Chapter 3

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(Third person)

"Sir Sorry for bothering you but this is important!" The guard knocked hastily on the large door to the King's chamber. He could hear shuffling on the other side before it opened. The king stood tall over panicked guard. "What do you need?" The guard fidgeted slightly under the King's strong gaze. "T-There was an unidentified person seen climbing into the princess' room, s-sir!" The new took the King by surprise. "Get out of my way, boy." He said calmly as he pushed the young guard aside and headed towards his daughters room.


"Izuku! What the hell are you doing?!" The other guard whisper yelled at him. The green haired boy's eyes shot open. "It's not as it looks! She asked me to lay with her for a moment! I must have fallen asleep..." He mumbled the last part. Fast foot steps could be hear down the hall. "The King is on his wa- Izuku? What are you doing in here?" The first guard questioned. "Never mind that! Izuku you better make yourself scarce as we distract the King." Both the guards exited and closed the door behind them, leaving a panicking Izuku.

'I need to hide... I can't go back out the window...Think!' He mumbled to himself as he paced quietly looking or spot.


"I order you to get out of my way." The king said to the other guard in front of the door. "W-Well you see...we were wrong! Haha There is nobody in there! Sorry to bother you but you can go back to your chamber..." He said to the King. "I will have both of your heads if you don't get out of my way this instant." Even though they knew it was an empty threat, they still moved away from the door.

Both of the guards were holding their breath and saying a silent prayer as he opened the door and went in. He looked at his daughter who was still sleeping peacefully. He walked and checked the wardrobe and attached bathroom. All were empty.

From the door, one of the guards spotted something by the bed.

A pair of shoes.

He made haste over and stood by them, nudging them under the bed. "What are you doing?" The King questioned. "Oh, me? Nothing at all..." He forced a laugh. Satisfied with his search, the King started to walk to the door. "I should fire the both of you idiots for wasting my time..." He mumbled to himself as he walked by.

After the King was well out of ear shot, one of the guards looked to where Izuku was hiding. "You can come out now." Izuku slid himself out from under the bed. As he stood up and dusted himself off, the guard closest to him grabbed him by the collar and shook him gently. "What's wrong with you?! The three of us could have lost our jobs! Or our heads!" His whisper yell returned as he attempted to shake some sense into the younger boy. "I-I'm sorry!..." The green headed boy glanced over at the sleeping princess with a slight blush gracing his features. "S-She was upset about something and was asleep in the floor... I climbed through the window because I couldn't get the door open... But when I laid her down she asked me to lay with her... I didn't know how to say no..." Izuku was embarrassed by the encounter and upset he caused so much trouble to his friends.

"Look, it's fine. Just be more careful next time." He sighed and all three of the exited, leaving the princess' room so they wouldn't wake the heavy sleeper.


I stretched out and slowly opened my eyes. Even though I slept fine, I still felt mentally exhausted. My fate lingered over me like a storm cloud, ready to unleash a down pour. Of course I was being selfish, I know that, but it still doesn't keep me from not wanting to marry a stranger.

I thought bout Izuku laying with me the night before. I felt my face heat up and I hid it in my pillow and pulled the cover over my head. 'To think I asked him to lay with me!' I scolded myself. At the same time, I couldn't help think about how my heart skipped beats and how safe I felt. I sighed at all the feelings swirling through me.

A gentle knock at the door brought my attention back to reality. I poked my head out of the blankets, surprised at the absence of the green headed boy. a slightly frown tugged at the corners of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, Princes (F/n). The king requested I help you in the mornings and nights from now on." Inko said with a slight bow as she pushed in a cart with tea on it. I could tell he noticed my displease with the change in staff. "I know you are fond of my Izuku's company, but the King believes it is inappropriate for him to see you in your night wear at both of your ages..." I just looked into the cup of tea she handed me.

"Yes, I understand."

 It wasn't that I didn't like Inko, I saw her more as a mother than my own. It just wasn't the same. I had grown used to the gentleness of Izuku's presence when he would wake me and occasionally brush out my hair.


"Good morning, Princess." Izuku smiled brightly as I walked out of my room. I couldn't help but smile back. "Morning, Izuku." Inko laughed quietly to herself as she looked at the both of us. Before she walked off to do her duties, she looked at me. "I forgot to mention, your mother would like to see you in the dining hall. And don't worry, I don't think it is  bad this time." She said kindly and went on her way.

I couldn't help but wonder what she could want. I didn't have a lingering feeling of dread, like last time, but I was still worried about what she could want.

I poked my head into the large room and saw her sitting at the table sipping her drink. She looked over at me with a smile. "Come in." She motioned me over as Izuku stood awkwardly, not knowing if he was allowed. "Izuku, you too." She said with a slightly laugh. "So... what do you need?" I asked cautiously as I walked over.

"Take a seat first." I didn't really want to, but who was I to say no. She was my mom and the queen of this kingdom. We both sat stiffly in front of her.

"Now, we are holding a Ball here in a few weeks time. We are inviting many different neighboring kingdoms and acquaintances, so I would like you to find a suitable dress that will make a good impression on your potential suitors." She started out. " Typically, we would have one made for you, but I figured you would enjoy going out for once." I wasn't happy about the ball as it only made the idea of me being married off more real, but I was excited to get to go into town, as I was never allowed to do so. "Izuku, you are to accompany her into town and make sure nothing happens, okay?" He nodded at his orders.

"Be safe." She said as she dismissed us.

I smiled as we left the large hall, excited to get to go into town.

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