Chapter 5

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I knocked on the door to Father's study, Izuku an Bakugou in tow behind me. "are you sure it is okay to bother him while he is in there?" Izuku asked unsure. "I think it will be fine, I mean whats's the worst that can happen." I tried to be optimistic. "I can think of plenty things he could do to us." Bakugou added.

"Come in." His voice was muffled by the heavy door, but was audible, none the less. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. "What do you need, (F/n)?" He asked without looking up from the paper he was writing on. "I would like you to employ my friend here, Bakugou Katsuki, please consider it." I bowed, as did Bakugou.

"No." He said. I stood back up straight and crossed my arms. "Why not?" I asked in defiance. Father looked up at me and then over to Bakugou. "You know we don't hire anyone to work here. What makes him special that we should bend those rules. Is he even qualified or skilled enough to do anything here?" He brought up valid points. "Well... He knows his way around town really well... And he can run fast..." I mumbled, trying to think of something better to say. "He can also hit pretty hard." Izuku said, also thinking about his experience with Bakugou.

"How exactly did you meet my daughter and Midoriya?" The king questioned Bakugou, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "That's not important!" I said quickly. He gave me a look that told me to keep my mouth shut before looking back at the blonde.

"I stole some bread from a baker in town and your daughter had her friend chase me down." Bakugou said with a straight face. I looked at the floor, knowing what was about to ensue. "(F/n), you mean to tell me you have brought a thief in front of me and ask for him to be employed?" He didn't raise his voice, but it was coated in anger. "I can explain." I looked at him and hoped he would hear me out.

"Don't. Under no circumstance will I hire a criminal." He said harshly. "I mean no offense, sir, but I did what I did to feed myself. It is hard to find work and you do what you have to when you are starving." Bakugou said. Father just looked at him in silence, like he was thinking. He then looked at me, and back again at Bakugou.

"I can tell my daughter wants to help and she has seemed to have promised you something before knowing if she can keep that promise... I will help you out, only because I am feeling generous. You will train to be a guard and when needed you will go into town. One slip up and you are out of here." he said sternly. I smiled at his change of heart. I wasn't sure why he changed his min, but I definitely wasn't going to question it.

"Thank you, sir." Bakugou bowed. "You will start your training tomorrow morning. Now, all of you, get out so I can focus on work." He said, a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips as he tried to keep a stern facade.

He would never admit it, but the king saw his younger self in Bakugou.

We closed the study door behind us and Izuku let out a sigh and let his shoulders sag a little. "Ahh it was so tense in there..." I nodded in agreeance. "Well I guess we should show you around, Bakugou." I looked at him with a slight smile. "Yeah, whatever."

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