Chapter 4

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After a quick change into more common dress, we made our way out to the carriage waiting for us. "Did we really have to change?" Izuku asked as he closed the carriage door and sat across from me. I looked at him and smiled. "When I am dressed like this its like I am a normal girl, not a princess." He nodded like he understood. "So it is like when a kid dresses up and pretends to be a princess... Only the opposite." I nodded. "Exactly."

My eyes were glued to the passing scenery as the carriage pulled along the path. I tried to absorb every detail I could as we passed. I couldn't help but smile. It felt surreal that I was even being allowed to go out at all. I felt ordinary; I loved it.

Excitement exploded in my chest we came to a stop and the coachman came around to open the door. Izuku got out of the carriage first and turned, holding his hand out to help me step down. I smiled and took his hand. The coachman looked at us. "I have been instructed to pick you up in 4 hours, please be back here by then." He bowed and got back on his spot before riding off.

I couldn't stop smiling as I looked around, there were so many people and shops, it was almost overwhelming. "Shall we go, (F/n)?" I could feel my face instantly heat up. "A-ah are you okay?! Your face is red! Do you have a fe-" I cut his panic short with a small laugh. "It's just that you called me by my first name with out me telling you too. I liked it." I smiled at him and took his hand, walking towards a shop with dresses in the window. "Let's go in here."


Izuku stood outside the changing area, waiting for me to come out in another dress. I had already gone through quite a few, deciding they weren't quite right. "Ready to try on the last one, miss?" The dressing assistant asked as she held up the last dress in the pile. I nodded and tried to think positively.

"(F/n)? Are you okay in there? It's been a while since you came out..." He called out from the other side of the curtain. He quickly stepped back when I pulled back the curtain and stepped out. "What do you think?" I smiled brightly and and spun around in it.

His cheeks turned a light shade of red as he nodded. "L-Looks good." I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. It was a full length ball gown with a fitted top and shear sleeves that came off the shoulder. It had flower details along the tops of the sleeves and middle of the bodice that complimented the (F/c) of the dress.

 It had flower details along the tops of the sleeves and middle of the bodice that complimented the (F/c) of the dress

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After admiring the dress for a little longer, I was helped back into my normal clothes and we went to the front. Izuku went a head outside as I stayed back to pay for the gown. The clerk smiled at me as she carefully bagged the dress. "You are very lucky to have yourself a boyfriend like that. He looks at you with so much love and care, it almost makes me jealous." She said with a light laugh. My face turned bright red as I couldn't think of anything to say. "T-Thanks... I guess I really am lucky..." The clerk just laughed again. "Have a good day, ma'am."

"Here, let me carry your bag." Izuku said as he gently took the bag from my hands. I couldn't get the lady's words out of my head. "Are you okay? You are really quiet." Izuku asked, concern was in his eyes and voice. I nodded quickly. "Sorry, I was thinking about something. I am fine." I smiled.


A baker standing outside his shop yelled and was pointing at a boy running from his shop with a bag full of what I could assume were baked goods. "Izuku go stop him!" I said and took the bag back from him and he took off sprinting after the hooded culprit without a second thought.

I knew very well that I couldn't catch up with the both of them, so instead I went up to the fuming baker. "Excuse me, sir, if you don't mind, what exactly happened?" He took off his hat and ran his hand threw his hair with an exasperated sigh. "That street rat stole 4 loaves of bread." His voice was irritated. "Here, this should be enough for the breads and the troubles caused." I said as I gave him the rest of what I had left over from buying my dress. His eyes widened and demeanor softened. "I can't possibly take this from you, it is too much and this had nothing to do with you."

"As the princess of this kingdom, it is my job to take care of the residence here. Please take my offer." I said and slightly bowed. Before he could reject, I turned and quickly headed off in the direction that Izuku ran off in.


"I said let go of me!"

The sound of a struggle caught my attention and I followed it. As I rounded the corner of an alley way, I saw Izuku sitting on the back of the hooded boy with an arm pinned between his shoulder blades.

I sat on my knees in front of the boy and pulled the hood off his head revealing his ash blonde hair and sharp features. His ruby eyes glared up at me. "What the hell do you want?" His voice was strained. "Tell me why you stole from that man." I said sternly. "To eat. I haven't had food in days." I sighed. "Izuku, let him up." They both seemed surprised. "What?" The green headed boy questioned. "You heard me, let him up."

I looked at the blonde as he dusted himself off. "I am going to give you two options; 1: You can apologize to the baker for what you did and come work for me or 2: I will turn you in for theft." I knew he wasn't bad at heart, maybe just a little rough around the edges. "Like hell I am going to apologize." He growled. "Izuku, go find a guard."


"I'm sorry for stealing bread from you." The blond said flatly as he bowed in front of the older man, who gave him a firm slap to the back of his head. "I don't want to see you around here unless you plan on buying something, you got that?"

With that, the three of us headed back to the carriage waiting for us. once we were spotted by the coachman, he immediately started to reprimand us. "Where have you been? You are over an hour late? And who is this boy?" He motioned to the extra one with us. "I am Bakugou Katsuki." The coachman raised and eyebrow at him and then looked to me for an explanation. "Due to his circumstances and my decision, I offered him a job at the castle."

"Castle?" Bakugou questioned. Izuku nodded as he climbed in and shut the carriage door. "She is Princess (L/n) (F/n)." I smiled and held my hand out for Bakugou to shake it. "Nice to meet your acquantaince, Bakugou."


Quick AN: Sorry if you don't like the dress pictured above (obviously not mine lol), I thought it was cute but I have been told I have weird/ bad taste lol

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