Chapter 8

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He looked surprised by my request. "You want to what?" He asked, most likely to assure he heard me right. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I took a deep breath.

"I said let's run away together... I want to be with you... Don't you feel the same way?" I felt vulnerable as I waited for his reply. After what felt like a century, he nodded. "Of course I do... But what about your position as princess? Where will we go? What about your parents?" He rambled on, bringing up solid points. Points that didn't register in my mind as I was too focused on the fact he said he wanted to be with me.

"Please, steal me away from here..." I looked at him with pleading eyes.
I looked around nervously as he held my head and lead me towards the servants quarters. I held tightly onto the bag of my belongings in my other hand. "I just need to grab a few things and then we can go." He smiled lightly at me. It lit a warmness inside me, filled me with comfort and joy.

I stood by the door and looked around the small room, I had never been to this area of the castle. The stone flooring and walls were cold and had a lonely feel, it was nothing like my room. The cot was neatly made and tucked in the corner and the only other furniture was the wooden wardrobe.

I watched as Izuku pulled clothes from it, setting them into a bag, along with a pair of shoes and his wallet. "Are you sure about this?" Izuku asked. He sounded hesitant, and so was I. This castle was all I have know, spare the few outings I have been on. I nodded and he took my hand in his again as we silently made our way out the back entrance.
"Here we go..." Izuku said as he finished saddling up a horse and fixing our bags onto it. He put his hands on my waist as he helped me up before mounting himself. I wrapped my arms around him and looked back at the castle one last time. "Thank you for being my Prince Charming, Izuku..." I smiled as I laid my head on his back as we started our journey into the night. Our journey to a new life.
*4 years later*

I slipped out of bed silently, looking outside at the still darkened sky. 'Looks like I have a while...' I thought to myself as I went along with the plan I have thought out for the past few weeks. I closed the door, hoping the slight creak of the old flooring wouldn't wake Izuku.

I went through the cabinets, pulling out what I needed to make Izuku's birthday breakfast. I smiled to myself as I thought about all the times he had cooked for me, it was only right I tried to return the favor.
I stared at the mess I made in defeat. The room was hazy with the smoke that had started to diffuse through the cottage. I didn't even know where to begin to fix it, let alone clean up.  'I should have known this was a bad idea... Why did I think I could cook something...'

I opened the window to try and air out the smell and smoky clouds that lingered at the ceiling. It wasn't long before I heard quick foot steps and Izuku's panicked voice. "What's burning?! Is everything okay?!" He looked around, scanning the mess I had made and chuckled.

I couldn't help busy laugh as well, but at his disheveled state. His unruly curls stood in all directions and he was clad in an undershirt and boxers. "I'm sorry to wake you... I tried to make breakfast for you but it didn't go very well..." I felt embarrassed. Izuku always made cooking look so easy, yet I managed to mess it up this bad.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble, (F/n). But I really do appreciate it." I smiled and leaned into him as he hugged me from behind. "You do so much for me, I just wanted to say thank you..." I said as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. He started to say something else, but I leaned in to press my lips to his. He happily kissed back, moving his lips against mine.

Every kiss felt like a wave of electricity through my veins and made my stomach do flips. I could never get tired of kissing him.

I pulled away and tried to catch my breath that he had stolen away. He pressed his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. We stayed like this, just enjoying each other's presence. I couldn't imagine my life without him, and I didn't want to.

"Hey Izuku..."

"Hmm?" He hummed, not opening his eyes but letting me know he was still listening.

"I love you."

Well y'all, it's been good. And by good I mean this book is a train wreck. Plot? Don't know her. Time frame? Lmao what is that?

Any who, I hope you enjoy the sappy ending because I love feel good, happy times :)

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