Chapter 1

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"Shhhh, come on! Follow me!" I whispered and giggled as I pulled Izuku by the hand. The garden bushes obscured us from view as they towered over us. "But what if we get in trouble?..." He sounded uncertain as we crawled under a rose bush. "It will be fine, I promise." I smiled brightly we continued around the garden.

"Where are they?" A tall guard asked to his colleague as he stood unsuspectingly in front of the children in question. "I don't know but I think the King will actually kill us if he finds out we lost his daughter again." The first guard sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I like having my head attached to my shoulders..." 

I looked over at Izuku and held a finger over my lips, signaling him to stay quiet as I moved. We both made our way to through the rest of the roses and into the other path. "There they are!" Both the guards called out as they spotted us. "Run!" I yelled and tightly held on to Izuku's hand as we ran through the garden.

*10 years later*

"Princess, please wake up, it is getting late..." Izuku said softly as he shuffled around the room and opened the curtains, letting the natural light fill the room. I shut my eyes a little tighter as the sudden light difference was uncomfortable.

I opened one eye and looked at him. His uniform was crisp and neat, complete opposite to the forest green curls running wild on his head. He was pouring a cup of tea from the cart he had brought in. "Good morning, Princess." He smiled at me. I lightly frowned at him. "I told you to stop calling me 'princess.' It is too formal considering how long we have been friends." He scratched the back of his neck as his cheeks dusted with a faint pink. "Sorry." I smiled and took the tea cup from him.

After I finished the cup, I swung my legs over the side of the large bed. Cold ran through my body as my feet hit the chilly stone floor. I padded over to the vanity and took a seat in front of the intricate mirror. Izuku had followed suit and stood behind me, taking the brush from the table and combing my hair. I slightly smiled as he gently brushed the tangles out of my hair and pulled it into a braid.

"Aw, you too are so cute together." We both turned at the voice coming from the door. The head maid, and Izuku's mom, Inko was at the door smiling. Izuku's face lit up bright red as I laughed lightheartedly . "Now, I came in here to help the Princess dress for today, so out you go, Izuku." She smiled at the curly headed boy an waved him out. He bowed a me and walked out of the room, closing the door on his way out.


After Inko left the room, I heard three small knocks. "May I come back in?" Izuku's voice was muffled by the thick door. "Yes." I said as I gathered my books for today's lesson with Aizawa, the tutor my father hired for me. "Are you ready for your lessons?" Izuku questioned. I thought for a minute and put my books down.

"I am actually going to skip." I turned to him and smiled. He looked surprised. "Wasn't Aizawa mad the last time because you were late? Maybe you should just go." He said. "It will be fine." I assured him as I walked by, he turned to follow suit.

We wandered around while I thought of something to occupy the time. We ended up in the garden. The heat of late spring lingered as I sat on the old wooden swing near the back wall. I smiled at Izuku who was leaned against the base of the tree with his nose in a book.


"Princess, I know you are out here." The sound of Inko traveled over the rose bushes. Before either Izuku or I could move, she had rounded the corner. She smiled sweetly as she bowed at me. "I am not here to chastize you for skipping your lessons, though Aizawa isn't happy about it." She let out a small chuckle. "Your Father has requested you come to the main hall."

Something about her statement planted a pit of unsettlement in my stomach as I moved from my spot on the swing. "Do you know what it is about?" I looked at her. She just shook her head. I sighed and reluctantly made my way to the main hall, Izuku by my side.

Prince Charming (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now