sálana were helping Rel and I too clean up, the boys were outside smoking, that shit ain't good for Angela. "Qua, you taking care of my sister? All of us here know what she been through." Sálana asked. "I guess, but ain't she tell you wassup?" I asked a bit confused. "She did, but it's more than you think it is." Teyana said. And Rel and I gave each other a look. "What you mean?" Rel asked, guess nigga read ma mind. "Let's just say, y'all shit ain't gon' last the way it is." Teyana said. "What you mean? Speak English." I said getting annoyed. "What she mean is shit now deep. Told her ass not to fall in deep, but she sensitive, Ion blame her." Sálana said. "We figured that part out already. Y'all late." Rel scoffed and I nodded in agreement. "Angela, never said shit?" I ask and they shook their heads. "The third day she cried bout loving me and shit, we argued and all. She spoke to ur mom and Take." I said. "Well she ain't tell us, but it don't matter no more, she told us the most important, soo. Yeah Ion care." T said. We spoke a bit more. Later I went upstairs to my room, and water was running. Angela I thought. We've gotten closer and I couldn't be happier. I walked in stripped naked and got in. "Hey." I spoke softly, she looked so peaceful. "Hey, they gon'?" She asked. "Nah, they still here." I said. She came and she hugged me, she's always hugging me, she enjoys being under me. "You got thicker Ma." I said with my voice raspy. She smiled, "Yeah I know. I guess I'm eating a lot." She said softly looking into my eyes. I nodded and kissed her forehead. "You so calm, I've never seen you pop somebody's ass, you too innocent." I said smiling. "Boy bye! I was a problem child. I use to be involved in fights a lot." She said laughing while washing her body. "You lie! You too innocent, I think I should sit down with yo mama and find out." I said laughing. "Suit yourself. But really I was involved in fights, oh and I got caught kissing a guy at school, and I thought I was gon' get into shit, but they just spoke to us, that shit woooo!" She said laughing. This girl is beautiful. And her dimples!!! Yeah. "Nah, how you gon' kiss at school yet you know you might get caught?" I said. "We always use to kiss there, but then this one time when we kissed, we gave each other hickeys, then yeah got caught and shit." She said rinsing off the soap. "Damn, you were problematic. But where, yo Nigga at?" I asked as we got out. "Right in front of me." She said jokingly and I smirked. "Where he at?" I asked again. "He famous, he plays football. I'm happy for him." She smiled. "You should also be happy foe yourself, look where you at." I said smiling. "She smiled back. "I'm happy, but still got dark secrets, I would never tell." She said. "They killing you?" I asked playfully. She rolled her eyes and put her middle finger up at me getting outta the bathroom into my room. I nodded and I got dressed. She hopped in bed. I jumped on her. "What I say bout rolling yoe eyes at me, them hoes gon' get stuck." I said. "Nigga get off me." She said. 8 got off her and I pulled her on me. I started getting hard cause she was grinding. She horny too! "You gon' start sum' you can't finish." I said with my voice getting raspy. She started kissing on my neck and leaving hickeys, she was only wearing panties and my shirt. I slipped my finger in her panties and started rubbing her clit.  She was wet! "You wet ma." I said and her breathing increased. I flipped us and started kissing her passionately while fingering her with three fingers. "Mhhhh." She moaned into the kiss. I took of the top and ripped her panties and starting eating her. She was sweet. "Mmh, Quaaaa." She moaned as she curled her toes and gripped my dreads. I flicked my tongue across her clit.
After a hot two hours of sex, I went downstairs and ate. I'm pregnant and only my besties know. Ugh! And my life can't get any worse, the awards are in a week! I can't! I mean my designer knows I'm pregnant too, but I can't do this! How long I gotta hold on. I'm literally 4 months and my stomach be looking like Imma bout to pop! My baby starts to kick and I rub my stomach softly. Tomorrow I have an appointment, I can know the gender and when I could give birth. I contacted my mother.
Me: hey ma.
Ma: hey baby. How you doing?
Me: I'm still breathing. U?
Ma: I'm good. Wassup?
Me: nun'. Before we continue I want you to come to a doctor's appointment with me and the girls tomorrow. If you don't mind?
Ma: why what's wrong? Why you gotta go to the doctor?
Me: ma please don't ask any questions. I just want you there. Please.
Ma: young lady, you know I ain't gon' stop til you tell me. Why you got aids from Qua??
Me: *laughs sadly* nah ma.
Ma: why you so sad? Baby tell me.
Me: ma................. I'm........ I- I- I'm pregnant. *starts tearing up*
Ma: baby........why are you crying? I feel like there is more to this.
Me: Ma, Qua doesn't know. It was not meant to happen. He still with Kendra.
Ma: what I tell you? And why haven't you told Qua. What you waiting for?
Me: Ma, please this ain't the time for throwing this in my face. And I can't tell Qua. I'm scared, he ain't ready, Ion even know if we ready for such. Ma, I didn't want this. I just........
Ma: you just what? Honey, listen. I may not be the best at giving advice cause at the moment your about to go do psychology. Don't wait until it's too late. And I know this might not be what you wanted to come down to, but you gotta ask him to choose. Family? Or Kendra?
Me: this is all my fault. I shouldn't ha-.
Ma: hey this ain't your fault. His pull out game weak. And you damn kids don't know what a condom is! Don't think about aborting or whatsoever that will kill that child growing in you. It's a blessing, some woman can't get babies, they would kill to be pregnant and hey, this is something that you can get over. Personally I say tell Quavious and see from there.
Me: I hear you ma. Thank you. I gotta go sleep I'm hella tired. Night mom.
Ma: night baby. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. Time?
Me: at 1pm and I love you too. Bye.
Ma: bye. *hangs up*
After speaking to my mother I felt relieved. I guess my momma finna support me no matter what. I walked back upstairs and held my stomach and said a little prayer. I cuddled with Qua and slept.
Damn!!!  Angela preggy!!!!!! Eyy! Be woke for the next chapter! :-)

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